A informal summer gathering in Flagstaff

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There as a extra piece as one of the attending was on a fast. I sacrificed myself and took care of it.
Thanks for saving me from having to eat it !
I was hoping you would do that...........
StarEcho said:

From that website:

"Tickets for Winter Count 2018 will go on sale November 15, 2017.
To sign up for our email list to receive updates about Winter Count and Rabbitstick, click here.

  • Adult Early Registration
    Early has closed for 2017
  • Adult Registration
    Adult tickets have closed for 2017
    $435.00 "

-------Comparing to that Winter Count, I really appreciate what Bob Wells is doing for us.
Thanks so much for catching that, Cindi! Yes, and Maricopa is NE of Quartzsite.
I think everyone would agree that Bob's RTR offering is a great gift. As for other teachings, like everything that costs something, each individual has to decide if they can afford it and if it's worth it to them.

I want to learn these skills, so a week of camping on pristine land, the opportunity to meet and bond with others with similar interests, to be fed high quality meals while I'm there (incl in the price), and to learn these skills, it's worth it to me to save for this event. Way cheaper than flying to the Tracker School in NJ. I'm grateful it's near the RTR so I can combine two great events in a short period of time. To me, outdoor survival skills are a natural extension of the van dwelling life.

And it was Bob who brought this gathering to my attention.
That camp looks amazing!  So much to learn, I've read about brain tanning but it would be neat to see it done.
jimindenver said:
There are 10 of us here now and more in a meadow down the road. When the sun does shine the solar and solar ovens are just humming along. :)
Hi Jim,

I haven't been active in this forum the past few years but was one of the first dozen or so people who camped with Bob prior to him beginning the RTR.  It has become an event that is way to big for me anymore, so I pretty much fly solo.  I am in the Flagstaff area, but planning to head out to hike part of the Arizona Trail for a week or two.  I am wondering if I might be able to leave my van with one of the tribe, and get a ride to a Trailhead in the Flagstaff area.  Any thoughts?  folks can email me at [email protected] if they would like to help with Ground Support for my hike.  My original plan was to do a solo thru hike from MX to UT, but I have now decided to do "section" hiking instead.

Photo... my current camp east of Flagstaff.IMGA0677.JPG


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swankiewheels said:
Hi Jim,

...  so I pretty much fly solo.

 and get a ride to a Trailhead in the Flagstaff area.

help with Ground Support for my hike.

I'm likely to start doing more solo camping myself soon.  Right now, I'm in CO , have a few errands to do here before I leave.  But would be willing to help out , especially if you are willing to return the favor!   I'm in such poor shape at this time, I'll be doing short overnights for a while. 

It will be probably be around beginning of July before I get there.  

Hope I can help. 

Folks, this is just a friendly reminder that many of us have limited bandwidth so we ask that you carefully trim any quotes you include to the bare minimum. When you are reading on a phone, and you have to read the same post twice to get a new comment, it can be frustrating--especially if there are pictures!

Be kind and trim!! :)
Queen said:
That camp looks amazing!  So much to learn, I've read about brain tanning but it would be neat to see it done.

Hi Mickie,

Yes, indeedy, it does look amazing. I like the fact that you can return to the comfort of your vehicle to sleep at night. A lot of these outdoor skills schools skills do not permit that.

I've done brain tanning, created literally thousands of pieces of bead work, sometimes integrating fur and leather too. Once you run a beading needle thru soft brain tanned leather you'll never want to use commercial leather again.

Stay in touch, we'll see what materializes for RTR 18 and beyond. I called and got the scoop re Wintercount from one of the organizers, who lives a stone's throw from me.

Okay, the photos did it - I am on my way!

I’m in eastern Iowa right now and it will take me a few days to travel. 

I will follow the directions Bob posted for the 2015 gathering unless someone suggests otherwise.

Today would have been the end of the original summer RTR and I feel it is time to call the informal gathering a success. The numbers dwindled day by day, down to three, then two and yesterday the last left. Shadowmoss visited yesterday bearing gifts, two of the participants returned last night on their way through for a day. Band camp has moved a bit down the road and I will join them after taking a day or two of rest.

Thank you to all that came. It was my joy to meet and spend time with so many. I am also honored my invite was accepted for I know I am not nor wish to be Bob Wells. Still it felt like what I imagined the original RTR's must have been like. It was a blast touring rigs and discussing our lifestyle. I learned much.


I will be down in band camp by the time you get here. i will PM you the directions as soon as I know the exact location.

I hope someone can help. I am not sure that I will be here for that long. Possible one of us can start the process and another finish.
Jim, did you find the water hole and elk? Any photos if so?
jimindenver said:

I hope someone can help. I am not sure that I will be here for that long. Possible one of us can start the process and another finish.

There are two sections near Flagstaff that I want to hike.  One is 14 miles and the other is 15.5 miles.  I don't imagine I will be out more than 3 days on each one.  I hope to do these in the next couple of weeks, so if anyone is going to be in Flagstaff area til the end of June, please consider helping me.  Thank you.  I just need to leave my rig where it will be safe and get a ride to the trailhead, and then get picked up again at trailhead.  I can provide gas money or do some art work in exchange.

pnolans said:
It will be probably be around beginning of July before I get there. 

Hi Pat,

I would certainly be happy to exchange shuttles with you on hikes.  I plan to spend  most of the next six months hiking or preparing to hike the Arizona Trail.  I am 73 and not a hiker... but consider it "training on the trail".  The more I do the better shape I will be in.  My issue is limited funds for gearing up with lightweight gear.  My sleeping dates to 1977 and is far from light.  But I will use it for now, until I can replace it.  I am trying to get sponsors and donations from various companies and am working almost full-time on that.  It's a lot of work.  But I think I can survive and enjoy the short hikes in good weather... so I am going for it.

Be sure to stay in touch with me at [email protected], also on Facebook, and by blog as well.  PM me your contact information.
Dennis, I found the area band camp is in and it is more of a meadow. They have mentioned seeing elk. It is about a mile beyond the turn off to where I am now.

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