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escaping Virginia. one new battery tonight and a tank of Virginia priced gas, and NC in the morning.
still in Colorado,finishing up on my final punch list before I head out to quartzsite......see ya all soon :)
What are you guys doing in Quartzsite for eating? Do you go to the nearest town for grocery and cook on site at Quartzsite? Or do you buy take-out food from a cafe? Are there Subway sandwich shops and Starbucks at any nearby town? I know that may seem like a silly question. City slickers wanna know, haha!
Depending on finances, folks cook in their rig or go to one of the many restaurants in Q. The boondocking areas are very close to town.
Many restaurants in Q? Good to know! I'd rather not cook even though I have plenty of appliances and propane. I just don't like cleaning, nor the lingering smells of barbeque. I especially hate grease. I don't want any insects attracted to the vehicle or appliances due to grease or odors. I'm fortunate the only thing my vehicle attracts is spiders. Even then I spray down the exterior of the vehicle with Raid bug spray every so often. I can't stand spider webs! Looks like I'll be eating out at Q much of the time!

EDIT: Oh hey, I just noticed that I'm now the biggest freak of all. Yahoo! Such honor bestowed! Feelin' the luv!
There's a some good places to eat. Don't know about Subway, but Mickey D's is on the west end. La Casa Rancho across from us stays pretty busy and we've heard they're pretty good. There's a cafe around the corner on Main I've heard is good. There's a few coffee vendors around and a good bakery up the street.

We mostly cook in, so we do major shopping up in Parker (appx 30m), Blythe is a little closer. Otherwise, there is a Family Dollar on the east and Dollar General on the west. There's also a couple local stores with high prices on food and ok on beer.
Oh good. Now I know I won't starve nor have to resort to begging, haha!
caseyc, pay attention! b&us just said they mostly cook in. We'll all just head to their place. Of course if he cooks like he posts, we're in trouble.
Party is at B&US' place every night?? I missed that. I'll learn to read between the lines better, haha!
I'm happily lost somewhere in the PNW at the moment, but I'm running out of battery juice, and the sun doesn't shine here. So I'm thinking it's time to mosey off to somewhere sunnier. One of these years I'm going to make it up here in the SUMMER.
Mendocino, Ft. Bragg has been fantastic. Got here the 9th of Nov. Temps in the high 60's daily, clear and sunny. Lows at night mid 40's. Took Kate ( my dog ) to the beach for her morning walk. The whales were just offshore blowing and rolling. Counted 14 deer. Went to the Headlands coffee spot for a cup. A young lady from Brazil who spoke only Portugese sat down with her Portagee to English book. We had a ball laughing, and trying out questions in each others language. Took my skateboard to a small hill running downhill towards the Pacific. I think I'm starting to get the hang of this. Took the two new discs I bought this past week to the College of the Redwoods campus disc golf course. Free!
I'm not getting the hang of this yet. If you have a chance put this area on your list. Wonderful, fun, beautiful spot to stay awhile.
Geez Owl, sounds like home to me...Oh yeah, it is home... Down here at the Holtville hotsprings, weather in the 70s', 80s' and evening temps in the 50s'. Rain yesterday for a while but clear and nice today. Enjoy Mendo !!
Thanks Moby, tell me where the key is hidden at your place and I'll swing by and get some steaks out of the freezer for Kate and I. You going to be in your usual spot at the RTR? I should be in Q the second week of Dec. Have you gotten my Christmas present yet?
OK, this is cool. Went to the market in Mendocino grabbed some soup and a beer. Went to the headlands overlooking the Pacific O. just in time to watch a pod of Orcas go by. First for me here. Had to share. Way cool