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  1. G

    Memorial Day

    With all of the seemingly endless hate and discontent that pervades our world I will make one small comment. I am on moderation so when and if this gets posted please note it is done in friendship.  I have an explosive temper, I do my best to control it, sometimes I fail. In my life I have not...
  2. G

    Technology, the simple life, and vandwelling

    Cammalu, you have a beautiful spirit, All my best for you in your travels. Should you ever need anything ask JiminDenver, he has all my contact information. Rob
  3. G

    And Away I Go

    Travel Safe Jewellann... Rob
  4. G


    No drama, just time for me to move along. No hard feelings and I unwadded my panties. RWJ
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  6. G

    Cops and self-built passenger seats

    I have never had anyone question my seat belts when I had my van. The chances of some cop crawling under and over your seat anchors is about the same odds as winning the lottery. Go for it. Rob
  7. G

    To the Moderators

  8. G

    Your educational level?

    While convalescing after Vietnam I took two years at a community college and tried to join the Marines Platoon Leader Class but couldn't get a medical waiver. Got the waiver when I reenlisted at my previous rank, Sgt E/5, go figure. I hated college with a passion. Every flower child tried to...
  9. G


    I think a recumbent bike might help my hip, but it's a lot of money on a not so sure thing. I have looked at some hand pedal types to get my upper body strength back to where it was. Rob
  10. G

    I'm official!

    Popeye, if it was your Birthday Happy Belated birthday. as usual I am late. I'll send you a PM with my email, I suspect my contributions to this forum will become limited at best. Rob
  11. G

    Sophia's Hauler...

    Perfect. Thank you. I bought a Progressive Dynamics 45, I'm told it has a three stage charging system built in. I'm pretty sure I'll fry the first set of batteries quickly but maybe learn from my mistakes. Thanks for taking the time to answer. Rob
  12. G

    Your educational level?

    One of my favorite Books..Every man rises to the level of his own incompetence. Rob
  13. G

    To the Moderators

    Yesterday on the 'Humor' thread a member, Qdini, made a comment I responded to about Gurkhas, a Military that serves with honor and distinction. His comment was simply a picture of a Gurkha and my reply and link was to the story behind the Gentleman in the picture. The story was 'Badass of the...
  14. G

    Howdy Folks

    Welcome to you and your family. Don't hesitate to ask questions, there are many reliable sources here. Popeye was being modest, he was the founder of The You Ain't Right Club and the duly elected President. He's also very helpful and knowledgeable. Rob
  15. G

    Sophia's Hauler...

    What charger do you have? Rob
  16. G

    Preparing for the transition

    Welcome and Semper Fi. Rob
  17. G


    Kind of looks like a porta potty with modifications. But I guess whatever works, Right? Rob
  18. G

    What made you happy today?

    She's 12, her and her Mother butt heads often so weekends my son is working and my daughter in law okays it,she comes for the weekend. It's the best part of being a Grandparent. Rob
  19. G

    What made you happy today?

    I'm not sure this qualifies as happy but my Granddaughter called at 0630 to tell me about the bombing in England. I had already heard about it but my Granddaughter was crying and that makes me very unhappy. The happy part is she is safe, at least as safe as we can be in these times. She's of...
  20. G

    Ibuprofen Please!

    CPO Outlets has some good sales on batteries and tools. I've had good service from them.