A friend of mine, a number of years ago, bought the bottom section of a Nature's Head composting toilet from their website (abt $200 at the time) & didn't do anything with it, ending up giving it to me. I bought a urine diverter & built the top section for it out of some wood flooring, a piece of 5/8" ply, a 90 deg black ABS fitting (to attach the vent hose), & attached a toilet lid. It works like a charm & doesn't stink, even when taking a dump, due to the tiny 12v muffin fan used to extract moisture n such from the toilet. abt 1-1/2mo of daily use leaves less than 1 cubic ft of broken down dry'ish poo/coconut coir/TP that I dump into a garbage bag n sling into a Smithrite. It only has a not particularly pungent peat-like odor.