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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2012
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<span id="post_message_1274736140">Hi Bob and to all!<br /><br />I'm new here and just reading some of these awesome, inspiring posts. I am losing my home soon and trying to figure out my options. It's a scary world out here sometimes but you all make it seem much more exciting and fulfilling than daunting and am appreciative to have found this site. <br /><br />Due to illness, I have not been working and my insurance has run out. It may be picked up again and I am waiting for approval but in the mean time I have to vacate my residence. I have been downsizing since I have been home and gotten rid of a lot. I am now down to the things that are much harder to say good bye to. My insurance won't last but a few more months if approved so I definitely have to figure out a way of support without it. I am applying for disability, having already been declined once. But, it can take a year or two even...<br /><br />Anyway, I don't mean to write a novel. LOL! Am looking forward to reading everything on here in between my tasks at hand! <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /> Thank you!<br /><br />p.s. I posted this originally under Bob's post. But, following the advice of another am moving to my own post. I'll get the hang of it! <br /></span>
welcome to the mad house. &nbsp;lots of opinions. &nbsp;many intelligent ones too. &nbsp;each path is its own journey.
Welcome to our family.<br />It's a good life if you want it to be.
Hi Again wildmountainhoney...nice to see you here.....<br />Welcome and keep on posting...<br />Bri
Thanks for all the nice welcomes! I have been unable to quit reading. LOL! I have to drag myself away, stuff to do. But, I appreciate the hello's! This seems like a very awesome group of folks and I have already laughed, shed tears and felt inspired by the words I have read... God is great!
<span id="post_message_1274738100">Thanks for all the nice welcomes! I have been unable to quit reading. LOL! I have to drag myself away, stuff to do. But, I appreciate the hello's! This seems like a very awesome group of folks and I have already laughed, shed tears and felt inspired by the words I have read... God is great!</span>
<br /><br />Very true and it seems more like a tribe or family than just a forum about common interests. What until you gather with us...It is completely awesome and you will make lifetime friends...<br />Bri
Hello and Welcome!!&nbsp;<img src="/images/boards/smilies/wave.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />
hope your disability goes through!&nbsp; welcome and good luck<img src="/images/boards/smilies/thumb.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" />
There is a path to follow for disability acceptance after you were declined... Contact a law firm called "Binder &amp; Binder". they are a nation wide law firm that specializes in getting you your disability... There are no up front costs and you pay like 10% of your original first pay out from SSI Disability...<br /><br />In the mean time when you get insurance, tell your doctor you are applying for SSI Disability and that you need to get into any and all specialists that directly involve your medical condition... The key is to load your gun with every bullet you can and the specialist are seriously taken into consideration... Then when the tests are are done and the results in. consult with your doctor and heve them determine if your disabled... Then have them write in laymen terms a synopsis of your condition, making copies for yourself and to send to "Binder &amp; Binder"...<br /><br />Be prepared to wait at least 6 months for an answer, but you will be paid for that time when SSI Disability comes through, that's the 10% payment you make to "Binder &amp; Binder"....<br /><br />Hope this helps, it is a long process, but the sooner ya get all of this done, the sooner you will have your disability... Good luck...
<span style="color: #008000;"><strong><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: medium;">Welcome, wildmountainhoney!&nbsp; <img src="/images/boards/smilies/wave.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" /></span></strong></span><br /><br /><span style="color: #008000;"><strong><span style="font-family: arial,helvetica,sans-serif; font-size: medium;">Bob</span></strong></span>
WELCOME!<br /><br />I wish you lots of success. I'm new here too, I've been living out of my van for the past week now, and it's been really great!<br /><br />With Love,<br />Tara
<span id="post_message_1274739909"> Contact a law firm called "Binder &amp; Binder". they are a nation wide law firm that specializes in getting you your disability... There are no up front costs and you pay like 10% of your original first pay out from SSI Disability...</span>
<br /><br />Jeez Steve, wish I knew of them when I went to a lawyer for mine...they were successful for me but they took 50% of the original payout...that was about 14 or 15 years ago...<br />Bri
Thanks Steve, I will keep that in mind. Unfortunately, when I went on disability my job fired me after a month and I lost my medical insurance. I couldn't afford to keep paying for it myself. So, it makes going to dr.s difficult. The last time I went to the neurologist he said if I didn't have his bill paid he wouldn't see me. It is what it is.&nbsp;<br /><br /> Thanks for the welcomes and advice from everyone! I really appreciate it! My daughter says maybe I can stay w/her father in law for a bit. He has a trailer about 4 hours from me now. He wants a bit for rent but far less than getting a place. Maybe I can find a little job I can handle and get some money together aside from living expenses. It's an option anyway. I am working on a garage sale in the next couple of weeks and the rest I am giving away or? We shall see... I at least have hope! I couldn't say that a week ago!! That is a far better feeling! I have really been inspired by the warmth here and the stories I have been reading.<br /><br />Thank you all so much! Laura
You might check into getting a job at walmart as a greeter. All you do is say hi to people when they walk in. Walmart hires disabled and handicapped people.
That's a great idea, and I will rule out nothing! As long as I can physically do it. I'm great at saying hello! <img src="/images/boards/smilies/wink.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"><br /><br />also wanted to say Hugs Tara! It's that kind of attitude that gives me hope and makes me feel like I will get through this just fine and with a smile!! I can't say that I'm not still scared and anxious but hope is much more powerful!
There are three women that I've noticed at the walmart where I live. SHHHH.<br />One sits on the bench by the door and greets people. One of them is in a wheelchair, and the other is a young woman who look physically ok, but I think she is mentally disabled. When I see her, I tell her she looks lovely today, and I get a big smile.
<p>Hello &amp; Welcome new girl!<br /><br /></p>