Women Only: Accidently on purpose hair cut

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Well-known member
Jan 3, 2011
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Homebase is Pahrump, NV.
Don't get me wrong, I like my hair.&nbsp; I might even say that I'm vain.&nbsp; It's thick and I even like&nbsp;the way that it's greying.<br><br>Last summer, I kept my hair short ... some might say very short ... using the longest setting on my <span id="btAsinTitle">Philips Norelco&nbsp;Do-It-Yourself Hair Clipper</span>: <br><img class="bbc_img" src="http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/414QjZAwajL._SY450_.jpg" rel="lightbox"><br><br>When on the road, I like keeping my hair short because it's so much easier to take care of ... there's no bed head, no hat head, and keeping it clean is a breeze.<br><br>With colder weather, however,&nbsp;I let my hair grow.&nbsp; But, as&nbsp;I prepare to travel south in a few days, I decided to see if I could go shorter, but not as short as I did this past summer.&nbsp; So&nbsp; I taped some longer plastic strips to the attachment, but found that it didn't work.&nbsp; So, I decided to just go with my summer length.<br><br>Unfortunately, I didn't realize that I&nbsp;hadn't been using the longest attachment, but the medium-long one.&nbsp; So, my hair is now shorter than it's ever been.&nbsp; As hubby says, it looks like I have a butch!<br><br>So, being one who trys to see the up side when life delivers the unexpected, I decided that this hair cut is now my symbolic way of starting the new year in a new way.&nbsp; 2012 was a difficult year, and I've shaved it off.&nbsp; I'm looking forward to the growing in of 2013 and sure hope that it is happier and healthier in every way.<br><br>Suanne ... packing her hats<br><br><br><br>&nbsp;
So funny! Thanks for the chuckle. Best of luck in your next adventure.
Way to go, Suanne! I'll bring extra hats!
That's the way to make lemonade!!!<br><br>Rae
suanne, i had to laugh at this post. the night before my sons second grade school pictures, i finished clipping his hair. i noticed an uneven part right in the front, and told him "wait" and pulled the clippers out and took another pass over his bangs, about midline. without the attachment. there was no "profile shot" that hid the distinctive stripe over his head! we still have those school pictures, and laugh.&nbsp;<br><br>i recently got disgusted and clipped my hair off with a 1" clippers attachment. i love love love it, although i still have scary bedhead. fortunately i can put it to rights with 2 spritzes of the water bottle. dries in a jif!<br><br>i am knitting a baby alpaca hat now. i will also show you my "wool buff" at the RTR. best headgear ever!&nbsp;
I've been tempted to cut my hair short again...but the last time I did (although not quite as short as you're talking about) I regretted it because as I've gotten older my hair has thinned out considerably and it was not pretty at all...<img rel="lightbox" src="/images/boards/smilies/eek.gif" class="bbc_img">&nbsp; Bald on a guy might not elicit comment but I was cringing inside and had to make a special effort not to look in mirrors. &nbsp;Not sure how I could make lemonade out of an even shorter cut...maybe consider it an excuse to play with (and buy) pretty scarves? &nbsp;I do feel for you Suanne and I'm glad you're able to look at the bright side. &nbsp;<img rel="lightbox" src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" class="bbc_img"><br><br>I think for myself I'll just be really careful with clippers or&nbsp;scissors...
StarEcho said:
Not sure how I could make lemonade out of an even shorter cut...maybe consider it an excuse to play with (and buy) pretty scarves? &nbsp;I do feel for you Suanne and I'm glad you're able to look at the bright side. &nbsp;<img rel="lightbox" src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" class="bbc_img"><br><br>
<br><br>Those scarves and hats made for those getting chemo-therapy for cancer are quite nice.&nbsp; They hide thinning hair and bald heads. They're very stylish and come in all colors and styles.&nbsp; With age my hair is starting to thin a little. If it gets really bad I plan to wear those hats and scarves. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">&nbsp; BTW, they're not expensive.
Now that I've lived with this cut for a little while, another positive of&nbsp;the shortness&nbsp;is that I really like the way that it feels&nbsp;when I muss with it.&nbsp; Kind of weird ... but, it's just&nbsp;has a fun fuzz feel.&nbsp;I do say, however,&nbsp;seeing myself in the mirror is still a bit shocking.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Scarves and hats will definately be in order in public.&nbsp; Thanks for your shared giggles and stories.
Suanne said:
So, my hair is now shorter than it's ever been.&nbsp; As hubby says, it looks like I have a butch!
<br>I once made the mistake of asking a hairdresser to cut my hair 'boy short'. I knew it was gonna be bad when my roommate took one look and said, "You're going to love it... in a month or two.'<br>Needless to say, I broke out the hat collection <img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" class="emoticon bbc_img">
I find longer hair to be less maintenance.&nbsp; It doesn't require frequent trimming [I usually get it cut about every four months] and can be pulled back in a pony tail or bun to keep it out of my face.&nbsp; Short hair feels good but demands too much care for my limited hair skills.
<span style="font-size: large;">The older I get, the more coarse my hair has become. &nbsp;Impossible to style. &nbsp;When I went "butch" over a yr ago, I loved it! &nbsp;Looked into the mirror and laughed w/ delight! <br>Yes, in some situations, I did wear a hat...needed to take care not to sunburn my scalp w/ the shorter hair.<br><br></span><span style="font-size: large;">My family looked at me and laughed but I just laughed right back. &nbsp;"isn't it awesome?!" &nbsp;<br><br></span>When I skyped w/ my daughter, the 7 yr old grandson came running into the room chattering all excited to see g'ma. &nbsp;Sitting down at the computer, he stopped mid-sentence, "G'ma! What HAPPEND to your hair?!" &nbsp;So Funny.<br><br>To me a short hair cut says you're bold and willing to try something new/different, you're OK w/ who you are. &nbsp;Or possible just "look what I had the nerve to do!" &nbsp;either way....I say thumbs up for those short, short cuts!<br><br>Can't seem to get this font size to stay larger. sorry for the eyestrain.&nbsp;<br><br><br>
I wear short hair for about seven years and now my hair grow long. I just want to change a hairstyle
I was thinking about this the other day. How to manage my hair once I start vs dwelling. My hair is pretty long and I usually just put it up in a clip. I also have learned I don't need to wash it every day like I thought I did. I'm in training ladies so I can be prepared for my launch of van dwelling lol.
I decided to have my hair cut because we RV. It's easier to take care of now even though I like long hair better, on myself.&nbsp; My hair grows very slowly so I wont have to have it cut too often.
My hair is long and I've been thinking about using the clippers on myself. &nbsp;Had it real short a few years ago &amp; decided it was cheaper to let it grow. &nbsp;Thanks for posting this!
Suanne, I have worn my hair short, short, short since my cancer operation & I just love it. I put a #3 guard on & zip away. It is so cool in the summer & if I need to I can wear warm hats in the winter. I, also love the feel of it when I rub my hand over it! It will be the best hair do for camping! Won't take much water, either!
I recently decided to cut off my hair with the clippers leaving top/bangs of 3 or 4 inches. But, I accidently put on the wrong slide on blade and instead of 1 7/8", I got 7/8". I am delighted with it and I didn't even have to become brave to cut so short, just careless! I have grown it out to 1" and will probably continue to maintain it this way. So many youtube videos to guide one to doing this too!
Could you link to a couple of videos, SG?  My honey wants me to cut her hair after we retire and all I can remember is the terrible job I did with our dogs, maybe a tutorial will help.  :p