I might add that when I’m on the road, it’s far more probable that I’ll get a cell signal than a TV signal. So focusing on how to make my iPad function as a TV works much better than trying to get over-the-air TV signals. I was even able to watch TV while on the Arctic Ocean this summer. I started using my laptop and/or iPad as a TV when I bought a cabin in the mountains in Colorado. I had DSL connectivity, but no TV signal. I started hooking my iPad to my TV though an HDMI port and was able to get fairly current media. Also since I had streaming Serius-XM, I could get live radio streams through my iPad.
As far as I’m concerned, using the iPad over cellular connectivity is the way to go. There is very little that I can’t do on my iPad stuff that I used to do on my laptop - and it’s much easier to do and say current with software releases.