Do Dodge and Ford Triton V10 vans wander (steering)?

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Nov 18, 2012
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Back about 3 years ago when I was searching for a Roadtrek or Pleasureway to buy, I read a lot of threads on the internet about how the Dodge vans and Ford Triton V10 vans have squirrely steering especially in the wind.  It said that the vans are unstable and tend to wander.  That scared me off from the Dodge and Ford vans.  I also heard that the Ford vans have spark plug problems.  

Those threads really influenced me to buy a Chevrolet based Roadtrek.  I ended up with a Roadtrek Popular 200 year 2000.  No steering problems at all.  Rock solid at any speed.  Before I bought it, I actually test drove it in a lot of wind....very stable.

Have you experienced squirrelly handling and steering that wanders in the Dodge vans and Ford Triton V10 vans/rvs?
Would you buy a Dodge van or Ford Triton V10 van/rv? Why or why not?

Ford vans have been notorious for wandering steering compared to the other brands since the '70s

their old twin I-Beam trucks were also.

friend has the V10 in a chinook and he loves how it drives FWIW no mention of any wandering on that one but he does say its a gas guzler.
yep the Ford twin I-beam is a notorious wanderer. mainly because the only time it's aligned is on the alignment rack as soon as the suspension moves up or down it's out of alignment. it is however a very strong system. as far as the Dodges go there is really no easy answer as to why they wonder but there have been numerous complaints on the newer Dodge trucks for wandering. by newer I mean from about 85 to present. there seems to be no rhyme or reason for the Dodge wandering, one truck might while the next one off the assembly line won't. Dodge even did a mickey mouse fix by putting a spacer behind one front rim on the dualy's to alleviate the wander. highdesertranger
I have a 1990 Airstream B190. I have trouble controlling it above 60-65. I wasn’t sure if that was due to the height (it has a full upper bunk), or weight. I haven’t loaded it yet, hoped more weight lower would help.

Thought I was going nuts. Even with sway bars, it’s all over the place if I go the speed limit.

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Yep it's Ford's in general. I've had a 2001 and this 92 and they both do it. Wind isn't even a requirement.

The joke with a Dodge mechanic I knew about a Dodge I was looking at was that they'd have to do the front end every 5000 miles.
This was the subject of recalls, and even a buyback. Steering box and tie rod ends. It is all parts on a framework. Do a web search and sort through the replies to find your specific information. 

Once I replaced my steering box and tie rods no problems.
safarivan said:
...their old twin I-Beam trucks...

The twin I-beam was, woo-hoo, a big step up from the solid I-beams used previously in light trucks. But that was lo-o-o-o-ong ago. Now it has all the technical sophistication of a farm implement. That's one reason I avoided Fords.

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