Would this battery be worth the price?

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<P><A href="http://calgary.kijiji.ca/c-cars-veh...rts-accessories-RV-Battery-W0QQAdIdZ283843308" target=_blank target=_blank>http://calgary.kijiji.ca/c-cars-veh...rts-accessories-RV-Battery-W0QQAdIdZ283843308</A><BR><BR>I can't really tell since I don't know much about batteries just yet<BR></P>or this one?<BR><BR><A href="http://calgary.kijiji.ca/c-cars-veh...ries-RV-DEEP-CYCLE-BATTERY-W0QQAdIdZ282697509" target=_blank target=_blank>http://calgary.kijiji.ca/c-cars-veh...ries-RV-DEEP-CYCLE-BATTERY-W0QQAdIdZ282697509</A>&nbsp;(This guy has three batteries for sale. Click the "View poster's other Ads" on top right to see. I think $40 per battery should be good?)<BR>
Personally, I would not buy a used battery.&nbsp; It's almost impossible to tell how it has been treated and therefore how much life it has left.&nbsp; <br>
<P><FONT face="times new roman, times, serif" size=3>I would never buy a use battery(s), also... <BR><BR>I only buy from Costco (2 yr no questions asked return), or Sears (I have the 5yr free replacement ones).&nbsp; He bought a "reconditioned" battery 50 bucks, left it uncharged on a trailer they&nbsp;used/charged&nbsp;only a couple days a year?&nbsp; That battery is toast...</FONT></P><FONT face="times new roman, times, serif" size=3>The 2nd link is better than the 1st one, BUT, the snap-on tester is misleading.&nbsp; If he pounds a bunch of amps into the battery before you get there, it will pass the test.&nbsp; It would need to be verifiably sitting at rest (no charge for a day or 2) for a valid test. Ask him if he'll warrantee that prinout for 30 days.&nbsp; <IMG src="https://vanlivingforum.com/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" align=absMiddle border=0><BR><BR>If the battery has ever been taken down to 0%-20%, even once, it may never rebound (maybe 70%-80% at best) .&nbsp; There's a trick for saving AGM batteries, but you have no idea how these batteries are maintained.&nbsp; Same reason I do all of my mechanical/electrical/custom work myself.&nbsp; I KNOW where MY batteries have been...lol <BR><BR>If you HAVE to go used, I'd go to junk yard that will give a 30 day&nbsp;warranty.&nbsp; <BR><BR><BR>AJ<BR><BR><BR></FONT>