What's your ratio?

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Well-known member
Nov 13, 2015
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In your waking hours, what is your percentage...

- Alone.
- Conversing/Getting to know strangers and meeting new people.
- Visiting friends & family from your previous, stationary life.
- Hanging with fellow folks on the road.

I have a bunch of friends around the country that I envision visiting, but curious if that happens all that much trying to mesh their working, stationary life with your low-stress, on the go life.  I can also see myself spending quite a bit of dough on going out to dinner (I don't ever want to dress up for dinner again, but do you keep one good shirt on you?) with those friends and that may throw off the budget quite a bit. :eek:  

Also wondering how often you see close family who may be on one coast or the other.  I'll definitely miss them.

Part of me thinks it will be good to have some solitude, but I definitely am an extrovert who enjoys meeting and getting to know new people.  

Also the concept of "my tribe" and caravaning with fellow fulltimers sounds like a great balance of being on your own but having activity partners and support nearby.  

Curious as to your percentages and thoughts. Thanks!
It varies so much from day to day and month to month that I hesitate to try to quantify it.

Last winter in AZ/CA I was seldom without at least some of the tribe camped nearby. Each day I might see all or at least most of them for some time. About the only time I was on my own was when I deliberately chose it or when I was out for my morning walk and then I often had my 'adopted niece dog' Ivy with me. We had campfires at night, planned sightseeing outings, did group dinners or just plain hung out.

Once I left the tribe to head back east for the summer I was almost always on my own but then that was okay too!

Here at home I have a few friends but we're each busy with our own lives and work so we don't get together as often as would be nice. The only family that matter to me now are on the other coast. I miss them but I'm used to being apart and we keep in touch by text/phone. I'll be joining them on the west coast next spring and look thoroughly forward to being near them but know that they lead busy lives of their own.

Oh and yes, I keep a couple of 'dress me up' outfits packed away. They've come in handy a few times...not formal wear to be sure but dressy enough that I can still claim to 'clean up well'.... :D
This is something I wonder about also.

I am pretty outgoing and enjoy meeting and hanging with new people but I also really enjoy my alone time. But I worry that I may become lonely once I'm on the road away from all my friends and family. The concept of "my tribe" is also very appealing to me as well, the balance of being around others in the lifestyle but also being able to be on my own sounds like just what I need.

Since I'm not on the road yet I can't answer your question but I'm interested in others responses.

I do not have an exact ratio, but most of my time is spent alone. But I’ve always been a loner and was that way before I hit the road.

I think your concept of caravanning with tribe members nails it. I find it does make a great balance and it is great being with like-minded people. The RTR is the best place to meet other travelers for long or short term. 

Most of the group that went to Slab City last February first met at the RTR:

Same with the group that went to Los Algodones in January:

I keep in touch with friends and family through email, text, and Skype. This includes people I have met on the road. 

The past two summers I stayed put with a couple of fellow van dwellers for about two months. When I'm not doing something like that, I'm traveling, moving every 1 to 3 days. About 70% of the time I'm doing that alone. If I meet and talk to strangers, it's while I'm with other vandwellers. Otherwise, no. I'm an introvert. I visit family once every 18 to 24 months. I have a brother I'd rather never see again. I visit my ex about four times a year, because I like her much better than my family.
highdesertranger said:
I have a 4.10 gear ratio.  highdesertranger

For those requiring a translation, this means:

1) Conversing/Getting to know strangers and meeting new people: Why would I do that to myself?

highdesertranger said:
I have a 4.10 gear ratio.  highdesertranger
:huh:   UR a Hot Mess   :D  Got Chips?   I had a 410 single shot.

Jewellann & Fat Possum
It's hard to put a percentage on how much time we spend with different groups people but alone is almost 0 since there are two of us. :-D

One of the greatest things about this life is that we can visit friends and relatives who have moved all over the country. We usually make five or six stops to visit every year and spend anywhere between a few days to over a week or even more if we get involved in a project. We also meet friends on the road and spend time together - some are travelers like us but some are just on vacation and staying in hotels. One way to keep costs down is to invite them for a barbecue rather than going out to eat.

We really enjoy seeing all of our forum friends at the RTRs and spending time with them before and after or at other gatherings but since we wander around a lot during the summer it's mostly a winter thing for us.

One of the best ways to get to know people and also the area that you're visiting is to stop at small town museums. They are almost always staffed by retired volunteers who are eager to talk and can fill you in on everything that is happening or has happened in the town.
90% or more alone.

Seems to bother other people, but that ain't my business. And my business ain't their business.
My ratio varies a lot. I'm one of those who likes being around compatible people but I'm kinda socially retarded. Sooner or later I'll put my foot in my mouth or unintentionally upset someone. So I spend most of my time alone. When I do socialize, it's easy to overdo it and talk too much, because I have all these thoughts that have been percolating for awhile.
I'm lucky in that I have lots of family and casual friends that tolerate my quirks (at least for a little while). They are spread all over, so I can do a quick visit and then leave town before doing too many faux pas. Lol BTW My night time ratio of being alone is about 99.infinity%. At least, I'm not making a lot of mistakes there. [WINKING FACE]

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Such an interesting question, I have managed to not pay for dinners on the rare occasions that people want to eat out. The next interesting tidbit.  I am extremely social BTW.  So yes, I am able to fit in the schedules  of friends when it is meant to be, and I enjoy solitude and meeting cool strangers on my journey.  I blog and call and text to stay in contact with fam.  I still fly home for important events.  I stay and park in social environments when I am staying in one place for a while, I am currently staying at an ecovillage for very low daily rent.  

Lastly, on the thought of eating out, my friends know that I hold a cook together precedence.  I don't eat out with my close friends.  I bring a protein and a vegetable to their home and we make something together from their pantry, it is a fun, bonding experience

Good luck on your travels, hope this provides perspective!

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