Your level of importance for moving weight and fuel economy?

Van Living Forum

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You answered your own question in your original post. If you're never going to work, you're never going to have money therefore weight and gas mileage of your vehicle is never going to be an issue because you aren't ever going to go anywhere. At some point one has to shit or get off the pot, otherwise others start to perceive you as that nagging 4 year old who persistently keeps asking questions with no means to an end. I'd truly like to see you reach your dream but you and only you can make yourself take that first step.
debit.servus said:
Your level of importance for moving weight and fuel economy?

On a scale of 1 to 10.
1 being of no importance

1) How important is moving weight and fuel economy to you?

1 - I have stuff and I'm taking it

2) How has this influenced your rig choice and way of life?

1 - more important to me, being able to get in and out of remote areas

3) How much of your life do you spend optimizing moving weight and fuel economy?

2 - had to add weight to balance my trailer in order to stop wearing out the left tire. Had a gentleman at Goodyear measure frame to ground and calculate the weight I needed to add in order to balance out.

Your level of importance for moving weight and fuel economy?

1) How important is moving weight and fuel economy to you?

2) How has this influenced your rig choice and way of life?

3) How much of your life do you spend optimizing moving weight and fuel economy?