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Oct 29, 2018
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There are a TON of people that are opting for the road. Why are you? What has brought you to the mobile life? Passions are always good conversation.
I am the opposite of a hoarder. Those who must have clutter around them, I am the polar opposite. Clutter or stuff around me sets me off and I can't stand it. Always a minimalist type, now as I get older I find I want nothing around me anymore. No ties. No S&B. No clutter, I want the freedom to move as I see fit, at my will, at my choice and with no junk to haul except the few things I am passionate about...like bringing my kayak on the road with me. Water baby here. Give me a lake, river, ocean, you name it and I want near it LOL

My hubby is kinda like me but hasn't gone down the path of hating stuff as much as me but he can roll with a lot less stuff also.

Waiting on kid to hit college, 4 yrs, get her set up well in her start of life and then we will hit the road. Owned a working farm, now my life is selling tractors, tons of other equipment and getting barns cleared, getting house cleared etc. It is now ALL about getting rid of it all for our freedom.

so that is basically my story :) I can't wait to start the adventures but in the mean time we have camped for over 30 yrs and we have our mobile lifestyle wittled down to exactly what we require on the road. So I am ahead of the game on that part now it is just a waiting game for us.
It's a big country, I wanna see all of it, and van-dwelling is the most flexible and most interesting way to do that.
Funny how almost no one questions people's reasons for living in buildings. :)

I wanted to travel and I needed to do it cheaply. Now I'm much happier.
I traveled in a van before I met my DW (met her when I was 28). She traveled with me in the van and she loved it as she had hardly been out of a couple of surrounding counties before. After our son was born we continued to make trips to Colorado mostly. He got to experience a lot of different things that way. When we were getting ready to retire we bought our first real class B+ (still have it). We are older and really appreciate standing up and having the day to day stuff that makes traveling so much easier. DW can no longer travel (health) and I am relegated to short outings now :-( Our plan was to be gone 10 months and come "home" for the holidays. Didn't quite work out. Not looking for pity, it is what it is.
good posts on the thread :)

B&C I am sorry it didn't work as you guys planned. Not sending pity at all :) but sending out that notion that if you want something, do it while ya can....we are at that junction now. Wait til older and more ducks are settled in a row or go the hell for it as fast as we can....which we are doing right now. We are walking as fast as we can for our freedom. Even in the years leading to this total freedom everything can change in a blink. Best we can do is hope and pray things work out for all of us and even find the good in the bad situations when we are forced to do just that.

I was hoping to get to the RTR this year as we haven't been in a couple years. The last one we went to, there were sure a LOT (thousands) of people. Didn't even think about going to the seminars. Sure want to see some of our old friends there though. Time will tell if I can go but not looking too positive. DW said she wanted to go but in the condition she is in, I don't think I could give her very good care. The shower in the van will really only hold one person and she needs the help. Guess we could break camp every couple of days and go to the truck stop for showers. Then there is the question of if she can handle all the changes of scenery/people...
Yes that is a hard call for sure. Can one handle it or not? I am sure you can find situations to make it work for her, but would it be ok for her to be able handle all that? so personal on if you can make that trip or not but I am sending best wishes prayers to you guys and ya never know, you might do it and it all works well and you have the best times of you life on that trip?? :) :)
Just ask her what she could handle and chat away at it to find if it will work for you guys. She might be chomping at the bit to try and go and willing to change up some stuff to make it work. best wishes tho!!!
B&C does your wife have any other physical limitations besides help showering.?
HalfShadows said:
B&C does your wife have any other physical limitations besides help showering.?

She can't go to the bathroom by herself, we are into Depends, she can't dress herself.  Have to have the pee pads on the bed and anywhere she sits.  Constant washing stuff here and Febreze  :(  She is so easily confused.  She can't put a full sentence together either and forgets what she is trying to get across.  If we go somewhere, I can't let her out of my sight and have to hold her hand to keep her from getting lost.  She can't operate a phone to call for help.

As I list it, it ain't gonna happen...   :(
Brian, you called it right. I just spent 9 months caring for my wife. I averaged 3 hours of sleep per night. It was surreal to say the least. There is more to it as you know as well. Moments of clarity was a blessing. Peace be with you.
B and C it is good you list it and see it as it is in truth.
It means being there and giving caregiver help.
I don't think a trip far would be easily handled by both.

Just take it as it comes and do what ya'll can thru it all.

Sending family prayers your way :) cause I know you will do what suits you guys best to make it thru tough times!
Difficult times indeed. You both have my sympathy (Brian and HalfShadows) ... like they say, old age isn't for wimps.

I'm hoping to go the way of my mother, strong and fiercely independent to the end. She traveled alone full-time for years until osteoporosis stopped her. Then lived alone another 20 years in a Texas resort town on the Gulf, and finally moved herself into an assisted living home, just a few months before she passed away. She gave me her car 3 weeks before she had her stroke, and downsized considerably so we didn't have much to take care of when she passed away. I thought her timing was perfect - especially that she died 6 months before a hurricane destroyed the town including the assisted living place she moved herself to.

My reasons for wanting to travel have already been expressed in this thread.

1. There's a lot I haven't seen in the USA and I love to explore, and sight-see..

2. Do it now while you still can. I'm not getting any younger!

In fact, my mother's travel stopped when she was the age I am now. That's when her spine started cracking from osteoporosis (which is hereditary, by the way) ... and here I am, same age, trying to get started with my full-time travel. I do feel there's no better time than now. My mom sent my sister and I books about osteoporosis so we could take steps to be better prepared than she was.

I can either travel, or stay in a senior "independent living" apartment where I must submit to management coming in for inspections a minimum of 4 times a year. Plus whatever else comes up, like today, they want entry so the electric company can change all lightbulbs (as if we are not able to.) We're also not allowed to touch our own water heaters. This is a very nice third floor apartment with a view but, I think I'm ready to leave, just as soon as I can get that van.
Thanks all. It is what it is. At least we had 40+ good years together. I think this is the "for worse" and "in sickness" part of the vows.
I guess my reason is pretty simple. I’m going to be 47 years old next month. I’m not married anymore and I have no children. I have been working crazy long hours for  years and I’m tired of working my life away  I Don’t have any reason for doing that.  Only six months ago did I start planning this. I have eight months left on my condo lease, then I’m going to take some time off to travel. After four or five months I’ll get another job but it certainly won’t be over 40 hours a week that will be unnecessary. I will keep my expenses and my possessions to a minimum. I have been somewhat of a minimalist for the last five years. I could’ve done this years ago but just never thought of it.