I opened an account just for sh**s and giggles with a small deposit, linked to an account that I dump Kindle sales income from a few cookbooks I authored years ago that generate about $100 a year at best ($0.51 cents at a time), disposable "fun" money. Got my "free stock." Wouldn't ya know, it is a mining company, lol.IGBT said:Two things I have learned the hard way:
NEVER chase a penny stock as it drops
NEVER invest in a mining company
barleyguy said:My biggest investment over the last two years has been XLY, which is a "consumer spending ETF". It's 25% Amazon plus Home Depot, Starbucks, Target, and a few others. It's up 32% over the last 3 months, and about 10% average since I bought it. So doing really well there.
As far as general advice, my biggest priority is low expense ratios. I try to choose things that are zero point two percent or less. If you match the market but pay one percent in fees, you're doing one percent less than the market. I also will never ever pay AUM (Assets Under Management). That's just a way for a stock broker to steal an annual percentage of your money, and there's not strong evidence that they'll do better than self management.
My two cents.
This stock exploded yesterday afternoon with 44% gains, but looking to go much higher whenever the CEO decides to announce new news in a PR.ckelly78z said:Check out IBIO, it has help from IBM, will be getting government funding for Covid 19 vaccine production, and not from FDA approval. It's currently sitting at $2.25 a share and expected to go MUCH higher. They produced the vaccine for the swine flu in 2009, and again in 2014, and realized a highly elevated stock price of $55, and $32 respectively.
IGBT said:We are nowhere near the debt level needed for a crash.
Weimar republic, the debt to gdp was above 250%
The USA is something around 110%
So they can run the printers for awhile longer.
barleyguy said:People have been predicting a national debt inflation crash for 30 years. It hasn't happened yet. Granted, it will happen someday. But it could be this year, it could be next year, it could be another 30 years from now.