geogentry, I appreciate your perseverance, tenacity, and the knowledge your are sharing. Tents aren't a solution for 99% here. I know some of the downsides but I'm drawn to them anyway. They are elegant solutions to affordable, mobile housing. But, I also like having a backup place to retreat to. That'll probably be inside my pickup camper top or the cab if the weather gets really wild.
I have a 10' x 10' dome tent with a fly that takes a lot of effort and time to set up, especially by myself. The long poles are a pain. Yes, you will get quicker and more efficient with practice and experience but it will always be a chore. I'm 72. We need the exercise. But, when it's put up, you have a fairly roomy place to live and move around in, it's versatile, and paid for. Less mass to move form location to another. Closer to nature. There's a certain pride in not needing a wheeled, several ton, mobile apartment to live in.
Canvas rots when it's packed wet, nylon degrades with UV. Canvas is really heavy but it doesn't need a fly. Fly's require a lot more stakes and lines but your dome tent is more streamlined and cheaper. Wall tents flap in the wind but have more vertical sides. It's a trade off. I'm glad you found your solution.