Agree or Disagree? Life is too short to be uncomfortable

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Well-known member
Dec 16, 2012
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San Jose, CA
Life is too short to be uncomfortable on a regular basis. Life is too short to live without A/C in the high heat and live without heating in the cold winter.
Life is too short to be positioning fans and spraying spray bottles in the summer, and Life is too short to watch the weather like a hawk so you know how many layers to wear in the winter.
Life is too short to be on the edge of heat stoke in the summer, life is too short to be on the edge of hypothermia in the winter.

Do you agree or disagree?
I agree, life is too short. May as well take it a bit farther and say life is too short to be where you need heat or A/C in the first place. I plan on joining many that do that with the ability to handle some heat and cold but not extremes. I don't want to be where I have to deal with the extremes because it cost a lot and you have to come out sometime. Then you are uncomfortable even if your rig isn't.

You do have to remember that many here grew up without A/C, central heat and the like. We worked in it day in and out, dealing with it was just something you did.
The argument you present is in the form that is known as a "false dichotomy." We don't have to choose between AC/comfortability and no AC/uncomfortably/fretting with spray bottles etc. Some of us are quite happy without AC.

I live off grid workout a generator and without AC. I go where I want to and I don't expect every day to be precisely conditioned, yet I'm comfortable. So to the founding premise of your question, I disagree.
I am perfectly happy without AC. you do what you got to do. if you are trying to control your environment, you end up living inside a box. to me that is uncomfortable. get out of the box and live. highdesertranger
i like it dry and cold so...
it's 36 outside and 65 inside,my fan it on and i'm walking around barefoot
Remember when they thought everyone should set their heat at 68 F and lower at night?
I watch people spend their lives pining after and buying things to make their lives more comfortable and their days more "livable". To make life bearable or easier in such a way I feel is like numbing yourself to everything around you. What does that say about one's life? It's in discomfort that you are able to experience yourself. I have my limits but regularly see how far I can push myself.

Overall I'd say life is too short to spend it just trying to cushion yourself against everything but if a certain level of discomfort stops you from doing something, maybe it's worth getting a better fitting pair of hiking boots.
Comfort is a relative term......If you want all the "comforts of home" as the saying goes, you need a home. To get that, it takes a good job, good education etc, etc. Some people need that, others do not. Its all a matter of priorities. One has to decide what they want out of life and go out and get it.....
debit.servus said:
Life is too short to be uncomfortable on a regular basis. Life is too short to live without A/C in the high heat and live without heating in the cold winter.
Life is too short to be positioning fans and spraying spray bottles in the summer, and Life is too short to watch the weather like a hawk so you know how many layers to wear in the winter.
Life is too short to be on the edge of heat stoke in the summer, life is too short to be on the edge of hypothermia in the winter.

Life is too short to think about this and type a response. Yet I did. What does it mean???
How will you know you are comfortable if you never experience uncomfortable?
Disagree.  Such a mindset has contributed to a growing population of people turning to drugs of all sorts - legal and illegal - to eliminate 'discomfort.'

Discomfort is healthy.  It is the stimulus for growth.  

For elaboration click the link below for a short 1-minute video.  

click here
To me weather is weather. I've never cared what it's like outside as it's something I have zero control over. The weather is what it is when I wake up every morning. I then adjust accordingly. I also find weather beautiful it all it's forms and appreciate a mild 70 degree day as much as torrential downpours to blizzards that dump two feet of snow.

I actually don't like air conditioning. You acclimate to heat and cold pretty well.
Heatstroke and hypothermia should be avoided, but that's an issue of health and well being, not simply "comfort".
IGBT said:
How will you know you are comfortable if you never experience uncomfortable?
I did a race across a southern state in July a couple of years ago, in the unsupported division. Slept on asphalt, in a laundromat, under a church porch. Everything has been "easy" since. No more complaints.
To be clear: Agree or Disagree? Life is to short to be uncomfortable Inside and while Not At Work.
Life is too short to spend my days working at a job so I can pay for air conditioning.
I agree and disagree not a big fan of air being conditioned. the equipment takes up room and energy sure i get hot and cold like everyone else, dress accordingly light color clothes wool sweaters shade sun 12 volt fans cold water towels, slow down in the summer speed up in the winter. How zit going Paul?
Love my AC in summer, love my heat in winter, but is it worth destroying my body to pay for? the older I get, the more damage doing manual labor on concrete does to my feet and knees, the less I think it's worth the trade off, especially with a job that gives me two days off, but not together, and is inflexible re schedule

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