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  1. W

    Romance & RV Living

    Well put!<br /><br /> <br /><br />HOWEVER, while nobody has the right to judge you as a human being based on your lifestyle, they do have the right to judge you as a potential mate based on your lifestyle. There are many other factors that go into establishing a serious relationship other than...
  2. W

    First night!

    Hi Tara!<br /><br />Congrats on taking the plunge. I too am in a mini-van, and it is tight to say the least, but the stealth factor is good. Initially I did it out of necessity, but after just 3 months, I find myself not wanting to get an apartment or house (even though I could now).<br />BTW...
  3. W

    Hi, new girl

    Hi Wildmountainhoney!<br /><br />Welcome and good luck on your new decision to own a "mobile home".<br />Don't be down on your chances: you hear lots of negative stories, but I know with my late wife (she had MS), she had no problem.<br /><br />Keep us posted and keep in touch!<br /><br...
  4. W

    I'm not sure what to do now

    Ditto that. The funny thing is I like talking with people who have a&nbsp; mind. Needless to say, I'm pretty lonely LOL. Fortunately, I do math, which is a great thing for a person who also likes solitude. <br /><br /><br /> <br /><br />To get back to the question though, in my mind, I make a...
  5. W

    The Hunt is On!

    <table class="nested_invisible_table" width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tbody><tr><td style="color: #000000; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13px; background-color: #ffffff; border-width: 1px; border-color: #df8809; border-style: none...
  6. W

    The Hunt is On!

    That is soooo cool man. Thanks! Looks like something I would really enjoy!<br /><br /> <script type="text/javascript" src=";pid=1032&amp;zoneid=62862"></script>
  7. W

    The Hunt is On!

    Sorry the van didn't pan out: it looked nice! <br /><span style="color: #ff0000;">Pardon my ignorance, but what is the "RTR"?</span><br /><br /> <br /><br />TIA,<br />Wintersmith<br /><script type="text/javascript"...
  8. W

    Would I be INSANE to buy a dark blue van instead of a white van?

    FWIW, there was apparently a "MythBusters" episode on this topic:<br />(see<br />The synopsis they give is:<br />"SPINOFF: A black car heats up faster than an identical white car. (From <a href="">Pilot 2</a>)<div...
  9. W

    Steps to never become AQUALUNG!!!

    You would like to think that everybody kinda knows this stuff. I mean,&nbsp; don't envision anyone reading your post and saying, "Hey a shower. That's a brilliant idea! Why didn't I think of that"&nbsp; (But then again, you never know ;&gt<img src="/images/boards/smilies/wink.gif" border="0"...
  10. W

    my report on sleeping at walmart

    Yeah, that's pretty much what I thought. I have a feeling that if one was an urban van dweller who needed to stay in a local vicinity you could probably park there on a semi-regular basis with a mini-van or a similar vehicle that would not attract too much attention. I know WM has a policy that...
  11. W

    my report on sleeping at walmart

    Would be interesting to see what percentage of people park at Wal-Mart. Anecdotal evidence suggests it's high. I'm curious if people who park at Wal-Mart do it on a regular basis or just when they are traveling?&nbsp; I'm also curious if there are any other all night establishments that people...
  12. W

    An Anti-Stealth Idea for the Van

    Another relevant question is: How long have you been in this community? If you've been there 1+ yrs, you're probably not under suspicion. If you came there the day after the abductions, this could raise some doubts about you.<br /><br /><br />Slightly OT, one thing I like about your plan is that...
  13. W

    Things to figure out

    I dump in the garbage cans of my local park. No probs yet.<img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /><br /><br />GL,<br />Wintersmith
  14. W

    An Anti-Stealth Idea for the Van

    Hi Van Trekker,<br />Have you <em>personally</em> been hassled? I belong to the "not broke don't fix it" school, and try not to act in response to something that is not really my fight. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/wink.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /><br />GL,<br />Wintersmith
  15. W

    TV show?

    <br><br>But gosh, what if some real sleazy characters volunteer for the show and give us all a bad name?&nbsp; <img src="" align="absmiddle" border="0"><br>
  16. W

    Honda Fit question

    <br><br>Sounds like the car lives up to its name <img src="" align="absmiddle" border="0"><br>
  17. W

    Getting Drivers License w/o Home Address

    <br><br>Amen, brother. It's cold right NOW at night in Ohio, so I can just imagine what fun winter will be. <br><br>If I do move, it will really be b/c of the weather as I have a pretty good set-up where I am right now (the devil you know, type of deal, I guess).<br><br><br>
  18. W

    Getting Drivers License w/o Home Address

    Thanks for the reply. I guess what I need to check out is what constitutes "proof of address". I've seen some states where they say if you have a bank statement with your address on it that works. Trying to let a friend have you send your mail to their address temporarily is one solution, but if...
  19. W

    Getting Drivers License w/o Home Address

    Hi,<br> <br> I know this has probably been asked, but I couldn't find anything that directly addressed my question when I did a search.<br> <br> I currently hold an Ohio DL, but now I'm living in my van (yeah, I did it <img src=""...
  20. W

    Being Undetected

    Your point that privately owned property does not need to have a "no trespassing" sign posted is a good one. Tween's hypothesis however is "if you are legally parked", which I assume to mean he would not be in any of the situations you list. Parking on a street at night where there is no post...