a rockin stereo

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SternWake said:
My rear speakers, well they are from a boom box I bought in '91 or so.  I made some baltic birch housings for the speakers, just big enough to house the 2 speakers, about a 3.5 and  a 1.5 inch.. Thes speakers are on about 30 feet of cable and moveable so i can bring them over to the campfire and no have to blast out neighbors.

When i feel that need, I back up in the general direction of the campfire and open the front doors and Aim rear speakers backwards out the back doors, or relocate them wherever it sounds best inthat campsite.  I have a very long 3.5mm stereo miniplug that I can plug into my TV or Phone or laptop and when I notice my music is not tickling other's skull interiors, I tell them to hook up their phone and DJ if they want.

My system could have more bass,  but would likely consume 3x as much power for that.  For a max of about 9 amps, I am happy enough with my stereo's fidelity and volume.

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