What's your favorite way to wind-down at the end of the day?

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Well-known member
Aug 10, 2017
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Mine is Swiss Miss hot chocolate, with the mini-marshmallows , and a shot of baileys. And yes even in the summer.
Having my kitty cat crawl into my lap and purr herself to sleep. Any tightness in my muscles just melts like butter.
Moving to a horizontal position and then reading until it's lights out!
Coming home to my dogs after a day of work, putting on my New Age Pandora station and drinking a glass of wine. I'd rather be boondocking but since I am working and temps can occasionally drop into the 20s here I need hook-ups for the heater and a fenced yard for the dogs.

When I am on the road I have no need for an end-of-day wind-down.

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