Your ideal evening?

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Active member
Oct 20, 2019
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So the day is winding to a close and you've finished your meal, but you're not quite ready for sleep. What are your favorite ways to spend a few hours?
If I'm camping, I'll take a nice walk and photograph, looking for species to log in my wildlife journal. If I'm doing urban stealth or Walmart I'll read and write.
cruising CRVL of course...

if camping with friends or meeting new people at an event, a campfire is the perfect end to an evening
It totally depends on a lot of things. For certain, I am not interested in campfires. I've had enough smoke in my eyes for one lifetime. If I'm gonna visit with people I would like to do it in a situation where we don't have to form one LARGE circle where you can barely see even the people right next to you. You know, in the daylight... Without a fire separating us all.

Besides, I really need to spend some more time learning to edit videos, if I am ever gonna start that YouTube channel I keep promising.
come on man, no need to dis my choice. just tell us what you like instead of bashing what i like.

besides, i build smoke free fires and keep my friend small and close so none of the draw back you mention.

but i understand campfires are not for everyone, and you wont find me trashing what you like to do at the end f the day
I keep my log going during the day, so last entry is usually just the time and mileage. My last meal of the day between 2 and 4pm ideally, in the evening I go for a walk and check out the sunset and the animal life if there is any around. If I have any energy left, I listen to the radio or read.    ~crofter

Exceptions though, like today I made this awesome apple tart with a recipie by that french guy. It is awesome! I am loading up on carbs long after the hour I usually am done with food for the day.

1 1/2 cup flour
1 1/2 sticks butter or lard
1/2 Tsp baking soda
1 Tablespoon sugar
2/3 cup cold water

after cutting in all ingredients, you press into the pans with your fingers (no rolling out!!) and also try to press the dough up the sides as much as possible. An alternative is no dough on the sides, and that is awesome too - less crust to get in the way of the flavor.

I added about 6 granny smith apples per pie, peeled cored and sliced, which I coated with some flour, sugar and cinnamon by shaking it all up in a bag. Then put the apple mixture into the pie plates. Bake it at 400 degrees for about an hour. It is sooo good!
This is also an awesome crust for meat pies ~crofter
Drinking dark draft beer and shooting pool in a bar.
nice tart recipe, any recipe that include "butter or lard" has my interest... :)
If I see another camper walking their dog or sitting out nearby with a friendly looking dog or two, I will start up a conversation and maybe ask where they're from or ask about their rig,etc. The people can be nice too but really what I'm after is a nice visit with their dog!

The way I travel I don't want the responsibility of having a dog, so I borrow a little love from others.
Gypsy Freedom said:
nice tart recipe, any recipe that include "butter or lard" has my interest... :)
It was quite tasty.  I did not list salt in the ingredients, and you will get more of a rise out of the dough if you add a pinch of salt to it.  ~crofter
I take one last walk around of my rig; make sure everything is secure for the night; make sure everything is neat and clean inside and put away; get the blankets/heater set for the expected low temps; put my high-power LED flashlight and my gun on the counter next to me; and settle down into the book I am currently reading. Great end to the day . . .
slow2day said:
If I see another camper walking their dog or sitting out nearby with a friendly looking dog or two, I will start up a conversation and maybe ask where they're from or ask about their rig,etc. The people can be nice too but really what I'm after is a nice visit with their dog! 

The way I travel I don't want the responsibility of having a dog, so I borrow a little love from others.
I have told my dog countless times not to talk to strangers, not even if they pretend to want to get to know me. It is so hard to raise our fur babies to act in their own best interest ;)
By "day at a close" do you mean when the sun goes down or when the sun come up and I realize I stayed up all night?
A nice, warm campfire and a cold beer.... with my blankie.
I use a small metal 8" fan to blow the smoke upwards. If you put it close enough to the fire, it will create an updraft. Inverter and battery required...

I'm up for a campfire every night.

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