First night!

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Well-known member
Aug 8, 2012
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Sometimes lost, sometimes not.
<p>Just finished my first night in the Van. I have done a fair bit of camping (at least once a month growing up) and I've been dirt poor homeless before, and I've even camped out of my van a few times (rest areas, and the like, always in very legal camping spots).<br /><br />Last night was the first time with the intention of living out of my Van. I have a minivan currently, so I just parked in a residential street around the Bay Area.</p><p>Overall it went really well! definitely a few things to modify. Except I was SOOOOO nervous last night parking on that street not 30 feet from the front door of some random stranger. &nbsp;I wasn't even worried about the police, I've dealt with them, there is nothing you can do about them really, either they decide to interact with you or not. &nbsp;I kept worrying if I was bothering the neighbors! &nbsp;Of course I'm mute and deaf , and make very little noise as far as I know, all my hearing friends say I'm usually VERY quiet, so I'm not overly concerned about noise I guess, silly I know. &nbsp;Just worried my presence would bother them somehow, like my van taking up desperately needed room on the street (there was plenty of space, but I had to worry about it anyway. &nbsp;silly girl.<br /><br /><br />Anyways, first night(s) are always a little odd, when you have a big change. &nbsp;Works great as a little mobile bedroom on wheels! My situation for getting here isn't a good one, it's one I really really don't like, but the vandwelling part of it seems pretty good at least!<br /><br />Thank you everyone for encouragement, support, and help with all the amazing forums here.<br /><br />With Love,<br />Tara</p>
Im glad it went well. Change is always scary at first.<br />I don't like to stay in residential areas, but then my vehicle isn't very steathy.<br />It gets easier as you go along.<br />My only experience with the bay area is, I got caught in a residential area with my truck and trailer and was missing cars by inches. The streets are narrow there.
Congrats!&nbsp; I have done some street camping in my minivan last month or so, no one knows im even im there (dark tint and i usually drape something over the two front seats).&nbsp; Had the town guy who empties meters and trash walk right next to me, i thought he knocked on my van and it woke me, but it was just him banging the can around.&nbsp; I think thats a good enough test for me <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /><br /><br />The neighbors probably don't even notice you.&nbsp; If you can park between two houses and they will probably think you are with the other guy <img src="/images/boards/smilies/rofl.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />
Tara, first congrats on your successful night... Second is I would like to invite you to our merry band of 6 people in the CA. Sierras near beautiful Shaver Lake which is about 60 miles east of Fresno... We have three different separate camps about a 10 min. walk from each other, there are 3 ladies here and 3 guys... If you can financially support yourself and feel the need to be with friendly like minded fun people, you are more than welcome to come visit and stay as long as you like... <br /><br />Bob (this sites owner) Cheri and Trish are at one camp, James and Kindle at another and I camp by myself with my dog Zeke, Oh forgot there are 3 dogs also Zeke, Savannah, And of course Tony...<br /><br />Look at the cheaprvliving blog site and see what we are up to, Just had a big spaghetti feed the other day... Yummy... So if your free, feel free to come on up...
SoulRaven said:
Tara, first congrats on your successful night... Second is I would like to invite you to our merry band of 6 people in the CA. Sierras near beautiful Shaver Lake which is about 60 miles east of Fresno...
<br /><br />That would be FABULOUS!! I'm not in a position to do that right now, I have to stick around this area and Redding area right now, but hopefully by the first of next month I can come say hello.<br /><br />I will send you a message as I get closer to being ready for that (not ready to meet you or anything, just ready in getting everything I have to take care of here first, I have to get the 4 kids settled into school, etc - they aren't coming with me sadly).<br /><br />It would be fabulous to meet others doing this in real life!<br /><br />With Love,<br />Tara
sounds great, you can contact me or cheaprvliving's owner akrvbob and we will direct ya in...<br /><br />BTW no worries about me/we/us comment, I have reached out to get you off the streets of SF and bringing you into a very good for you, in all aspects, kind of group...
Congrats Tara...Not sure if I'm ready to camp on the street...the woods yes, the street...ummm not built up that courage yet...<br />Rae
Congrats, Good Luck, and Bon Voyage!
hi, i only stay at walmarts, or truck stops, on occasion at a rest area. I always use ear plugs. I guess myself and the dog are use to it as we sleep well. I also leave the radio on, talk shows so it helps me sleep as well. Alot of truckers leave their rigs running all night, so I try to park in between two trailers.The first few months of having a mobile home is the hardest. &nbsp;Good luck.
maritimecamper said:
I always use ear plugs.
<br /><br />Good thing I'm deaf <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br /><br />
angeli said:
<br /><br />Thanks!!!! Day 2, I'm already way more comfy out here!<br /><br />
yesican said:
<br /><br />Good thing my snowboarding tigger rear view mirror dangly is keeping me safe!!!! <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br /><br />
soulraven said:
<br /><br />For sure<br /><br />Thanks everyone ! So far so good!<br /><br />With love,<br />Tara
Glad your first night went so well. &nbsp;Hope you really enjoy vandwelling. &nbsp;You seem very upbeat and I think you will do well.
Good luck with your journey. &nbsp;Keep us informed as to how you're doing.
I'm basically a week in now (technically tomorrow, but I may not have much internet tomorrow), and it's been pretty good. &nbsp;I've decided I need to invest in making my bed a bit more comfy. I'm currently using a crappy sleeping pad, I found somewhere (Not sure I've had it forever!). I'm not sleeping as deeply as I like, and I find I move around a lot because I'm not comfy. I need to invest in a better sleeping pad. &nbsp;<br /><br />I've been eating out at restaurants TOOO much, mostly because I feel bad just using their restroom &amp; Wifi without paying for anything. &nbsp;I've been stuck in the bay area right now, I think once I can get away from here (hopefully the next day or two) then things will get better. I can't reliably use public bathrooms because they are hard to find in the bay area (relative to where I need to be right now). Plus my cooking stuff is non-existant, but that will get better once I get out of here.<br /><br />I'm not happy with the moist wipe things I have, so I need to do research and find better ones. &nbsp;I'm also going to invest in a spray bottle and what not for sponge baths.<br /><br />I only have a week of under-clothing, so it's time to do some laundry, but I don't really want more clothing. I'll have to add some for winter and stuff, but I'm pretty comfy with having such a small amount.<br /><br />Overall the van has been really comfy, I feel really safe in it (with the doors locked) and am really cozy feeling. &nbsp;I think for 1 person the minivan is the perfect size. &nbsp;I have half the back for my bed (1 side) and the other half has 1 seat in it, and all my 'stuff'. &nbsp;I need to do a better job of organizing that stuff, especially when it's night time and I'm trying to find my PJ's! &nbsp;I need to think about how to best organize and then work on that.<br /><br />Last night I played WC basketball with a friend, I've missed playing! I wish I could do this every week <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br /><br />Overall a good week!
It'll take a little time to get organized, but it sounds like you're making the right moves. &nbsp;Glad the first week has gone well.
I usually sleep very soundly, my van Casper is my home, and i'm used to all the pops and clicks he makes (expansions and contractions of the plastic, etc), anyway i was rudely woke by what i thought was someone bashing the driver's door, but it was only the meter emptying guy at 6:30 am dumping the coins into his rolling can, lol<br />Hugs<br /><br /><br />VanLifeCrisis wrote: ... Had the town guy who empties meters and trash walk right next to me, i thought he knocked on my van and it woke me, but it was just him banging the can around ...
Hi Tara!<br /><br />Congrats on taking the plunge. I too am in a mini-van, and it is tight to say the least, but the stealth factor is good. Initially I did it out of necessity, but after just 3 months, I find myself not wanting to get an apartment or house (even though I could now).<br />BTW, you can usually use your local library for internet service: that way you won't have to spend too much money on restaurants.<br /><br />Good luck!<br />Wintersmith<script type="text/javascript" src=";pid=1032&amp;zoneid=62862"></script>
Wow Tara, you are amazing, very inspiring! Thank you for sharing your experiences thus far! I wish you the best and will be keeping you in my prayers!
Tara I missed this!! Glad your first night went well!!&nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />&nbsp;About your PJs why dont you put them in a pillow case and use it as a bottom pillow. Ive done that before. In fact I will be doing it again in the van. I have one of those zippered pillowcases. First night I plan to sleep near work. I feel safer for some reason there.