not too many seasons ago..aunt meg drove fire trucks and worked trauma calls at 2 am on the side of the road after some doofas decided to get that last dui..<div><br></div><div>honey is a very good healing agent for burns. soothes and cools. bacteria can't grow in pure sugar. don't pop blisters this is dead and dying skins cells under and protects new skin. just like what was already said. leave area open, don't cover. expose to gentle sunlight and air. remember the rule of 9's and as said, baking soda and fire extinguisher. </div><div><br></div><div>when i was on my little camp trip, since i had a small burn ring, i put some TP rolled up with heet and then used alcohol when ran out, right in burn pit. i do have all the required camp gear but hadn't planned on it. made do with what i could get from good will and dollar general. sorry just rambling..hope its going better and hugs..</div>