US Forest Service and National Park Service to fire thousands of workers

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The people that use them have the power to take good care of them or trash them. Sadly, I see a lot of abuse by selfish... it with only get worst...
Your claim also applies to the government agents -- bumblebrats, politicians, LawEnforcementOfficials, military, pretty much anybody associated with any government at any level.
An aside:
* "We didn't love freedom enough!"
....Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
During Biden's reign US population rose 2% while spending rose 55%. We have get our national debt down as we can't afford to even pay the interest. Every taxpayer now owes $234,000 of the deficit our wasteful government has made.
During Biden's reign US population rose 2% while spending rose 55%. We have get our national debt down as we can't afford to even pay the interest. Every taxpayer now owes $234,000 of the deficit our wasteful government has made.
I agree we need to go back to higher tax rates for the wealthy, if they have millions to corrupt our government with they should be able to pay those funds in taxes. Bottom line is Trump’s supporting raising the debt limit and a budget that adds trillions to the national debt to give tax breaks to the wealthy. I agree we have lots of programs like Medicare,Medicaid and Social Security that can be not only sustained be expanded by simply taxing the wealthy that seem to have plenty to donate to political corruption. It’s time they support the country and people that made their wealth possible. Think Elon Musk would miss the 200 million he gave to Trump anymore than if it had gone to pay down the national debt? There is a difference between love of self and love of country.
I read about this, a plan to lay off full time employees but then hire about 5,000 seasonal workers. 🙄

Who will have lower salaries and no benefits, I’m guessing.

Some of this **** is about union busting, imho.
Also, remember that during Trump’s first term, Mnuchin proposed huge raises in National Park fees?

I would be very surprised if that idea still isn’t on the table.
Intelligent people simply aren’t willing to accept answers that they don’t understand — no matter how many other people try to convince them of it, or how many other people believe it, if they aren’t able to convince themselves of it, they won’t accept it.
You’re pretty darn good at ducking the question…
You’re pretty darn good at ducking the question…
lol!!! Give him a break, he’s having a hard time justifying Trump’s actions with what he thought Trump would do. There will be a lot of soul searching after the effects of what has been done actually sinks in.
People that can’t understand simple facts aren’t exactly what would be considered intelligent. Intelligent people are able usually to look at their budgets/prices/living conditions and understand the bottom line results no matter what they are being told. Do you really think the problems our parks and forests will be solved by cutting essential jobs and funding?
This question I believe.
Yup that was the one. SkyKing, I’d love to see your response.
I didn't reply to bullfrog as I have him on ignore & never read it. I was replying to Morgana's post #46 which I posted just below. Anything else you don't know I can help you with?😆
Here is a CNN article about some of the closures and limitations expected in the national parks:
• low-bandwidth version:
• more pictures etc:

This story has many practical, nonpolitical aspects that could directly affect nomads' lives. That is the only reason I am posting it here. For any angle that has the slightest shadow of a flicker of a faint possibility that someone could take it as political, please take the extra three seconds needed to make your comment in the politics forum instead. Be a mensch, it's not hard.

I'm guessing that there are a lot of unpredictable changes to come, so if your spring or summer involves a national park or proximity thereto, it would be a good idea to make sure that your backup plans have backup plans. From this article I got the impression that the best way to check for updates about your favorite park is the park's own website and local news outlets. (National news stories will usually just pick a few parks to mention as examples.)

I'm sure other types of federal lands will be affected too, and there will probably also be spillover effects at non-federal locations.

"Chance favors the prepared mind." Good luck to everyone with big plans or favorite routines!
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I just started a thread for political comments on this topic in the Politics forum. Hopefully that will make it easier to keep the political comments out of this thread.

We just lost a valued member and went through a lot of thrashing about in order to get back to our original "no politics in the main forums" rule. It's like a new year's resolution, the first few days are the hardest, but it's worth it, let's stick to it!

This particular topic is tough, because it affects nomads' lives in practical ways AND is very emotional politically. Depending on how things go, there could be a strong need for this thread in the future. So let's keep it clean and take the politics over to the other side.

:cool:thank you
I'm really curious about something, given all this back n' forth about politics on the site. Post 54 in this thread is mine, and I wrote it not intending that it be political, but Social. I just want to say that if someone took it as political it wasn't meant to be. Did you take it to be part of a political argument? I see what's Just as being separate from politic.

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