TV show?

Van Living Forum

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Well-known member
Aug 28, 2011
Reaction score
I think this is the right place,feel free to move if its not. Its been a while since Ive been real active here because its a waiting game for me. I had the money for a van and 2&nbsp;emergencies&nbsp;happened. So I am lurking with some "talking" in the mean while. Im&nbsp;hoping&nbsp;to have a van ready in about 2 months. Or maybe less. Anyway Im still reading a lot of blogs preparing. one came up some minutes ago. Seemed interesting.<a href="" target="_blank"> T.V. Show</a>&nbsp; I seem to think this was discuss here before but if it wasn't here it is.
Wow that was fast I only got it about 30 minutes ago,
So anyone want there 5 minutes of fame? Somehow even if I did have my van now I wouldn't do it. I like my privacy and there goes stealth.
É£-wave said:
Why live 5 minutes of fame... when you could live your lifetime of adventure.<br>
<div><br></div><div><br></div><div>I love so true.</div>
<p style="margin: 0px;">Nope, I'd rather fly under the radar... </p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">It was bad enough when the local new station filmed our street (about some tire slashings) and the side doors of the van were open - I was sleeping inside!&nbsp;&nbsp; That's too close for comfort.</p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">A dear friend suggested that the van story would be cool on TV but I told him that most of us treasure our freedom and anonymity.</p>
VanTrekker said:
<p style="margin: 0px;">Nope, I'd rather fly under the radar... </p><br><p style="margin: 0px;">A dear friend suggested that the van story would be cool on TV but I told him that most of us treasure our freedom and anonymity.</p>
<br><br>But gosh, what if some real sleazy characters volunteer for the show and give us all a bad name?&nbsp; <img src="" align="absmiddle" border="0"><br>
Like I posted --

Ricekila said:
With out reading all the previous posts ----

I hope you-all realize this is more than likely some sort of "scam" - we had a few of these "Producers" at the Survivalist Forum -- Yea -- I'm gonna sent this person my name and address --

The doomsday prepper side show is a disgrace -- the people on the program --- are told what to say and how to act -- do any of you here think they "ALL" look like whack-jobs by accident ???

Even if the owner of this site posted -- "Why yes -- this producer is legit" --- I would mark my calender to watch the fiasco ---

P / S - I'm surprised the Mods didnt shut down this thread ----

And --

Ricekila said:
Here's a little sumpt-in sumpt-in for you-all --

The Survivalist Forum is free to join but I'll drop a link to the doomsday preppers sticky --- there's about 2,413 posts there ---- not one is positive -- I know - I read them all --

I used to be an optimist - I saw the glass half full -

Then I was a pessimist - I saw the glass half empty -

Now I'm a realist - I see the glass for what it is - half full of poison -