willy's workout

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Well-known member
Mar 20, 2012
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&nbsp;Right now I rightly should be wielding a crutch, but use a cane instead. There's a reason for this though, and that's in order to develop upper body/core strength. After my injury, and taking my meds (which lead to vertigo, incredible fatigue, and a bunch of other stuff), I started losing muscle tone/mass and packed on the ol' flab. Well, this is <strong>unacceptable,</strong> so something had to be done about it. <br>&nbsp;<br>&nbsp; Given that I'm somewhat limited re. cardio and can't afford/don't like the gym, something else had to be done. My solution was to make everyday acts into exercises. See, we as humans (and not unique in the animal kingdom at that) tend to find the <strong>easiest</strong> way of accomplishing things, conserving our energy. So, instead, I resolved to make thing more difficult instead. For example, I have a grab bar bolted to the outside wall of my camper which helps me get into it safely. So, instead of using mostly my legs to get me up 'n in, I use my arm. When visiting my parents in Abbotsford, and going into the back yard, there are 2 stairs on the walkway.. drop 'n do 10-15 inclined pushups.<br><br>&nbsp;If you stop and think about it, there are sooo many ways in which a person can 'work out' without 'working out'. It just takes a bit of ingenuity, and that's 1/2 the fun. Right now, my blood pressure has dropped from right near the danger zone to considerably below 'normal'; nice 'n low. Lost probably about 10lbs of fat and replaced it with hard sexy muscle too! ..Willy.&nbsp; <br>&nbsp;
My problem is that everything hurts. I got bicycle that makes it a little easier to get some exercise but I don't think I'll ever be in as good shape as I was 20 or 30 years ago.