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    A Parked Toyota Camper Is a Great Way to Avoid Paying Rent in Manhattan

    I lived in that neighborhood in the 80s. "A lot more money in the area" hardly begins to cover it. One of the homeless guys who sold the contents of stolen suitcases--out of the suitcases themselves--on the sidewalk by Cooper Union became obsessed with me and regularly chased me home from the...
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    Lyme Disease

    The tick I found was in my scalp. It had survived at least one or two hot showers, shampoo, conditioner, combing, brushing, blowdrying, and curling with hot rollers. I absent-mindedly play with my hair when I'm working (which I was doing for 12-14 hours a day), and the damn thing was in a spot I...
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    Lyme Disease

    I'm lucky to have decent health insurance at the moment, so the cost hasn't been prohibitive, but I expect a very expensive test in my near future--and IV antibiotics if the results aren't good. Since the CDC recommendations are pretty wimpy, my insurance company is likely to balk.  My friend...
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    Lyme Disease

    I just read another member's blog post about his recent experience with Lyme disease and was moved to share my own. I'm about to finish up my second round of antibiotics and will check in with the doctor later this week. I took the first round and thought I was OK; it took too long to realize...
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    buying land to make a new truly free place

    Wow! Jason, that sounds just awful. Do you mind saying which state you're in? Best of luck with your vanning plans!
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    Man crushed to death under wind-blown camper in North Dakota

    Scary! Would a Casita be any safer with its rounded edges?
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    Many Kudos to the Moderation in this Forum.

    I agree wholeheartedly! I'm pretty new here and I'm very much enjoying the constructive nature of posts and replies. I know that doesn't just take care of itself on any forum.
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    Hello Everyone!

    You have a great name, too! ;} No camping for me. Changed to the damn desk. How's that kitchen coming along?
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    Things that don't Really Need to be refrigerated

    I grew up eating the chicken and duck eggs we collected at home so I was surprised when I learned that they are "supposed" to be refrigerated. Turns out commercial processors wash the naturally protective layer off of eggs. Of course, they had to find a way to screw up the simplest thing. It's a...
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    Best way to make coffee while boondocking?

    I'm a coffee snob and like it strong. I love Toddy cold brew but it's not a very portable system. For travel, I use a French press because you can make coffee with hot or cold water, the latter overnight. Be careful, though, cold brew can be addictive and you may find it hard to go back.
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    New Members - Full-timing in a Casita

    I don't full time in my 17' Casita Freedom Deluxe, and in fact, very sadly, I'm thinking of selling it. However, I can say that it is super easy to tow and great to "live" in, though three weeks is my record for camping. It keeps me warm in the cold, cool in the heat, and dry in torrential...
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    Still looking fro a rig

    Hi, Sunny! I'm new to the forum but have had my truck/camper combo for four years. I drive a 2014 Toyota Tacoma TRD Sport bought new because 1.) It was a special order that the dealer's good customer changed his mind about so the price was really good, and 2.) It was only a couple thousand more...
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    Hello Everyone!

    Hi! I'm Christine, a sticks-and-bricks living Casita owner who admires your nomadic style. Someday, maybe...
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    I have a Casita in which I believe no one has ever put poop in the tank. (I have the nose of blood hound and would know.) I happened upon a boondocking solution to poop in the tank when my bad knees required a lifted toilet seat. With its back legs removed, my bedside commode (goodwill gets a...