Back about 3 years ago when I was searching for a Roadtrek or Pleasureway to buy, I read a lot of threads on the internet about how the Dodge vans and Ford Triton V10 vans have squirrely steering especially in the wind. It said that the vans are unstable and tend to wander. That scared me off from the Dodge and Ford vans. I also heard that the Ford vans have spark plug problems.
Those threads really influenced me to buy a Chevrolet based Roadtrek. I ended up with a Roadtrek Popular 200 year 2000. No steering problems at all. Rock solid at any speed. Before I bought it, I actually test drove it in a lot of wind....very stable.
Have you experienced squirrelly handling and steering that wanders in the Dodge vans and Ford Triton V10 vans/rvs?
Would you buy a Dodge van or Ford Triton V10 van/rv? Why or why not?
Those threads really influenced me to buy a Chevrolet based Roadtrek. I ended up with a Roadtrek Popular 200 year 2000. No steering problems at all. Rock solid at any speed. Before I bought it, I actually test drove it in a lot of wind....very stable.
Have you experienced squirrelly handling and steering that wanders in the Dodge vans and Ford Triton V10 vans/rvs?
Would you buy a Dodge van or Ford Triton V10 van/rv? Why or why not?