you had me laughing first thing this morning. I doubt that they did all that install work just to put an immobilized person inside and drive them around. Wheel chairs dont fit well in RV's. In their later years people develop a variety of health issues. Many people modify their beds because of a condition known as acid reflux. By raising the head of the bed it helps to basically keep the contents of the stomach down.
The problem is that if you simply tilt the whole bed you have a tendency to slide down. A hospital type bed lets the bed bend in numerous positions to provide varying levels of comfort. This person could of had a number of conditions and the money to modify the c and did it and enjoyed 100,000 plus miles of rv'ing while having limited mobility. This is all speculation but whoever did it had a few bucks of disposable income.
The vast majority of people probably wait until 62 because that's the earliest age that they can get Social Security as a source of income. They dont get medical coverage until I believe age 65. If you have the savings or inheritance or trust fund to support yourself and not work before the age of 62 you are doing well and congratulations.
I do fully agree with what you were probably basically trying to say as far as retire as soon as you can. I retired asap with plenty to keep me going for the rest of my life. It took a lot of work and participation within our system to accomplish this but it has paid off well. I usually worked a job to get benefits and my own business to provide more income. That was within the old system of good paying jobs when a person with a high school education could get a job that would let them raise a family and retire. Now days an HS degree will get you minimum wage to about $10.00 an hour for the rest of your life.
It's not an age thing, it's a money thing. It's all about money. Whether it's a house or an rv or a van or a car, it's just a different roof over your head.