@Johnny B: Thanks for the tip, I looked up the wiring after you mentioned it delicately, and I now understand why you say it! I will make sure I take that into affect.
Also, thanks for the tip on the alternator! I will need to save up for that monster cost, but I think it will be worth it in the long run, especially because 200 amps when IDLE! That's insane! Definitely on my to-get list.
@Bob: I just don't like using natural resources, which is hypocritical of me as the van will use gas. However, I have had family members get injured because of propane, even though they were using it safely. Want to avoid that.
While we're on the subject, since I'm still partial (especially due to rainy or cloudy days); how much use can you get out of propane before you have to replace the canister?
@Lucky: I am an avid technology user. Van life will make me more of an avid out-doorsy person, sure, but if I'm living in something I grew up with and know, then it makes life easier. Especially when I become the captain of my own notspaceship, it will make me excited to fix things when they are broken. Its an awkward explanation, but having my gear makes me feel better, think better, and overall live better. Some people look to bikes, motorcycles, hiking, camping, etc; mine is being a tinkerer. Electronic gear will make me motivated to work on motor gear and electric problems, as well!
So with that in mind, my budget will be as big as it has to be. I have a full time 30k job, but I am not happy... I've always wanted little space, yet the freedom to go where ever and when ever I wanted, period; van life will make this happen, and I never thought about it (at all, actually) until I realized my life is cyclical and monotonous, then I needed to expand my world. But, why not take all the things I really enjoy with me?
Solar will be a huge proponent of this, as will stationary wind power, and a backup power source if need be; but if possible, I will keep making cuts where needed to get the right power draw; just from solar.