Reason - Why there such a growth in vehicle living.

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... and the sad part is, that it is impossible to change the situation, because it would require to decrease the cost of homes, and current home owners would vote out of office any politician trying to do that.

In behavioral economics, they found that prices much easier to go up than down, and why. That the reality is quite different that theoretical economists said it is.
... and the sad part is, that it is impossible to change the situation, because it would require to decrease the cost of homes, and current home owners would vote out of office any politician trying to do that.

In behavioral economics, they found that prices much easier to go up than down, and why. That the reality is quite different that theoretical economists said it is.

Politicians would make sure politicians don’t rock that boat. That’s their income.
Lower housing cost equal lower property tax… and a bunch of other taxes…
Capital gains, inheritance…
Just the fact we can’t build reasonably sized homes, simpler schools and public buildings. But no… instead of a one million dollar building that would be fully functional they have to build a ten million dollar building to attract big buck people… to build big buck houses… so they can be big buck politicians!
The smart thing to do is go to Canada or Mexico, destroy all your paperwork & cross the border saying "speak no English" Our tax $$$s at work :)
NEW YORK - The per diem rate for a single migrant household is $5 more than previously cited in 2023. It now costs $388 per day for NYC to house and care for a single migrant household, according to Social Services Commissioner Molly Wasow Park in a City Council hearing Monday. This includes shelter and food.Mar 12, 2024

“The spending “could cost as much as an astounding $451 billion,” per year, the report stated, citing research from the Center for Immigration Studies in May 2023. “The population of the United States is roughly 330 million, plus perhaps 15 million illegal migrants.Nov 16, 2023
^^^So do you think maybe immigration laws which determines the way we deal with immigration needs improved? Or maybe just to continue to depend on private nonprofit organizations and people living on the border and underfunded government agencies to give life support until Congress decides to act. Guess one party has decided the situation can wait til after the election to start shooting people, thank goodness! As one old timer said you don’t shoot the horse because the saddle fell off! You learn how to put the saddle on better.
For $100 per day, they could live comfortably in Mexico, saving us taxes.

interesting debate about 'luxury beliefs' - How Elites Hurt the Poor With Terrible Ideas - Rob Henderson, by Konstantin Kisin :

about ideas which make elites feel good, but hurt average people. Like that there should not be border, and no person is illegal. Rob Henderson grew up in foster care, after army went for PhD in psychology in Yale. Very interesting perspective, and Kisin talks a lot about the failure of woke culture, look him up
For $100 per day, they could live comfortably in Mexico, saving us taxes.
WTF? I've never spent that kind of money, and I didn't have to move to Mexico. That's $36.5k per year, man...

... and the sad part is, that it is impossible to change the situation, because it would require to decrease the cost of homes
No... increase real wages. The low end has taken a big hit in the last 50 years, although it's getting better recently with the MW boosts.

This short video demonstrates the underlying cause of the growth in vehicle living, outside those that overtly choose it.
I blame Bob.

I think he's a great guy, but the "live in your vehicle!" campaign as a way to "escape" rent payments was doomed from the start. It's usually viable when hardly anyone is doing it... but when you have hordes of dysfunctional people (and face it... most people who can't figure out how to live in an apartment are dysfunctional), taking their show on the road and parking on public land and public streets, it quickly becomes a mess.

It takes a high degree of functionality to live in a vehicle and not be a nuisance. It's certainly more difficult than living in an apartment somewhere. Most of the people doing this have no concept of how they are effecting others, it's just what they can get away with for as long as they can get away with it. Ya, it's great that you can park on a public street and use public services, and bank your salary without paying rent... but that is something that no one has a "right" to and it is obviously in conflict with the intended purpose of street parking and public spaces.
The U.S, is $34 Trillion in dept talking of cutting social security while letting anyone that can get over the border, good people to very very bad people stay in the U.S. & paying about $400 a DAY to support them while we have HOMELESS VETS & other U.S. citizens that have worked & contributed living on streets, under overpasses & bridges. Is that fair to you? Now the illegals are squatting in houses they don't own, committing all sorts of crime, on you tube saying their baby is the breadwinner of the family & that's all OK with you?
We have immigration laws & systems in place to immigrate the proper way. How about the squatters?
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^^^seems to me the video is taking different problems and trying to place blame on immigrants. If they truly get that much money for housing why would they risk loosing it by squatting. Yes we have immigration problems, yes we have a housing problems but until we have a functioning House that can work with the Senate and the President government is forced to do the best it can with what is has. Videos like this one are making money off sensationalizing situations not reporting news.
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WTF? I've never spent that kind of money, and I didn't have to move to Mexico. That's $36.5k per year, man...
I was saying that instead of paying $388 per day in NYC, let's pay $100 in MX. Or less, of course, we would save even more.

No... increase real wages. The low end has taken a big hit in the last 50 years, although it's getting better recently with the MW boosts.
Prices of homes what - tripled? Fed reserve would not allow tripled wages. It would start ridiculous inflation.
But yes, would be nice to get the gap smaller.

I just read that 28 yo CFO of a company building affordable homes for homeless, defrauded $40M, company bankrupt, no homes.
Immigrants are much LESS likely to commit crimes than the native born.

Northwestern University study, 2024:

CNN, 2024:

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2020:
or here:

New York Times, 2019:

Cato Institute study, 2018:

PBS, 2017:

Let me say it again. This is well and widely known. It has been shown in study after study.

Anybody can make a YouTube video. The fact that you can find somebody saying something on YouTube is meaningless. You could spend every minute remaining to you in this life getting upset about random ******** online videos. Try getting your news from responsible sources instead.

Immigrants have been building up this country ... and the rich have been trying to drive a wedge between immigrants and native-born workers, so that they (the rich) can keep emptying our pockets ... for a very long time. Don't be so easily led.
Immigrants are much LESS likely to commit crimes than the native born.

Northwestern University study, 2024:

CNN, 2024:

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2020:
or here:

New York Times, 2019:

Cato Institute study, 2018:

PBS, 2017:

Let me say it again. This is well and widely known. It has been shown in study after study.

Anybody can make a YouTube video. The fact that you can find somebody saying something on YouTube is meaningless. You could spend every minute remaining to you in this life getting upset about random ******** online videos. Try getting your news from responsible sources instead.

Immigrants have been building up this country ... and the rich have been trying to drive a wedge between immigrants and native-born workers, so that they (the rich) can keep emptying our pockets ... for a very long time. Don't be so easily led.
Thank you, Morgana.
Morgana, most of your links aren't even from this decade.
This is simply untrue. Every link I posted is from well within the last 10 years and the first two are from this year.
You have every right to disagree on how to interpret facts, but you do not have the right to state falsehoods. Your statement is false. That is not OK.
This resource says nothing about the question being discussed here. (Nothing. zero.) In other words, you have not supported your argument in any way.
Gr8ful I gotta admit I'm getting tired of spending my time chasing down your false statements and bogus links. You seem to think it's OK to create any sort of a brouhaha you want and leave it to other people to clean up.
If that sounds a little harsh, it's because I want to get you to think about what you are doing here -- and, if failing that, to get other people to think about how they decide what to take seriously.
We live in crazy times. There is no shortage of REAL crazy. There is no shortage of FAKE crazy either -- clickbait, rabble-rousing, attention-grabbing nonsense. And there is no shortage of people with something to sell (including your attention and clicks, which is one of the hottest commodities in today's market) who profit from your being upset and taking sides too quickly.
If you want to be an independent thinker, you've got to do more than just stay off "Fakebook," you've got to stay off ALL the fake "books" and really think about every idea someone pitches you. The more emotional the idea makes you, the more careful you should be.
I'm gonna post a couple of links to "how to avoid fake news" resources in a separate post and then that's me done with this topic. If someone wants to post another falsehood or crazy non-sequitur then I just hope people will think carefully before swallowing it whole.
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As promised, here are some resources. These are not in any particular order --- feel free to just grab any one and have a look.
Some how-to-not-get-fooled advice
“How to spot fake news” (International Federation of Library Associations)
“How can I identify misinformation?” (Arizona State University) (scroll down to the Frequently Asked Questions section)
“Is this source reliable?” (Modern Language Association)
Some fact-checkers
Snopes ---
PolitiFact ---
Associated Press fact-check page ---
Duke (University) Reporters Lab (more of a deep dive with lots of fact-checking sites)
Prices of homes what - tripled? Fed reserve would not allow tripled wages. It would start ridiculous inflation.
But yes, would be nice to get the gap smaller.
That's the wrong number... look at real wages and real prices. And rentals, not homes.

Since 1985 real home prices have gone up ~80%. A big part of what has driven that though is 3% interest rates, so payments weren't that bad. Also when appreciation is that good, owning a home becomes much cheaper than renting. In my case all costs of owning my home have been less than the appreciation, so living here has been free. I doubt that will be the case in the next 10 years... but it might be if general inflation increases.

Also since 1985 the Fed rent index has increased 3.57x while the CPI has gone up 2.92x, for a CPI adjusted increase of 22.3%. Even real 10th decile wages are now hitting all time highs, so real wages have gone up a little at least. Even if we say wages have been flat and assume 40% is paid to rent, a 9% pay increase would cover it.
Immigrants have been building up this country ... and the rich have been trying to drive a wedge between immigrants and native-born workers, so that they (the rich) can keep emptying our pockets ... for a very long time. Don't be so easily led.
It's mostly divisive political propaganda. Both "sides" actually want illegals. The rich want their cheap labor to keep down wages in general, and the Dems want the votes.

As far as it being positive or negative for current citizens... I think it's negative. Doesn't matter that most of the ones coming are good potential citizens, they are mostly poor and poorly educated, and we don't need more people in this country, period. The rich benefit from an increasing population, because it gives them more people to skim profits from.

Plus... ethnic and racial division is another way for them to keep us distracted. If you've noticed any trends in the last few decades, increased division, confusion, and chaos should be at the top of the list.
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