When is 'Enough' enough? Saturation vs. Quality

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On a Scale of 1-10, what do you think of the idea in my post for generating income to support the no

  • Worst Idea Ever!

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • Seriously? Not another YouTube van life channel!

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • If I see another stupid, repetitive van life video...

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • It's your time to waste, I guess.

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • It's been overdone.

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • It's possible, I guess, but it's not for me.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Give it a shot, what have you got to lose?

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • I think if you portray the Nomad life in a truthful light, it'll be valuable to others.

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • I enjoy other people's Nomad videos! Have original content and it will definitely work!

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • Yes! Keep me informed when you start it!

    Votes: 2 11.1%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Aug 18, 2018
Reaction score
Hey folks!  For those who haven't seen my posts yet, I'm Jack, I'm new here, and, at 52, have recently decided (72 hours ago) that the nomad life is for me.  It's been decided, done and dusted, thanks for shopping our KMart.  

However, I don't have a vehicle yet.  I'm debt free but will likely need up to a year to save for, buy, and kit out a vehicle before I start down the highway to the tune of Hit the Road, Jack!

In this next year, I want to develop as many streams of income (passive and product based) as possible so I can support myself while I'm actually driving and sleeping.  I'm not adverse to workcamping but would like to use that option more if I have to, or if I feel like I want to settle into one spot for a time.  After all, it's the freedom of my time that draws me to the nomad life, not the composting toilets!

Given that I'm starting completely from scratch (having only just made the decision), I'd like to get your thoughts on the following as part of my plan for developing multiple streams of income:

Start a YouTube channel now.  People love to follow a "journey."  Well, they can follow me from the very, very start and every single step along the way.  That way, when I do hit the road, my subscriber count will hopefully be up there enough to start rising more quickly, and start bringing in an income.  And not just to be faceless subscribers for income purposes... but people to get to know and meet up with when I'm passing through their area.  (I'm hoping to get to know folks here for that same reason:  like-minded friends in an insane world!)

Along with YouTube, I would start a blog, as well as Twitter and Instagram accounts.  I've never, ever had social media and see these four things being the most useful for me.  The only other social media I'm aware of is Facebook and I will  N.E.V.E.R  have one of those!  I hate Facebook with a passion that burns deep with within my soul and has the red hot intensity of 2,000 burning suns.  Basically, Facebook's not option.  

I've never wanted social media accounts before.  I'm an introverted extrovert who hates the kind of attention that focuses on me.  But, if I can use it in a way where everyone involved is actually an active part of it (and not just an anonymous subscriber who never gets responded to), and where people get to know each other, then I would enjoy it.  Yes, if successful, it would mean that I can work (ugh, the "w" word) less for someone else, and live how I want to live.  But I would want it to be meaningful and valuable for everyone who chooses to participate.  Not just done to see what I can get out of it.    

As far as content, I have plans.  It won't be your typical, "I'm looking at a mountain today.  Pretty, huh?  I'm thinking of cruising down to Costa Rica and high-fiving everyone I see along the way!"   That's being done, been done, and over-done.  I don't knock it though because folks still subscribe to and enjoy it!  But, while I'll naturaly include my travels, I have other content I plan to share, too.  Starting it now, from the very beginning, a whole year before I hit the road, should hopefully give me some time to start building a stable audience that will only (hopefully) continue to grow as I drive off into the dusty, back road sunset.

Again, this would be just a part of my plan (not my whole plan) to generate some income for myself.  What are your thoughts?  Initially I thought this wouldn't work because it seems like a saturated option; one person lost in the hundreds of others chronicling their nomad lives.  Still, even in a saturated market, and what every successful person will tell you, is... "But no one is doing it like you can - with your voice!  People out there will relate to you and choose you."  I've found this to be true.  

Now I want to hear from everyone else.  I haven't figured out how to post a poll yet but, on a scale of 1 -10 (1 meaning "Worst idea ever!  It'll never work!" to 10 meaning, "Great idea!  Go for it!  Keep me informed when you start it!"), how would you rate this idea as a viable source of income for the nomad life?  Go ahead, I'm not precious!  I can take your honest thoughts on it.  I'm open to, and asking for, everyone's thoughts, advice, warnings, ideas, what-if's, experience, rants, reminders, suggestions or whatever else comes to your mind on the topic!
I guess I figured out how to post a poll after all... I couldn't edit the last paragraph so, there you go.  :blush:
Jack said:
I guess I figured out how to post a poll after all... I couldn't edit the last paragraph so, there you go.  :blush:

No advice, as I am new to the life but I would like to encourage you. Keep your enthusiasm! Cheers  :)
I didn't see from what you wrote what would be different or unique about your channel. I think those things can be monetized but sameness is much harder, if possible at all ... and it helps to be a very young and pretty girl.

Also, a consistent thing I've heard people say in their vids is that their income from youtube is either quite small, or took years to make any noticeable contribution to their income, or both. It sounds like your expectations need to be tailored such that maybe you'll develop an income eventually, but it won't be anything you can count on now or anytime soon.

Also, if you're truly going to do social media, avoiding a marketing tool as powerful as Facebook is probably a pretty bad idea.
LivGolden said:
No advice, as I am new to the life but I would like to encourage you. Keep your enthusiasm! Cheers  :)

Thanks, LivGolden!  Encouragement is worth it's weight in gold these days, so I appreciate it!
[quote pid='402300' dateline='1534820417']
Dingfelder said:
I didn't see from what you wrote what would be different or unique about your channel.  I think those things can be monetized but sameness is much harder, if possible at all ... and it helps to be a very young and pretty girl.
True.  I didn't go into detail as to what my channel would be about.  I did that on purpose because, since I won't even have a van for awhile, I didn't want to give all the details that would make my channel a bit more original (things I haven't seen on other van life channels) because I didn't want to give away the ideas before I got my channel going.  Paranoid?  Maybe.  Maybe not.  As for the pretty girl part, I'm not worried about it.  Their channels get a lot of attention, yes, but, if you read their comments, it's all for the wrong reasons.  I've come to realize that every channel has it's audience.  

Also, a consistent thing I've heard people say in their vids is that their income from youtube is either quite small, or took years to make any noticeable contribution to their income, or both.  It sounds like your expectations need to be tailored such that maybe you'll develop an income eventually, but it won't be anything you can count on now or anytime soon.
Of course it starts small.  Every channel starts at 0 Subscribers.  It will naturally take time to grow.  That's normal.  My two points about that are:  1)  Time is going to go by anyway, right?  2)  That's why I'm considering starting it now - a year before I leave.  That's one less year of having to build and grow my channel, right?  In my eyes, anyone who subscribes during this first year are most likely going to be great people who are truly interested and in it for the long haul.  People I'd go out of my way to see once I got on the road!

If it works, great!  If YouTube doesn't work out for me, then I'm okay with that.  No harm, no foul.  But, if I don't try it -- especially because I'm being pessimistic about not being young and pretty, or that there are already so many van life channels out there, then I'm giving up without even trying.  I'm not having any confidence or value in myself.  There are plenty of professional sports player in the world.  We don't need any others, do we?  But, they keep coming.  And they keep succeeding and finding fans, right?

Also, if you're truly going to do social media, avoiding a marketing tool as powerful as Facebook is probably a pretty bad idea.
You're probably right.  I do realize how powerful Facebook is and how useful it can be.  But I know the ugly side of it, too.  It would go against everything I stand for to sign up.  As powerful as Facebook can be, they aren't the key to everyone's success.
I can't stand Facebook either.

A good example of the difference they can make is with the Incredible Tiny Homes channel. They put out lots of good videos, but people tended to come to them, and comment on them -- and perhaps become customers from watching them? -- when they were put up on Facebook rather than just left to the ITH channel the way they used to be. Facebook really helped spread their name powerfully.

A friend of mine is an editor specializing in romance books. He says social media pretty much IS the business, and if you're going to be successful in that field, you have to make it a big part of your life.

It's simply the way a great deal of marketing is done these days. Has to be, in many cases.

I really don't like that much, and sometimes neither does he, but there it is. If you're in business, anyway ...
Again, you make some really great points my friend.  Enough for me to say, "Never say never... even grudgingly."  

I'm grateful for this forum but, being so new and having so many questions, I'm afraid of wearing out my welcome...  Other than this forum, are there any sites that have plenty of resources for van dwellers?
I appreciate everyone who voted in my poll.  (Keeping it open to see how replies go over time!)  I love and appreciate the honesty of the less-than-favorable votes, too.  (What good is fake, disingenuous encouragement?)

For the record, I've decided to give it a shot.  It's still going to be awhile because I want to put some thought and planning into it before I begin so I'm not struggling and flying by the seat of my pants as I do it!

If I make money at it at some point... score!  But I really hope to make a few good friends in the process.  I want to start now, while I'm still in the very first step of choosing the van life.  Why?  How did I come to this decision?  How did I learn about van dwelling?  Also, I want to chronicle the changes I'm making in my life before I move into the van.  For example:

  1. The change of lifestyle habits so that I can go into van life fit and healthy.  (Exercise and some weight loss.)
  2. Coming out of a hermit lifestyle for the last 15+ years.  I used to be full of JOY and gumption!  But I let other people, and life, beat me down into the hermit lifestyle.  (NOTE: I take full responsibility for allowing it to happen though.  I don't/won't play the victim.)
  3. Show the free and reclaimed items that I'll be collecting that might be useful in my build.
  4. Saving for and searching for a van.  REALLY want input from others on this!
  5. Show the process of developing other streams of income to support myself on the road.  I won't e-beg.  If my channel ever gets to the point where people choose to support me more than subscribing and commenting, then I want to give back somehow.  I'm not a taker.
  6. I've never had any social media accounts.  I'll be exploring the value of each one and listening to folks who comment and give advice and tips!  (Gratefully accepted!)  I'm seriously considering blogging as well.
  7. Discuss some of my goals while I'm traveling around.  (Some of these cards are being held close to my chest on this point!  But, I'll say this:  it involves others.)
  8. Plus, I want to interact with people in the comments!!!  (Unlike so many channels that rarely ever reply to comments.  I understand that channels get so big they can't reply to everyone, but they could at least respond to a few to show their subscribers they value them and aren't just using them to make money.)  I want to get to know them, too.  Especially those who are there from the beginning and stick it out!  I don't want my channel to only be about the "great and mighty ME!"  I'm not too proud to learn and take advice/suggestions from others. 
  9. Then, of course, the van build and planning my first travel itinerary.   
  10. Finally, joining me on the road as I finally hit the road!
Do you have any thoughts?  Suggestions?  Criticisms?  Warnings?  Encouragement?  I'm all ears!  Also, if you'd like to be kept informed when I do begin my channel, please send me a PM!  I'll let you know when I get my YouTube channel set up!
Jack said:
at 52, have recently decided (72 hours ago) that the nomad life is for me. 
However, I don't have a vehicle yet.  I'm debt free but will likely need up to a year to save for, buy, and kit out a vehicle before I start down the highway to the tune of Hit the Road, Jack!

In this next year, I want to develop as many streams of income (passive and product based) as possible so I can support myself while I'm actually driving and sleeping.  I'm not adverse to workcamping but would like to use that option more if I have to, or if I feel like I want to settle into one spot for a time.  After all, it's the freedom of my time that draws me to the nomad life, not the composting toilets!


I'm open to, and asking for, everyone's thoughts"
------------------------------------------------------------ questions: Why does your income have to be by "passive" means? - As an introverted extrovert, given the accelerated social climate, you could easily raise $1000 working part-time monthly to support your happy & healthy Mobile lifestyle, while helping society-at-large. Have you considered this ?
Annie W wrote:

Why does your income have to be by "passive" means? - As an introverted extrovert, given the accelerated social climate, you could easily raise $1000 working part-time monthly to support your happy & healthy Mobile lifestyle, while helping society-at-large. Have you considered this ?
Hi Annie!  Thanks for responding and asking a great question! 

To clarify, I didn't say my income "had to be" passive.  But I want some form of passive income coming in because passive income supports the reasons why I'm choosing the van life - taking back the freedom of my own time.  My time has been under the control of others for most of my life.  Yes, to a point I allowed it to happen.  I'm not trying to play the victim.  I'm simply choosing to stop that pattern and the van life is how I'm choosing to do it.  

I'm not opposed to working for a paycheck if I should need to.  I'll scrub toilets, balance books, pick up trash, or write how-to manuals.  But that's money made only for the time I'm working.  A passive income can be made while I sleep, drive or empty a composting toilet.  Passive income is smart income.  It doesn't mean that I'm not contributing to, or helping, society at large.  It's not "lazy" income.  When you make money, your providing a service, or product, to those who are willing to pay for it.  It serves them.  

Lastly, a passive income allows me to spend the time to contribute to and help society in ways that I want to.  Ways that are more meaningful to me.  I can't tell you how many times I've seen, or heard, of charities looking for help for an event (like Habitat For Humanity or Feed My Starving Children) and I haven't been able to participate because I had to work, or fulfill someone else's priorities for my time.  Part of my intention in my travels is, (and is one of the cards I was holding to my chest as I explained in my last comment) if I find a place I'd like to spend a week or so in, to check with the locals (or local authorities) for something going on at that time that I can get involved in.  Even if it's just picking up trash at the park.  I want people to be taken aback and shocked when I ask how I can help during my time there!  It wakes them up out of complacency and, hopefully, might inspire them to help somewhere... or someone, too.  

I'm not choosing the van life to have Instagram Days lounging at lakes all day; though there's nothing at all wrong with that if that's what some people want to do.  But, without developing some kind of passive income, then I'm back to being tied down to an employer.  That's fine when it's necessary but I'm choosing to work smarter instead of harder for once in my life.  But, even if I did want a passive income so I could travel and not have to work a regular job, just so I could just have fun, there's nothing wrong with that.

I'm interested to know more specifically about what you said though because I might be misunderstanding you.  It sounds like your suggesting that developing passive income is lazy and not contributing to society, but that I should get a part time job and that would contribute to "society at large."

If that's the case, I completely disagree.  I could get a part time job at McDonald's and the only part of society it's contributing to are the customers I serve and the McDonald's corporation.  Society at large isn't being helped.  How does any job help society at large?  And I'm not sure what your connection is between a part time job and the "accelerated social climate."  Can you help me understand better because I don't want to make any assumptions!
You never know until you try it. I watched a video recently where the guy said he (and his wife) had 10 different sources of income. I've seen others who authored books (actually many others). There are several ways to start passive income I'm sure. You'll probably still need "active" income to compliment your passive income, but every little bit helps.

Everyone is interested in different content. I like watching the whole process of building up a van/etc (even though I do tend to get lost on the solar part!), seeing the sites if it's interesting (and not overdrawn), and "how to" videos. What I don't watch is the drama, who's fighting with who, etc. I really appreciate the YTers who just never get into the drama and usually unsub if there's more drama than good content.
Fivealive:  I wholeheartedly, 1,000% agree!  I very quickly narrowed down which channels I subscribe to and, over time, that list will decrease more.  After all, I don't have all day to watch YouTube videos.  So, the key is, If I feel that way, then I can only assume others do, too!  

While I'm new to making videos, I know that some ideas I have are original and I firmly believe there's an audience for them.  I'm taking the plunge very soon!  Thanks for your honest post!

KetoKyz:  I couldn't agree more!  I'm definitely starting a channel and I'm even more definitely not getting involved in any of the YouTube drama, competition, bashing, or speaking ill of anyone.  (Although I'll call people out if I feel strongly enough about something, but it would have to be pretty bad.)  I don't care about fame or recognition.  In fact, if I can grow a successful, profitable channel without showing my face... that's what I'm going to do.  If people start bad-mouthing me, here's my take on it:  Unless they bring it to me personally, it's none of my business.  But it's bound to happen so I'm prepared for it.  I intend to nip it in the bud by making a video early on, before the haters and trolls find me, to let people know how I intend to handle them.  And that video will be my only response to them.

I know the channel you're talking about with 10 streams of income.  My plan is to come up with as many as possible so I don't have to have any workations.  I'm in this for the freedom of my time and I don't have that if I have to punch a clock.  I'll do it if necessary, and until my income streams become fluid and stable, but it's the last thing I want to do on the road!  It doesn't factor in with my plans for the channel anyway, as far as original content goes.

My channel will have several categories.  Keto will be one aspect of it because I want to get as healthy as possible and lose some weight before I go out on the road.  (Part of a wellness program I'm creating!)  Then there's the process of dreaming and researching van builds.  (I can't wait to get my subscriber's input on that!)  Then they'll be there when I hit the road!  They'll know what every single step is like from finances, building, learning solar (I'm a beginner, too!), insurance, health care, taxes, residency, and everything else the Instagram Fantasy Van Lifers don't show you.  I'm going to be real and put it all out there.  (Plus a few other things I'm not expressing right now!)  

One of the things I'd like to do, is visit some of my subscribers (who are willing) who have been there with me from the beginning.  And I want my subscribers (who are willing) to be more involved than just leaving comments.  I have ideas for including them at least once a month!

And I never plan to e-beg.  No Patreon accounts just so people can send me money for my benefit.  (Even though I know there are people who happily do that out of pure kindness!)  If I do end up with a Patreon account, those who give will also receive.  I have ideas for that, too.  

What I need to do now is learn about social media.  I have a YouTube account (not the one I'll use for van life though) and that's it.  I have no idea what the others are, how they work, how to utilize them or anything.  This is yet another opportunity to involve my subscribers though!  

But see?  I'm at step one.  The decision to live the van life.  When I start my channel soon, I'll have plenty of content to upload, with plenty of time, which will build my platform, subscribers, and income streams before I drive off for the first time!  People like watching a good "journey."  I sure do.  I have the confidence and the excitement to do this!  I just have to trust that the right audience will find me when the time is right.  If I don't make any money for a year or two, that's fine!  A year or two is going to go by anyway, right?!

I have sooo many plans!  But, one step at a time, one day at a time!

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