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San Antonio, TX preparing the RV. The launch date is sometime next year. Spring probably.
I hear ya, Tonyandkaren. I'm in upstate Ny, and it was 28* the other night in the van. Window frosted over on the inside! I have been working over an hour from my house, and I have been staying in the van for a night or two, home for a night, gone two, and so on. It's a good trial run, see what works and what doesn't. I am lucky in that I have access to a bathroom, stove and power. ( it was a church, now a community center. My third time working here) anyway, I am in upstate Ny, in the Catskill mountains (12414) , home of Rip Van Winkle ( slept for 20 years, woke up to gnomes bowling in the clouds) Thomas Cole and Frederick Church painted here , lots of Indian history, caves and the " escarpment" which is a stone formation that runs aprox 100 miles, with some areas of it being 800' shear cliffs. Creeks and rivers for fishing or kayaking . All in all not a bad place, just too damn nasty in the winter anymore.

Edit- since posting this, I and my family have moved to NE Alabama,about 30 miles from Chattanooga, Tn. I went to Alabama as a volunteer after the 4/27/11 tornados and wound up staying.
Hammer said:
On the Beautiful Sunshine Coast of British Columbia. &nbsp;Still working on making my Van run, but getting closer to launch by the day! &nbsp;Still freezing here, in the same cold spell as Suanne.<div>Hammer</div>
<div>I lived in Sechelt for a while, Lovely Place in the Spring, Summer and Fall!</div><div>Now I am in the GTA area,&nbsp;full-timing&nbsp;it in my 1988 Box Truck <img src="/images/boards/smilies/biggrin.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"></div>
<p>*Sniffle, sniffle*&nbsp; Kenai Alaska...15 below zero this morning!!! More snow to come next 3 days.&nbsp; On the high point...Super sunny past 3 days....have missed seeing the big yellow guy.</p>
I lived in Anchorage for over 40 years and finally had enough of those looong, daaarrrk, coooold winters. The year my youngest son turned 18 I retired and left (he swears he'll never leave and works for BP on the North Slope). Every since then I have avoided cold country like the plague. I spend my winters in the desert and today&nbsp;it's beautiful and in the mid-seventies--now that's my kind of weather! </p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">Yesican, one of these days you will come to your senses and go toward the light!! Stay warm until then! Bob</p>
<p>***Pouting***My brains to numb to come to its senses! By the time&nbsp;my pile of goo&nbsp;thaws out, its fishing season and soooo hard to pull me away.&nbsp; But then...NOVEMBER comes and I wanna leave!</p>
Left my van in Texas with my brother's neighbor's car port (my bro starts up the engine and keeps an eye on it).<div>I am currently enjoying the hot humid weather of the Philippines (my country of origin). Feasting on banana sized shrimp, fried fish and simmered squid with ink sauce every week and enjoying some really cool Chinese restaurants. Food is cheap. Plenty of US brand restaurants like Chili's, Outback, Pizza Hut, Dunkin Donuts, etc... Lots of fellow expats.&nbsp;</div><div><br></div><div>I am planning on having some dental checkup done... &nbsp;Medical tourism, they call it. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"> Currently visiting a sick relative.&nbsp;</div><div>Private hospital rooms are $30 a day where I am... complete with your own refrigerator, toilet and bath, 3 meals a day included (you can opt out and just call pizza or sushi in),.... and hot young nurses round the clock taking care of you. I made a long essay about the comparisons on my blog about this. It's ridiculous. Proves that a lot of the money people pay HMO's just go to the pockets of the owners of insurance companies and not doctors or patients.</div><div>My aunt works with the government public health department.</div><div>They have neighborhood clinics to serve everyone. It's paid for by public taxes. It's not top notch, but any healthcare is better than zero, right?</div><div><br></div><div>&nbsp;Lived in Australia. They have public healthcare there. It's not the Soviet Stalinesque nonsense some well known pundits and politicians scare us with. I rode shotgun with my former girlfriend who is a doctor that does house visits. House visits! Whether you are rich or poor, you get the same quality of professional care. <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"></div><div><br></div><div>Hope to be back in my van traveling again around June. Still have a long stay ahead of me here.&nbsp;</div><div><br></div>
<p style="margin: 0px;">I'm in Iowa where the temperature was 75 today - about 30 degrees above normal.&nbsp; If it was like this every year in Iowa people would want to live here!</p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">I went for a half hour power walk this morning.&nbsp; Since the feet were hurting, I decided it was a good idea to go for a bike ride instead of walking any more.&nbsp; I blew a tire and had to walk for another hour to get home!&nbsp; A person doesn't mind in this weather though!&nbsp;&nbsp; <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"></p><p style="margin: 0px;">&nbsp;</p><p style="margin: 0px;">I'm pretty much done working on the van for now... It's cobbed together and full of bungee cords and hooks... Kind of a redneck conversion&nbsp;but it's home.</p>

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