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  1. Every Road Leads Home

    Travelers Camp Fest

    The best I can find is those are the dates and location for last years camp fest and the guy who organized it isn't doing it in 2018, but encourages others to go and meet new people?
  2. Every Road Leads Home

    vehicle tents

    I agree with HDR, the ones that attach to the backs of the vehicles are a pain. I tried one that set up over the bed of my pick up and after a few weeks of setting it up and taking it down i got rid of it. A stand alone tent or a rooftop tent that sets up and down quickly would be preferable...
  3. Every Road Leads Home

    State Police stopped me for driving too SLOW!

    Studies have shown people going 5mph under the speed limit are more dangerous than 5 over. Lots of states are starting to ticket slow drivers in the left lane. The safest speed is to go the speed of the surrounding traffic, I believe in some states once you have a certain amount of cars behind...
  4. Every Road Leads Home

    How To Keep Pets Safe & Cool OTR

    I park in the shade and leave my truck running with the AC on. I have remote start so it's convenient for that, but it will only run for 20 min then shut off automatically. I rarely need more than 20 min. If I do I use my extra key and keep the truck running for as long as needed and am still...
  5. Every Road Leads Home

    Safe Parrking program in N CA?

    Think she meant not likely to explore the program for safe parking further as it's in Cali and she's on the East Coast.
  6. Every Road Leads Home

    Media says we are loosers

    I bought a copy of her book but it's a few down on my stack of to reads. But I think I will bump it up and read it next. I stopped watching the news in my early 20's when I started traveling a lot because I had noticed everywhere I went I ran into good people doing good things. Then i'd pick...
  7. Every Road Leads Home

    Cargo Trailer Safety

    I like outside latches as they are a much heavier duty option for locking up your rig when you're not there.  If you're inside it, you can lift the outside handle and lock the latching part with a padlock and then no one can lock you in from the outside.
  8. Every Road Leads Home

    Cargo Trailer Safety

         You have to realize for every person that has had a problem with spray foam, thousands of people are using it trouble free.  Use a reputable dealer with a reputable product and it's an excellent choice.  I'm sure there are some people out there who are sensitive to it but it's absolutely...
  9. Every Road Leads Home

    How do you plan to insure your conversion?

    Working as a public adjuster for a number of years on  homeowner's claims.....(I negotiate on behalf of the homeowner with the insurance company) one thing I can tell you about insurance claims is a lot of it is luck of the draw.....luck being what adjuster gets assigned to the claim.  I've had...
  10. Every Road Leads Home

    short vs long truck camper

    It really comes down to personally preference. A little more living space or a shorter rig overall. Shorter wheelbase is easier to maneuver offroad and around town but the difference is negligible imo. The extra space of a long bed can allow you to have a wetbath and/or more storage, though...
  11. Every Road Leads Home

    buying land to make a new truly free place

    I think Cammalu hit it on the head, you go into this lifestyle to get away from all the bureaucracy of society, why re invent the wheel and do it again......except this time not only do you have government to deal with as far as permits and zoning and everything else that goes with that, you...
  12. Every Road Leads Home

    Tragic Propane Heater Accident

    I'd personally never go to sleep with an un vented propane heater running. With the right seeping bag and/or blankets sleeping in 30 degree weather is a piece of cake. 0 degrees is very doable. Getting out of bed is another story.....that's when those heaters are worth their weight in gold.
  13. Every Road Leads Home

    Tow Guideline Experts HELP if you can

    I once did a section of road in Hawaii that was 37% in a few sections and averaged 25% Only vehicles with 4 low were allowed. Your trailer spread sheet is extremely confusing and you're making figuring out your tow rating way more complicated than it has to be in my opinion. Aside from...
  14. Every Road Leads Home

    Screw it

    The way I figure it is we are only on this earth for a short period of time anyways, so I don't let all that stuff bother me. I work for myself so I eliminated a lot of the slave like feeling of society with that one step alone. My time is my time to do with as I please. I don't watch the...
  15. Every Road Leads Home

    Portland overwhelmed with abandoned RV's.

    My brother moved to Portland about 6 years ago and he's had a little taste of everything since being there, from Rv's parking on his street to homeless people sneaking in his shed at night. He even let the guy stay in the shed and threw him a few bucks every now and then, until he started...
  16. Every Road Leads Home

    Kreg Jig Question

    You can't go wrong with the $100 set up you mentioned you're getting. It's really a nice system and the easiest to use IMO.
  17. Every Road Leads Home

    Philosophy, I need to stop this and get away.

        You remind me a lot of myself.  I own a lot of stuff and I value all of it. But it's mostly in the form of tools.....things I use daily.  I've done the sell everything I own and hit the road twice now.  I'll admit it's a very free feeling to hit the road and everything you own is in the...
  18. Every Road Leads Home

    Philosophy, I need to stop this and get away.

    I live in a big town for Maine,  about 20k people.  Though it doesn't feel like it.  We have all the codes on the books...........but.........they are extremely lax about them and extremely flexible.  So I tend to think there are a lot of places like that, people freak out about all the codes...
  19. Every Road Leads Home

    Van Essential: Going potty

    It still amuses me how squeamish people are over their own bowel movements. I feel most the population would rather be dead than forced to go to bathroom in a toilet that doesn't flush. Growing up in the construction trades and camping off grid I guess I just never thought anything of it as...
  20. Every Road Leads Home

    Philosophy, I need to stop this and get away.

    Have you ever tried self employment? I'm your age, i'll be 38 this year. I sort of do a handful of different things because doing the same job bores me after a bit. I do some buying and reselling of stuff on craigslist, buy the bargains when you see them and then sell them for their real...