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  1. J

    Gun rights and the federal laws.

    Firearms are very recent in human history, ranged weapons aren't. Our choice of ranged weapons has evolved over time. There is no reason to think firearms are anything more than a passing fad. We are getting hung up in cultural warfare about SPECS that won't matter anymore than the distinction...
  2. J

    Gun rights and the federal laws.

    My thoughts all IMO only: 1. The second amendment is clearly about defending ourselves as a community from the government not each other, it has evolved into an individual right. 2. I think the fundamental right represented in the modern second amendment is to possess and maintain all...
  3. J

    My First Law Enforcement Encounter

    Statistics, someone is bound to have encounters. We'll hear from the one's that do each time. But won't hear much from the one's that don't every day.
  4. J

    Obamacare survives Supreme Court!!

    Medications are different for each person. I tried Paxil, it made me worse instead of better.
  5. J

    Brutal Heat Wave coming

    This isn't true. There are a number of parking lots in the south bay area that have trees, and there is no reduction of parking spaces. The trees are placed in little diamonds where 4 spaces intersect. The problem is the added up front cost to creating the lot and the time it takes an effective...
  6. J

    Obamacare survives Supreme Court!!

    The problem with hoops is one size fits all. Preventative or non-medically necessary drugs should have a higher safety bar than drugs to treat serious illnesses we have little or no answer to.
  7. J

    Smallest genny for powering some tools

    Some tools throttle power by switching between full power and off at high speed. I had a reciprocating saw that at the outlet tested around 150-300 watts but plugged into an inverter could only buzz because it's power cycles weren't receiving the expected power.
  8. J

    Brutal Heat Wave coming

    Looks like the south bay is going into the upper 80's-low 90's starting thursday, I should retreat to SF high 60's forecast there.
  9. J

    So why is Van Dwelling illegal?

    ps. I don't think stealth is about hiding. It's about blending in and not drawing attention. An effective end result is hidden, but the path is very different. You can wear bright orange and hide, but if you're stealth you can be invisible walking down the street. The world bombards us with...
  10. J

    So why is Van Dwelling illegal?

    I think it's about fear and finances. The wealthier the community the less it's members have really encountered or gotten to know poor people. They fear poor people will bring/cause crime, degrade the appearance of the community they built, and lower property values. And most people rich or poor...
  11. J

    Any other Vegan Dwellers?

    Speaking of misinformation yeast is neither an animal nor a bacteria, it's a fungus. On topic: how do vegans deal with DHA and EPA fatty acids? I'm not vegan but due to no refrigeration, it's difficult to include fish in my diet when not camped next to a store. Right now I load up on ALA's and...
  12. J

    anyone know what this is? I wouldn't want to make a one way trip unless I was down to my last few active years, but I do hope to go someday(and return or move on, maybe to the Europa Colony? ;-)).
  13. J

    denver/boulder/nothern CO area?

    In town I've often stayed at the Aurora Walmart off Tower's road. It's on the east edge of the Denver metro but right beside I-70. Wifi reaches the parking lot well and they appear to be relaxed on overnight parking. I've done 2-3 night stays there even before I had stealth set up.
  14. J

    Mail in SF area

    Following up on UPS, I will only use them as a last resort in the future. They charged $5 a day to hold(I dodged that one but still created a mess.) and $5 per package to pick up.
  15. J

    Question for cat people

    I don't know about dander but shedding can be genetic. My cats both ate the same food, but Clara(of course the white one) was a heavy shedder year around, Tawny was a very light shedder.
  16. J

    Stealth in the SF Bay Area ( east and north).

    Windows don't have to mean no lights. link
  17. J

    San Francisco East Bay Area Stealth Camping

    A 24 hour store may not have customers at any given moment but it always has employees, so it should never be empty. 24 hour places top my list of places to check out when going into an unfamiliar area. I can easily google/map them and with the benefits of stealth rarely get there and find it...
  18. J

    Will be "Car-Dwelling" Soon in Tucson, AZ

    I have 35% VTL (WV minimum for now) tints. When I'm parked I back them with black fleece from walmart and a curtain across the middle, the dome light was on inside but you can't see it from outside. The bit of reflectix you can spot in the lower rear window has been fixed since I took these pics.
  19. J

    Will be "Car-Dwelling" Soon in Tucson, AZ

    Look around the local 24 hour stores and in nearby lots late evening or early morning. Look for lots where RV's are parked or you see cars/vans using blankets and towels as curtains. If they aren't being disturbed that's probably a place you'll be fine.
  20. J

    Walmart parking lot shooting could have some far reaching effects

    @dusty In my experience every Walmart is different, there are the rules on the books and signs and the rules on the ground. You can learn a lot about what is enforced by observing the other vehicles in the lot. If you aren't stealth and aren't sure it might be good to ask. Personally I just...