Alternative Winter Heating

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Headache said:
 I also wanted to have someone fashion a new door for me that had a window in it and possibly change how the pipe goes in it but I'll have to find me a welder that can/will do that sort of thing.  It's not "mine" without mods.

It may be easier to cut a hole in the side for the window. The sides are steel, (easier to cut than Cast Iron), and the door is cast iron. Between the raised letters of the casting and the air regulator vents the door would be a bit tricky to do. 

If you really want it, you can buy it, ship it to me, and I can forward it to you. Shipping from me to you will not be cheap. Being an individual and not a business, I pay full fare when it comes to UPS and Fed Ex. It weighs nearly 50 lbs. Why give up on a good evil plan, when you can make it devious as well?
DannyB1954 said:
It may be easier to cut a hole in the side for the window.

If you really want it, you can buy it, ship it to me, and I can forward it to you. Why give up on a good evil plan, when you can make it devious as well?

That's a good idea.  I'd just need to know what size glass:  I'll need an estimate of how much it would cost to make the modifications so I can make sure to set that aside to pay you.

As far as shipping and if you didn't mind, I could meet you somewhere as I'll be on my way down to Ehrenberg in Nov or at the latest the first week of December.  It would cost less to meet you there than to pay the shipping.

There is something else I may have you do if that's okay and why I'd like to meet with you.  I'd like to have some kind of plate made for my passenger side window that a stove pipe can be run through.  I don't have the convenience of a roll up window so I'm not sure how it could be fastened in place but I can get those window rain guards to prevent rain from coming through the top of it.  The reason I want to wait to have the plate made is because I may be driving something else down besides my van.

I don't have any access to sandblasting and burning a fire in the stove will help to cure it.  Sandblasting would remove the protective coatings and start rust.
I didn't realize that I volunteered to do anything more than forward one package.
I could suggest that you have it gold plated, but that doesn't mean I will do it.

I thought you had a metal worker near you. Let me think about if I need another project or how one would fasten a glass to the stove.
The glass and metal would expand and contract at different rates, so the connection would need to be flexible.
Oh geez Danny I'm really sorry I misread your post!  Paint me ashamed!  Wow, I'm really sorry but I'm afraid I may have mixed together 2 different conversations.

It's your turn now.  ;)  No I don't have a metal worker near me.  I do have a neighbor with a cutting wheel but no welding skills to speak of.  I trust his metal cutting and drilling abilities to help me get the ammo cans done but for obvious shipping reasons he can't do the stove.

I'll wait to I get to AZ and have it shipped there because I don't need it until after I get there. 

I pretty much know what needs to be done I just don't have the tools or skills to get it done including mounting the glass to it and allowing for flexibility.  Unless you tighten it down so much it's hard to turn the nuts making it snug is usually good enough because it being pressed against something flexible like the webbed door insulation will allow it to contract and expand.
I'm so in love with this little bit of hillbilly engineering! I'd want something fabricated so I could remove it easily and set the window back in when I wanted to drive but I love this idea!

Sorry it's a video. Quick description: a guy built something similar to a window box out of metal and wood and replaced a rear van window with it. It sticks outside the van. He has an ammo can wood stove set inside the box with the exhaust pipe going out the top.