The RVIA projects that RV shipments will range from 311,600 to 336,600 units in 2024 and 329,900 to 363,300 units in 2025. The global RV market is expected to grow from $49.69 billion in 2024 to $69.23 billion by 2032
My 1 ton 5.9 12 valve Cummins/Dodge 4x4 truck got 24 mpg
I hope all goes well & Congrats my friend!( one due tomorrow)
He did not say Montana is cracking down on LLCs, he only said other states try to crack down on Montana LLC route. Montana loves LLCs.Right around 12:34 in the video he mentions Montana (and possibly others) clamping down on LLC and presumably 15 501 c3 tax exempts who use that
in order to write off the cost of such large RV's. I figure that will dampen the sales of many RV's.
In the past anyone could visit the "Universal Life Church" on line and within five minutes become an ordained minister for free. Then they could buy a big RV and use their family (as secretary & treasurer) where they were the executive officer and conform to the requirements of a not for profit and enjoy the RV life in a big RV.
I'm wondering what this will do to the National Parks when the census of users falls off ? Will the timber industry want to come in and clear crop sections of the park ? This happened in the early 1980's when James G. Watt the Secretary of the Interior wanted to promote this.
From a Google Search:
Sinkhole is a good way to describe this state. I'm not even comfortable camping there anymore because of how crazy people are there and lack of gun carry rights encourages these behaviors and police loves to protect the criminals. Had crazy experience camping there lately and that in remote isolated places, like nut cases trying to camp right in my campsite in the middle of nowhere, while entire area was empty and got other spots. In Idaho they'd get shot probably.This is yet another loss of your freedoms in this country. With their ready/ shoot/ aim mentality, they will quickly ruin the states even more.
CALIF CARB just passed a measure at 10PM on a Friday night to raise the already high gas prices by another $.65 per gallon on top of the $1.38 taxes they have in place.
You may not want or need a motor home like this but maybe someone else might but now can't. CA keeps digging a hole which is now a huge sink hole financially and losing tax payers every day. I've lived here all my life and my kids are close by with grand kids ( one due tomorrow) so unfortunately I choose to stay here, family over madness, but we would leave today if we could....This state is a mess..
And the businesses around, employees, taxes collected, etc...huge down stream affect for manyIt's for builders but affects buyers.