Active/Gigging Musicians?

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Jan 31, 2016
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Hello all, I am planning on hitting the road full-time in about a year and a half, maybe two years. I am a full-time musician in a band but I'm looking to switch over to a solo or duo while living in the van the rest of my life (happily ever after kinda thing haha). I was just curious if there are any other active or gigging musicians living and travelling? I have connections for bookings and experience and was hoping to find someone either already doing this or possibly someone that would be interested in getting something going? I love this site and thanks for your time and any help or direction you can provide.
I forgot to mention I did search this site and YouTube and can't seem to find anyone doing this.
I have never enjoyed booking gigs, but I do miss playing in a group very much! Since I've been in the van I haven't played a real gig ;(
Was playing bass my whole life and now transitioning into guitar/vox. On the positive side of it, I have met a lot of really great musicians on the road and have had some amazing impromptu jam sessions. To sum it up, I'd love to be gigging, but would rather not be booking gigs...
Maybe we will cross paths someday and have a little jam sesh;)

Peace brother.

If you make it to rtr on Jan there will be lots of musicans to talk to. I do background music on the guitar for commercials and cable programs.  I'm not aware of any that does gigs while on the road.

One musical duo I know of spends their summers in MN and their winters in AZ. They are not active on the forum however.

AFAIK they live out of their van all year round.

It's doable but like most artists of any media they've found that regular bookings on a circuit work better than random and always new locations. I noticed this year that they've expanded their bookings in AZ to the surrounding 75 miles radius so that they've upped their bookings considerably.

Searching out new bookings/shows is very tedious and consuming and not always profitable. No matter the media, most artists develop a following and it's that following that boosts the viability. I know I'll be going back to see them this winter as soon as I hit AZ.
I can play five or six chords, but I've been told that my singing scares cats. :)
Come on over to the musician area at rtr in January. You can jam and learn lots.
Glen Morrisette is a member. I don't know the last time he visited.

He blogged for years and then went to fb and or ig

Here's his Instagram

I looked for his blog. I thought he was going to leave it up. All I found was this
You need permission to access. I haven't communicated with him for a few years but he was always good at answering emails when he could. I hope you can get access to his blog. He's had an incredible journey.
Excellent ideas and direction y'all. Thank you so much. Maybe I can try to get out to RTR this year. Sounds like a great place to learn something! Thank You!
I knew some guys that did that. Some people are great at it and don't mind. I guess it's just not for me. Trying not to sound crass, I prefer a guaranteed gig with garaunteed pay.
I was a touring musician for ~30 years we just used booking agencies.
Give them your calendar and they fill it in ...
For about 5 years I played with a bluegrass/country/old rock cover band and loved it. I'm better at vocals than playing, so i enjoy that more. But i moved away from the area and i have really missed getting to make music with other folks. Most likely I'm not the person you want for a regular-gigs band. I'm just posting because i am so excited to learn there lots of musician nomads. I can hardly wait to meet ya'll.

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Is that anything like gigging frogs?   :p 

I haven't read all of the comments, but I am semi-active here and gig as much as I can while keeping a day job.
It's been my dream to do just what you're talking about.

Hopefully we'll meet sometime.

Trevor Marty
Sorry to dig up an old thread but I'd love to hear if you have an success with it. I'm a musician myself and want to hit the road soon. I'm hoping to teach trumpet online and play church gigs. If I can manage to get 4 students a week and a church gig every two weeks, that should be enough to cover my expenses and save a little.

If you needed more money you could always work camp.