First night!

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YAY! CongratZ Tara... sounds like you are on your way!! Big HuggZ have a wonderful adventure! 
On the internet issues I find you really don't have to into the places to actually use it. Ive used outside their places too. I mean I love the library and its good to get out of your "house" every once in a while but sometimes nothing beats laying on your couch(bed) in your jammies and and going on the net. Ya know?<br /><strong>Gypsy&nbsp;</strong>with such a small place its MORE likely we will lose something.<br /> Its weird but its true. Every piece that goes in the van will have to be useful for 2 or more things.
Good for you tara. You can do this. My philosophy is simple, no sense worrying about the unknowns, just move forward boldly and live in the moment. After all is said and done, its your life so live the way you want too. Peace to you.

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