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Well-known member
Mar 10, 2011
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The subject of dealing with drunk drivers is pretty seriously on my mind now days. Just this last week, the second fatal alcohol related accident of the summer within about 3 miles of our driveway. Both times, the person drinking was not the person who died, somehow, that person in both cases survived with only minor injuries.<div><br></div><div>So what all can we do? I report (call in) anyone I suspect of driving under the influence. I usually avoid driving around the bar closing hours. If we are parking no the street, we make sure not to be the first vehicle parallel parked in a line. (a drunk totaled one of my cars parked that way a few years back). I will be voting for any tougher laws concerning DUIs that I see on ballot as well.&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>Any other methods you can think of? &nbsp;</div>
VanTramp said:
If we are parking no the street, we make sure not to be the first vehicle parallel parked in a line.
</P>Good ideas Mike.&nbsp; Also, don't park at&nbsp;the top end of a "T" in the road.&nbsp;&nbsp;I know of a time where a drunk kept going straight, instead of making the turn.&nbsp; It was fatal for the vandweller.<br><br>Suanne&nbsp;<br>
Suanne said:
<br>Good ideas Mike.&nbsp; Also, don't park at&nbsp;the top end of a "T" in the road.&nbsp;&nbsp;I know of a time where a drunk kept going straight, instead of making the turn.&nbsp; It was fatal for the vandweller.<br><br>Suanne&nbsp;<br>
<br><br>I live close off an exit from an interstate in a rural area. When you come straight off the exit, at the end it has a small "Y" median (enough for even the smallest car to drive up on without problem) that has a stop sign dead center. People manage to come flying up the exit ramp and knock it down several times a year. And that sucker reflects headlights like it's lit up bright too! Yet they manage to knock it down. Mind you, the exit ramp is LONG and uphill. About 1/4 mile long probably.<br>
<p>Drunk drivers are bad, what about those texting drivers? Seen on the news today where a guy was texting and t-boned a Dad of 3, killed him. If i got it right, they were puttting him away for a couple years and was on apeal. I feel those drivers, drunk and texting that are involved in accidents are not given enough time. That Dad will not see his children grow. By the by, those type of thoughts, drunk driving ect, good way to get out of jury duty.</p>
<p style="margin: 0px;">The police around here really appreciate&nbsp;the tips.&nbsp; I'm sick of the drunks on the road&nbsp;- many without licenses - who are hitting and killing people.</p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">I worked in a convenience&nbsp;store for a number of years.&nbsp; Many times I refused to&nbsp;sell alcohol&nbsp;to drunks.&nbsp; If someone came into&nbsp;the store looped and it was obvious he/she was driving, I called it in.&nbsp; </p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">One night after the store closed,&nbsp;a mother of&nbsp;two&nbsp;pulled in.&nbsp; She was&nbsp;extremely drunk.&nbsp; She drove up on the sidewalk and nearly collided with our outdoor Pepsi machine.&nbsp; I called the police and&nbsp;followed her out into the country.&nbsp; The Johnson County sheriffs converged from both north&nbsp;and south and got her butt... She'd driven into a ditch with her kids... Check out the story.&nbsp; I love that picture, too....&nbsp; The police got "credit" for spotting her but that's okay.&nbsp; It's better than having my name in the paper!</p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;"><a href="" target=_blank></a></p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">Around here my advice is this:&nbsp; Do not drive on the roads near any college towns after 11 or so until 3 AM.&nbsp; There are scads of drunks, especially on the two lane county roads (the "back way").</p><p style="margin: 0px;"><br>V.T.</p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p>
I sometimes watch those Wild Police Videos. This lady had 18 DUI charges... EIGHTEEN! And she was still out on the road (probably illegally, I hope!)<br><br>And about that 17 year old texting. So he kills somebody, and only gets a jail? I thought when you killed somebody, you were supposed to go to PRISON for LIFE. And the article says "this serves as an example to others tempted to text behind the wheel."... yeah, great example of how you get a "hand slap" and sent on your way&nbsp; &gt;_&lt;<br><br>This is why I don't drive if I don't need to. I go grocery shopping twice a month, and take the shortest route to work (and thankfully work is only 10 miles away, and I don't work every day). More and more I want to get a work at home job!<br><br>