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I think you did the right thing even though unfortunately in many places CPS is useless. And giving them food too? That family is really lucky that they have someone like you around looking after them. I would do the same for my neighbors.
The caseworker gave me an "incident" report number and her name.

I don't give a rat's ass about the adults but it seems the kids could catch a break. Maybe not.

I spent about 20 minutes on hold so I guess they are swamped.

Thanks for the answers and also to the mods for allowing my question.. I do respect this groups opinions.

Who is the 'male adult'? Father? Boyfriend? Virtual stranger?

I suspect they're not using the phone because the bill wasn't paid, if it's a land line, or the woman took the cell phone with her.

The big problem w/CPS is that they're the only game in town. You try something else, and they ask, "Did you call CPS?"

If the kids are hungry and scrounging from the neighbors here, and someone calls CPS (including relatives), the first thing CPS does is sent a letter to the residence, saying that someone will be there in ten days to check out a complaint of no food in the house. That gives mom some time to 'find' some money, stock the fridge, and clean the apartment. CPS arrives, looks around, everything looks fine, they leave and the problem continues. If the grandparent can manage to get custody and adopts them, he/she has to do it on their own (usually meagre) finances, which they can't afford.

CPS is a joke. But what else could you do?

Another vote for moving into your trailer and heading south.
The male is in a wheelchair, I am not sure he is the father of the kids. He looks too old.

I asked the mother once how they afforded these apartments (1100 a month almost) and she said his disability check barely covered rent and they got food stamps. The kids get SSI or some sort of handout but they let the kids keep it. I had asked because the girl came over and said her dad wanted to 'borrow' 10 dollars for rent. I gave it to her and found out a couple of hours later she lied. It was for her. I told the girl to not come to my apartment again.

I know the neighbors on the other side of them have helped but I don't know how or how much and it isn't my business.

Just sad for the kids.

For a bunch of free spirited antiestablishment anarchists (yeah, most of you are, just own it) you are all awful quick to see someone in terrible straights and the first response is send them in to the bowels of the system to be chewed up and spit out of one of the most corrupt and mismanaged social services in existence.

I am the local liberty-minded market anarchist and loathe to use the power of the state to do anything

Having said that, this situation with the minors appears to be a no-win solution for OP (vis-a-vis the state) and I am not sure that response I quoted above was helpful.  Advising the (nominally) appropriate agency of the issue is both legally and ethically defensible.  He is not throwing anyone under a bus, and did not create any of the bad situation.
Zizzer_Zazzer_Zuz said:
For a bunch of free spirited antiestablishment anarchists (yeah, most of you are, just own it) you are all awful quick to see someone in terrible straights and the first response is send them in to the bowels of the system to be chewed up and spit out of one of the most corrupt and mismanaged social services in existence.

Is the child covered in lice? Are they starving? Are they sleeping on the street? Are they being physically or verbally abused?

Please ...

Zizzer, no to all of your questions about the abuse. It's benign neglect. A 14 year old girl out and about and noone knows where she is. An 11 year old crying in my living room asking his mother to come home. 

This is not a one time thing, well the mother disappearing is, but no school, no food and no transportation. Or money.

I am no saint, but I am like my Mom, I always keep my pantry full just in case so food is covered. Cigarettes is a pain but I can give her a few. A little bit of money and I have paid her to wash my dishes, the sink is the perfect level to cause my back to spasm. But it's not survival money, just a bit of food and cheap smokes. 

Plus I don't think you need to worry, the intake person I spoke to did not seem to give a big care. She seemed offended I did not know their last name. Then she and I had a 'come to Jesus talk' and she acted much nicer.. 




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Gunny,  I think you did the right thing calling CPS.  

A lot of schools have in house systems that will help with various family situations.  A young lady I know has really gone down hill with illegal drug use, theft, and carries 1 or 2 guns.  She was finally arrested and then her 14yr old girl went to her Dad and the 12yr old stayed with her grandma, someone in my opinion can't poor P out of a boot with directions written on the bottom of it.  AND SHE WHINES.....I REALLY DISLIKE WHINING WOMEN!!  I was able to organize with help from others a back seat full of food and clothes that we delivered to them.  A few days later Granma was whining about no school supplies and no lunch money for the little girl. The woman has a job at the same place for 14yrs. and the family isn't destitute   

It took a couple of calls to get the right school.  Of course they couldn't tell me if the child was a student there.  First I always ask for the persons name and then tell them the situation and ask what could be done to help if they knew a child needed help.  I've found that making sure whoever I'm talking to knows I have their name and I'm taking notes sometimes gets things moving forward faster........At least I think it does.

You may want to try the schools and see if they can help.

Is your apt. and 4 wheeler going to be safe with you away to CA?  I don't even like deserts but I think I'd live in one if the only choice was that or a city.  I like "going to town...then getting the hell out of Dodge as fast as my short legd will take me.

Jewellann, I have done what I can. I'll help with food but that's about it. The old saying about leading a horse comes into play.

I am trying to find someone to stay a few days in my apartment. Working on that.

I suppose CPS has more critical cases, about 20 minutes or so on hold.

I haven't seen any of them for a few hours. Maybe she's back.

Sleeping potions are working, Goodnight, Rob
ZZZ: "For a bunch of free spirited antiestablishment anarchists (yeah, most of you are, just own it) you are all awful quick to see someone in terrible straights and the first response is send them in to the bowels of the system to be chewed up and spit out of one of the most corrupt and mismanaged social services in existence."

GREAT! Ask Gunny for their address, and YOU take care of it. PROBLEM SOLVED!
The boy has come over twice to use the phone, one to his mother asking when she'll be home and one to an aunt asking her to bring food.

I asked why they didn't use the house phone and was told the daughter broke it and they were afraid of getting thrown out if they got a new one.

I'll take some food over in a bit, still on my first cup of coffee and the effects of my sleeping potion have not worn off yet.

Breakfast is served. I blotted out the kids face. Dad says they are waiting for help from his sister. 




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TrainChaser said:
ZZZ:  "For a bunch of free spirited antiestablishment anarchists (yeah, most of you are, just own it) you are all awful quick to see someone in terrible straights and the first response is send them in to the bowels of the system to be chewed up and spit out of one of the most corrupt and mismanaged social services in existence."

GREAT!  Ask Gunny for their address, and YOU take care of it.  PROBLEM SOLVED!

OK, where is this? City, State, and zip code please. I will have a list of local resources in a matter of hours.

So TrainChaser, aside from telling someone else to do something about it, what have YOU done?

It's always someone elses problem to solve.
Zizzer, there are many charities and resources for people but to use them you have to call or go there. I did what I thought in my heart was right but whether it was or not who knows?

I didn't start this thread to get an argument started, suggestions yes, but no harsh words.

If you want to PM me with suggestions feel free. I am done as far as CPS but I won't let them go hungry.

I suspect they will move when rent is due and that's the last time I will see or hear of them.

Gunny said:
Zizzer, there are many charities and resources for people but to use them you have to call or go there. I did what I thought in my heart was right but whether it was or not who knows?

Sometimes your choice is between bad or worst. It is easy to armchair quarterback. Trade homes with Zizzer for a month. Maybe they will have the perfect solution. Life will be wonderful for everybody after that.

Walk a mile in my shoes and maybe your feet will hurt also.
You're a good man Rob. I'm certainly no fan of government being involved in people's lives but I'm also no fan of children going hungry. Not getting an education is only going to keep these kids in bad situations as life goes on. Sometimes people need the government's help. Is it perfect choice, no, but sometimes it's the only choice. Gunny is there with boots on the ground seeing the situation first hand and even lending a helping hand, can't see where anybody has grounds to criticize his actions.