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  1. GotSmart

    YARC camp

    Somehow getting advice on a thread dedicated to the YARC , from someone of questionable pedigree does not make sense.  Read between the lines for what I am really saying.  :@ The DOUG Abides. Learn how to be The DOUG.
  2. GotSmart

    Mounting roof fans under solar panels?

    My personal objection would be the panels being raised up enough to catch the wind.  Nothing like a sail to catch the sideways breeze from a semi going past.  I have seen it done by many different people.
  3. GotSmart

    Ignore the knock?

    In the past few years I have had several knocks. The last one was a WM security guard. He started out by apologizing about knocking, and drew my attention to the noise in the background. That was a unsafe neighborhood after dark , and he was off duty in an hour. I was directed to another place...
  4. GotSmart

    Do Dodge and Ford Triton V10 vans wander (steering)?

    This was the subject of recalls, and even a buyback. Steering box and tie rod ends. It is all parts on a framework. Do a web search and sort through the replies to find your specific information.  Once I replaced my steering box and tie rods no problems.
  5. GotSmart

    Tell Me Where To Go!

    It must be true , Jim.   There is still snow at higher elevations, so look at the weather maps first.
  6. GotSmart

    You Ain't Right Club

    SIGHS,   You read this twice, and still do not understand what it is about.  This is the thread where people have fun and tease each other. Many of us know each other personally and teasing is a part of it.
  7. GotSmart

    State Police stopped me for driving too SLOW!

    In late 2001 I had just purchased a 1991 Caprice Classic. Ex Illinois State Patrol car.  I got pulled over five times in two days. Every LEO in the area was curious about that beast. One time I was doing about 20 over the posted speed.  Were you aware that you were doing 65 in a 45 zone? Not...
  8. GotSmart


    Harcourt Fenton Mudd.  :D How old am I?  I remember watching the original broadcast.
  9. GotSmart

    Are people really this foolish?

    Who am I to judge what makes people happy?  Be it a stereo that scrambles the brain cells or a condo.   If someone has the means to restore a 1975 Vega Kamback with a Cosworth motor—- Let them alone.  I will do what makes me happy. That doesn’t include putting it on YouTube for the world to...
  10. GotSmart

    Sand Smuggling & Homes on Land

    Camilla and I created a lot of sand by driving over small rocks with the UTV. The Sahara Desert. The whole US great desert. Huge parts of Mexico, Australia Africa and Asia are sand piles.  I refuse to give credibility in the form of you tube hits to those that base an argument on fallacies. I...
  11. GotSmart

    Sand Smuggling & Homes on Land

    The sea levels are rising because sand is taken out of it? I don’t understand how that works.
  12. GotSmart

    You Ain't Right Club

    Everyone in this thread is a minority.  We be U~Neek Ain’t Right Types.   And we have THE STINKIN BADGES to prove it.  I find that being different is an asset. Nobody forgets me.    :s
  13. GotSmart

    You Ain't Right Club

    Only in New Orleans.
  14. GotSmart

    By Day, a Sunny Smile for Disney Visitors. By Night, an Uneasy Sleep in a Car.

    Can you define what a dignified livening wage is, and how is it different today in the US vs in the 60’s? Unskilled workers are a potential liability. They need to prove their value to a employer before they earn prevailing wage.  Why should any company pay top wages to someone who makes...
  15. GotSmart

    Large Holes in Body - How to Cover/Seal

    JB Weld.   You can cut metal to fit over the holes and mix up some JB Weld to seal it down. Clean it well before sealing
  16. GotSmart

    How to Stop rain inside the van

    Condensation.  If the core leaks a fine mist it can condense on the window that are a different temperature. Even if it drips and evaporated the same thing.
  17. GotSmart

    MPPT vs PWM test

    Hyperbole and obfuscation.  None of this has any bearing on the test. Stick to something you actually have experience with please.
  18. GotSmart

    MPPT vs PWM test

    A solar CONTROLLER is there to CONTROL.   Set it right, and let it do its job.  Fact.  North west Washington gets 1/2 the solar potential that Quartzsite does over a years time.  Fact.  At winter solstice there is much less solar potential than at summer solstice.  Fact. Useing a tarp as a...
  19. GotSmart

    MPPT vs PWM test

    Hmmm I had PWM and 200w of panels, and 448 ah of batteries.  My batteries were always fully charged. I never drained anything even though I had a CPAP , roadpro oven, lights and computer.  By careful use anything works better than nothing.  MPPT is obviously more efficient, but why pay more...
  20. GotSmart

    Looking for a tribe in AZ or CA

    Popeye is in the great frozen north east that is called Maine. Camalou and I along with some others are along the Colorado River, with more members on the plateau. It is still cool enough here to not see any insects.   We have only four rigs in our camp in a nice quiet area. Three with single...