Tell Me Where To Go!

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Well-known member
Aug 2, 2016
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Occupied Territory
This is your opportunity to tell me where to go, literally!

I have to move soon(Tues) but also need to stay around the area to pick up a fan from another member as well as get repairs done on my van.   Next week is going to get HOT as in the 80s, too hot for my critters.  I'm also trying to avoid freezing temps.  I'm near Camp Verde right now and it looks like Prescott will have decent temps.  But there may be other areas you know of. 

Yes I've been looking at the free camping sites. 

I have to avoid really twisty roads and cliff edges.   Vertigo is not my friend. 

I prefer to be somewhat close to town.  I'm not really set up for longer camping yet and prefer being able to get a cell signal and WiFi. 

I can afford some of the cheaper pay sites as long as they accept my America the Beautiful pass.

I don't have a 4x4.

I think that's about it!  Oh and it don't use GPS.  I need directions or a link.   Thanks!
Go to the ranger station in Camp Verde and get the Prescott and Coconino National Forest "Motorized Vehicle Use Maps".

If the ranger station doesn't have both of the maps then try again for what your'e missing at either the welcome center in Camp Verde or the welcome center in Cottonwood. You  have to ask at the counter in the welcome centers because they keep a limited supply and usually behind the counter.

The Prescott National Forest is on the west side of 89A and the Coconino is on the east side as you go north up towards Sedona.

There's about 4 bazillion campsites that are very usable for you - no windy twisty roads and no steep drop-offs, all in your area that are close to town.
head east

theres never been any reason...

but I would think some kind of a GPS would be high on the list of things to get for a full timer?

look for a used garmin nuvi 200, Ive seen them for $15-$20 on CL. kinda old but still work good.
Head east where? NYC? :/

Not asking for equipment recommendations and I have a very valid reason for not using GPS. The topic of my thread is your recommendations for easily accessible camping in the specified area. Thanks.
Nomadventurer said:
There's about 4 bazillion campsites that are very usable for you - no windy twisty roads and no steep drop-offs, all in your area that are close to town.

That should keep me out of trouble with the campsite popo.  They check around here although I'm not sure how stringent they are.  There's a guy that's been here since before I got here even with them coming in.   Must be our clean campsites.
I don't have any recommendations for that area, but your tittle to this thread cracked me up. good luck. highdesertranger
Headache said:
Head east where?  NYC?  :/

Not asking for equipment recommendations and I have a very valid reason for not using GPS.   The topic of my thread is your recommendations for easily accessible camping in the specified area.   Thanks.

cant imagine NYC would be much fun.. I'd head to the Blue Ridge areas but thats all twisty and cliffs.

gotta wonder if I shouldnt be using GPS now.
NYC is great for stealth and trailer camping, jk lol. I'd shoot myself.
Near Prescott, the time limit is 7 days in some spots. Just FYI. Looking like it will hit 90 low 90's this week here. YUCK. Waiting on mail. Will have to buy a mister bottle and park my butt in front of a fan.
Wabbit that sucks but that's why I got out of there. Even the mid 70s starts to get uncomfortable for my babies and me and is going to get I the 80s.

Okay, not having any luck here. Let's get back on topic for the 2nd time. There's got to be someone who's camped this area and found spots they liked!

Not a gazillion spots. I'm looking for actual recommendations of particular spots.

Don't start me getting all R.I.F. now.
Ok, so I looked at my MVUM map for you to refresh my mind of the road numbers.

Just south of Cottonwood there is a road 'Thousand Trails' it leads in to the Thousand Trails campground.There are lots of campsites on the FR that goes to the left just in from the highway but it's all pretty open in there. Directly across the highway from it is a road that leads in to a camping area. It's mostly open and don't go behind the 'no camping' signs. The rangers closed a bunch of really nice campsites in there because they were way beyond the 300' limit.

North of Cottonwood on 89A,just past the Scenic Overlook is an intersection. To the right is 89B and the trailhead for a hkiing trail. The rangers run off people camped in the tralhead parking lot fairly regularly but continue on up the road. There's all kinds of campsites up there including some right down on Oak Creek (to get there you do go through some private land as some kind of spa). Road gets rougher the further in you go.

To the left at that same intersection is FR 525. There are all kinds of spur roads off of 525 that offer campsites. There are literally thousands of them in that area.

What makes a favorite campsite to me is maybe not what is going to make a 'favorite' campsite to you which is why it is ever so necessary to hunt down your own. Besides which, publicly advertising a truly great campsite means that it's not likely to be available the next time the person who so boasts about it wants to use it. The 'favorite' places become over run by all that read about it. Many a great campsite has been ruined that way. Think about what happened when it became too widely known that the Ehrenberg plateau wasn't highly regulated!

If you want out of the area around Camp Verde and Cottonwood because it's getting too hot for you, then it's time to head to higher elevations. If you go north up past Sedona there are several NF campgrounds there although they may not be open yet because the roads are still to wet from spring melt. 89A is windy and twisty on it's way from 3,000 feet to the 7,000 feet at Flagstaff but it's all 2 lane paved road.

Going up hill in to the Prescott National Forest is another way to stay cool but again, most of the roads are still closed at the higher elevations because of the snow melt. Again, mountain roads are generally all twisty and turny...that's how they get up the side of the mountain!

Best advice, find someplace with a big tree for shade and open doors and windows for a breeze to run through. Hang sheets or some towels to block the sun from entering the van.
you might get moor help if you let people know were you are. I cant read minds. and that goes for others I often see people needing and as king for help but no one knows were they are.
She said Camp Verde in the first post. Scroll up...

The spots I use in Cottonwood are beyond the capacity of your van and way too cold for me yet. Down here at the river parking in the shade has been enough during the day and the nights are back to coolish. A little sweat for me is one thing but the cold hurts the bones.

The top of the Senator highway in Prescott is beyond the restrictions but is another place the ATV'rs freak out when they see me pulling the trailer. I am sure you could make it but will not be happy with the extra 5 mile winding, climbing drive nor the internet access.

Wish I could help you more. Hows the solar cooking going?
jimindenver said:
A little sweat for me is one thing but the cold hurts the bones.

Wish I could help you more. Hows the solar cooking going?

Thanks for responding there sweet lumps.  Its been a bad day culminating with me being accused of camping at storage because it takes me so long to move my stuff back and forth.   Therefore I'm not going to respond to some because I feel like they didn't bother to read my first post and I'm just livid that I have to justify why I'm asking. 

I'm in a foul mood.   I'd like to claim that I'm not asking for my health but I am and I will guarantee myself a spanking.   Anyway, enough whining. 

Completely understand and feel ya on the bones but as you know I'm not set up too well for the heat.   It's my understanding I'm buying a vent fan from another member which once installed(I'm going to hate asking for that!) I can insulate proper.   Then we can hang out longer at lower elevations. 

Got those motor vehicle maps and I love them because I can color on them but I hate them because the little numbers change on me.

Good thing I went because I found out from the forest service gal that once I spend my allotted 14 days I can't camp anywhere in the entire forest until 30 days has past.  Both Prescott and Coconino are that way. 

I did get an Arizona map that shows where all the various camping is for all the departments using different colors.   BLM included.  

Sorry I didn't get you that info on the cooker.  I'll pm it being I have too much info for a text.  I gotta try and figure this out if I can stay off the bucket long enough. I've never transitioned well.
Headache said:
Thanks for responding there sweet lumps. 

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My oh MY!!!! [emoji16]
Cammalu said:
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  My oh MY!!!! [emoji16]

It must be true , Jim.  

There is still snow at higher elevations, so look at the weather maps first.
Cammalu said:
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  My oh MY!!!! [emoji16]

You never heard that before? 

It's another way of calling him sugar, aka sugar cubes, as in would you like one lump or 2?   :p

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