Reason - Why there such a growth in vehicle living.

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So I guess after large corporations using foreign capital buying up land, water rights and single family homes at inflated costs in order to monopolize the rental housing market are really the cause of the government spending excesses to house immigrants? Seems that happened during the last president’s term maybe?
I agree & hope he's voted out this Nov. BTW some rude person called me Mr Trump. For the record I'm an Independent & have always voted for the candidate not the party after much research. I really don't like either of the 2 main parties & the other 4 parties don't have a chance.
Interesting. My mom was a lifelong Republican who left the GOP because of Trump.
^^^It wasn’t just him it was the whole MAGA movement to destroy faith in our elections and support of the Constitution. Granted both parties have treasonous members and there are huge problems in several if not all branches of government but there are remedies in my opinion as long as people reasonably use the system and continue to pay attention to the actions of the people they elect.
I didn't see that mentioned anywhere, but the article seemed like a fair enough intelligent summary... and mentioned that illegal immigrants cost more in benefits than they pay in taxes over their lives, and it's worse if they become citizens and collect SS. And that they are in no way a boon to current citizens economically.
References for your claims?
BF can you even say women anymore & be politically correct? :)
BF can you even say women anymore & be politically correct? :)
I'm thinking that with 2 old men running for Pres, who their VP is should make a difference. On one side we have a previous attorney general of California from 2011 to 2017 and a U.S. senator from California from 2017 to 2021. On the other side... Hmmm... Don't seem to see anyone there. OK, how about stance on issues? Abortion and women's rights, NATO, Russia and Ukraine, tax policy, ... need I go on? Or has either one expressed the desire to be a Dictator - even for a day? Or, statistically speaking, which of them lies more often? How about which one is more likely to voluntarily leave again after another term? Which one thinks he is above the law? The choice seems pretty clear to me.

At different times I have been Independent, Republican, RINO, and Democrat, but like in old movies I can seem to move just by standing in one place while the background moves.
Ron, may I ask why you quote my question to Bullfrog then don't even mention anything about it in your post at all? Are the cogs slipping a wee bit maybe? I sure hope not.
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There is actually a very good reason for politicians to hate nomads. That reason is voting and taxes. If you don’t have a permanent address you can’t be on a voting roster. If you can’t vote, you cannot put someone in an office for them to have a freaking lifetime job double talking. You also won’t be paying certain taxes. Now I am in favor of a certain amount of taxation because I like having fire departments and police departments, I like roads in good shape. If you are a nomad, you can’t be confirmed on a censes. No state, county or city can use you to get a portion of government programs.
Now there are ways to solve all of the above problems but god forbid any of them think out of the box far enough to find a solution. And if someone did find a way to count nomads for tax and censes purposes, there will be a special interest group somewhere who will try to change it to benefit themselves or stop it completely.
We would have to develop our own special interests group. Have lobbyists and all the other slightly morally wrong but completely legal behaviors that the other groups have. But that all takes money, a lot of money. And that is something many of us do not have.
So I guess after large corporations using foreign capital buying up land, water rights and single family homes at inflated costs in order to monopolize the rental housing market are really the cause of the government spending excesses to house immigrants? Seems that happened during the last president’s term maybe?
My point is with more & more Illegal Immigrants will mean more housing shortages so higher housing cost. As far as the last administration there were no mass Illegal Immigration problems. That started the first day of the current administration or don't you remember?
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Yes, yes I do but most all immigrants are here to work and no matter where they stay they do so many times by using the hot bed method so living very efficiently even sharing meals and almost all employers take out taxes and other deductions whether they pay them to the government or not. Again that is a government enforcement problem that was worsened by gutting the IRS last administration and one the MAGA Congress has not allowed to be even discussed after refusing to vote on a bipartisan bill that would at least started dealing with these problems. Again don’t shoot the horse because the saddle fell off. And don’t forget the housing crisis was created by powerful big money corporations many with foreign interests. Water shortages in Southern Arizona aided by politicians taking forgeign money in my opinion stunted much of the new construction. Follow the money. Who got billions of support from the middle eastern countries? Now that voters got a governor and state prosecutor willing to start looking let’s hope they can do their jobs even with the state legislature for the most part working against them. There are a lot of problems and situations that need to be addressed again in my opinion.
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My post on John Wayne wasn't political at all but was deleted this morning saying it was political. So why can Ron talk politics & it's fine? And the moderator won't leave a name so I can't ask & they send 3 notices every time?

I'm late here again, and just catching up, but the posts about John Wayne's history became irrelevant in a thread labeled 'Just for Fun'.

Our moderators function as a team and we are under no obligation to reveal who deleted what. It's a team effort trying to keep the forum functional and readable.

Also, please keep in mind that ALL posts, no matter what the content, are ALWAYS subject to being deleted at any time. Even mine. Even this post can be deleted by another moderator. Another mod might decide to delete half the items in this thread, including this one. And that's the way it is. (apologies to Walter Cronkite!)

Some members are pushing boundaries every day, and 99% of the time, we let the items remain in the thread. But there is NO guarantee that everything that any member posts will remain as is.

Many of our members are not happy with the ongoing political rants, but my belief is that all of us are adults and can draw our own conclusions. No one's fundamental beliefs will be changed by reading a few paragraphs on an internet forum.

But a dynamic, active discussion keeps people coming back here day after day, and that is a good thing.
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I don't know details about Hollywood actors and WW2 service, and don't really care about any specific actors. I would suspect that some actors served, but never served in combat roles, as they were busy making Hollywood propaganda-entertainment films for the folks on the home front.


Had posted mis-info on John Wayne not being WW2 which I corrected & we we're moderated by the Mod Squad! :)
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