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  1. CraigL

    Do you like the size of frig/freezer you slected.

    Which brand/models did you buy, Wolf? I’m about to buy
  2. CraigL


    What was your result?
  3. CraigL

    Replacement rv/trailer door locks

    VERY few owners are aware how “keyed-alike” are RVs, trailers, tool boxes, compartments. I found out the hard way that some keys fit many!! Get ALL your cylinders re-pinned or rekeyed unique or get Warloks installed. It’ll eliminate the opportunistic tthieef and at least slow down the determined.
  4. CraigL

    DC-DC converters to avoid running inverter

    I think its smart to minimize conversion/inversion, and most current appliances are smart enough to take only the amperage they need, but I’d hate to fry a connection or an ipad Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. CraigL

    Mylar sheets on top of the roof?

    The mylar would absorb v little heat, and reflect all infrared. The magnets, however, will be too hot to touch. Its bound to be cooler, for both shade and IR barrier, and cooling via airgap is minimal... But what a no-stealth hassle! The wind, even a little, will find it. Get 70% shadecloth...
  6. CraigL

    Wood walls and ceiling or carpet?

    On glue, you'll want to avoid outgassing as possible, and be flexible. Wood (and natural fibers) offer food to mildew, so you'll be glad you avoided it, unless *totally sealed (both sides). I'm making the assumption that *everything will get wet, eventually, on my build. Outdoor carpet OR indoor...
  7. CraigL

    My ambo...

    All my exterior shelves are behind doors. Yours would be easier to use; will investigate. Cool.
  8. CraigL

    My ambo...

    While I'd love to I carry a mocycle on *my ambu, the above issues preclude it-- at this year's RTR, I rode two electric bicycles that may suit-- one a strong, folding 750mW@36V RadMini. Tho it weighed 60lbs(!), folded, it could fit inside or in an outside compartment, and was strong enough to...
  9. CraigL

    My ambo...

    All the more reason your bed can be stowed. But, yeah, bumper mount is the only way for the long term. While a buddy also recommended a trailer, that's a whole *other thing.
  10. CraigL

    The Disadvantages of Modifying an Old Ambulance

    Check out how the ambulance module is *tested ---for govt specs? [unimaginable in any RV] "...dropped from a height of 130 feet onto a corner" of the module. Those're tough! Some, like mine, which spent most of its life in a hanger at a (now closed) base in Texas --have seen little...
  11. CraigL

    My ambo...

    Thx. Still, I cannot imagine how heavy it will be. I have the legless variety. I'll be popping the top up soon (separate roof).
  12. CraigL

    why not insulate the exterior instead?

    There are many sprayable insulating coatings and foams; most need an exoskeleton for surface hardness, UV barrier, and/or aerodynamic smoothness. But early none can be injected *under one? While a resin engineer might suggest a vacuum-forming process that fiberglas shops call "vacuum-bagging,"...
  13. CraigL

    A Different Way To Do Insulation - With Fabric and Foam Board

    Fabrics? Consider testing the watery silicone-based sealants intended for grout and concrete. I do leatherwork and woodcarving, so I was looking for a sealant that wouldn't change the appearance of open leather. Tho evey sealant intended to be applied to these materials failed the appearance...
  14. CraigL

    Box Truck Floor Insulation

    While I could imagine that IR reflectance FROM THE ROAD while driving might be an important heat source to avoid if possible, I have yet to see this mentioned. My ambu box underside is "shiny", so its not a big concern--- is yours?
  15. CraigL

    Box Truck Floor Insulation

    The rubber mats mentioned early in the thread from TractorSupply should be avoided, as they smell and outgas HORRIBLY. I've had such outdoors for 6 mo and it/they still smell like a tire factory. Not suitable for inside a vehicle! (and probably even worse in the desert). Be Aware.
  16. CraigL

    My ambo...

    @baloo I have been offered a SunSetter, but its 16 feet wide and *heavy!  How is yours modified? Did I miss that in your thread?
  17. CraigL

    The Disadvantages of Modifying an Old Ambulance

    BTW, if you cannot stand up, you can easily get around on a wheeled chair, and put your pants on while standing in the stairwell. I'll be taking the Drivers side rear compartment for a shower, so standing there (85"), and I'll (eventually) be popping the top for 2°story sleeping.
  18. CraigL

    The Disadvantages of Modifying an Old Ambulance

    As to *disadvantages: •If there's no walkthru, this can be a difficult addition, unless its gutted, and the cabinets are a major feature of this vehicle type. So you may be visible on entering the module at stealth sites •the installed house batteries are limited, as inuse, the engine is still...
  19. CraigL

    The Disadvantages of Modifying an Old Ambulance

    I saw a 4x4 ambulance (turbodiesel) and jumped on it --*after confirming 4x4 functioned A-OK. Then I sprayed every inch with a bleach soln, just in case.  It'll last 400k+, if maintained. Has 53k mi, with lots more hours idling. Insulation is patchy; will add; wiring has to be confirmed and...