PIRATE CAMP '24-25....................Desert SouthWest

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We made it to Quartzsite..................I HAD to get my packages !

We're holed up in CaravanPioneers's camp at the LitCactus...............Renewing friendships

Don't worry Mark.....we'll be there soon
Packing up for heading south to Quartzsite. But if I do not quit sorting out the drawers, cabinets, bags etc that I am putting stuff into I won’t get out of here for another week! 🤣
Sounds like Pirate Camp is going to be having a lot of pot luck gatherings this year!

That is the plan........Electric Turkey Roaster........a portable OVEN !

It's huge............heats from slo/low to 450°................I'm thinking..................what's first ?

Casserole..................melty goodness
French Fries.............crispy baked fries
Fish Filets...........Recipe Booklet has yum samples
Baked Potatoes........Bet it holds 10 lbs at least
The Pillsbury Collection...........crescent rolls etc

Maybe "Funeral Potatoes" for Tues Nite
lol, the crew might toss you overboard or maroon you on a deserted island formerly known as Pirate’s Camp ….if you run a generator for hours on end for a giant slow cooker.

Or worse yet not show up for the potlucks and then you will be stuck eating the same meal for weeks!
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Bon appetite!
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I am almost in Pirate Camp. I came in after dark so I can’t see good enough to pull into Pirate Camp. Spending the night out along the main road.

I did stop and do a little bit of shopping at the Parker Walmart as setting sun was blinding me! Could barely see to drive. So that is why I I arrived after dark. No road construction encountered on a Saturday evening. They are unlikely to be working on a Sunday if you really need to go shopping👋.
Well, if really needed there are two small grocery stores in Q. They may be a bit more expensive but it might be better than waiting an hour on the way to Parker. Also better than driving all the way to Havasu or Yuma. Also if it isn't perishable you can always order and have it shipped (WalMart, Amazon etc). I wouldn't order anything raw (produce, meat etc) but for non-perishables it should be fine.

By the way, anyone happen to know how long the road construction is supposed to go on?
When I drove through Parker yesterday there was no sign of any road construction happening. No barricades around. No slow down warning ⚠️ construction zone signs in evidence. No workers, no machinery to be seen. Nada, Zip, Zero. The roads were in perfect condition, all smooth, level, nicely paved. I would not have known there had been any construction going on there if you folks had not been complaining about it. Today is Sunday, go shopping today, while the work crews, if there is any work left, have the day off.
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The construction sign said DECEMBER 14th.............and Blythe, California is closer than Parker, AZ........with a Smart and Final and an Albertsons's for food
I will likely stop inat the big tent grocery store today. The best selections are in November and early December 👍

Lots of setting up my campsite chores to do this week. I have to go pay to stay. One of my rear stabilizer jacks won’t drop down. I do have some stand jacks I use for very high wind events to minimize bouncing on rubber tires from strong gusts. Not a not a major crisis, just in the category of inconvenient. Get a bigger hammer time? I do not have one of those. I did spray it with lube, did not help. Of course I am in exactly the right place to get advice on what to try next or maybe even borrow a bigger hammer. 🤣🤣🤣
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Hey guys, I'm fairly new to this site, anyways, I've been following some of your conversations, I have a solar generator, no noise, anyways, how exactly do you get to pirate cove. Id like to check it out, I'll be in quartzsite tomorrow, and this is my first time, so let me know, thanks,,,,,,kevin
Hey guys, I'm fairly new to this site, anyways, I've been following some of your conversations, I have a solar generator, no noise, anyways, how exactly do you get to pirate cove. Id like to check it out, I'll be in quartzsite tomorrow, and this is my first time, so let me know, thanks,,,,,,kevin
That is Pirate CAMP not Cove. There is no body of water anywhere nearby It is not a sight seeing spot, just typical desert with a bit of scrubby vegetation along some shallow, dry washes. Pirate camp It is a small gathering of friends who have camped together, off and on over the years. Nothing is happening in the way of planned outdoor socializing on this Monday, 11/4/24 as there is a high wind. People will be hunkering down inside their vehicles or else in town running errands. Presently there are 4 people and 1 dog here. This is a pay to camp BLM area, called La Posa South. It is not free dispersed camping. You are of course welcome. See satellite google map image capture. Pirate Campsite this week is just the typical desert area terrain around Quartzsite. People will come to stay awhile a day, a week or two, a month or several months throughout the winter months. It is not at all an organized event.
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Monday 7:00 am at Pirate camp La Posa south. Big excitement, lol, I saw a truck with an empty blue dumpster bin go. I am supposing that means Monday is the day the waste services will be swapping out dumpsters. Last year at this time there were only two dumpsters at the waste station and that was true until the first of January and they were often overflowing. This year there are already four of them the first week of November. I do not know how many were here before that. A major improvement in services!
^^^Kevin I've sent a PM or Conversation.................(Envelope top right of page)

Phone TEXT # for a PIN to our location..........and a big Welcome...........We'll arrive at camp on Monday

BUT that Handle "Parkranger666".................The Devil spawn of RangerRick

That's La Posa SOUTH..................Right hand side................BEFORE the Dumpsters
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Kevin, you can see my little travel trailer off to the right past some trees in a shallow wash just before you take the turn into PirateCamp. It makes a good marker to know you are in the right place. The popup roof is not up today as the wind gust are rip roaring strong. But the red color will be pretty easy to spot among lots of other vehicle colors of white, browns and gray. When you see it you will know for sure you are in the right place.
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