What would you do?

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BTW....many cities have ordinances against leaving a car running and unattended because it invites theft.
No,I'm just pointing out the apples-to-oranges comparison that you're making with your scenario to the one I called 911 for.

IDK...I'd think that most people feel that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure but then, of course, you can't protect kids from everything.

Then some just go thru life with a "What Me Worry" attitude.
Ignore these people, you were 100% in the right to call the police.

If you have toddlers in the car, fill up your tank, drive the car to in front of the store, park it and lock it, then go inside and be as quick as possible.

You don't leave toddlers in a running car for 15 min at the gas pumps while you buy lottery tickets
Naturally it is a real pain in the keester to get kids in and out of car seats with all those buckles and to take younger children into the store. But it is what it is and that is what you need to do. It would be a bad habit to get into to leave children on their own in a car. Maybe the cop broke that habit without involving child protective services. But calling the police could have certainly invoked a maelstrom of trouble on that family for at least a little while if they did report it to child services.

I don't want to walk in other people's shoes, I don't know what I would have done about it one way or the other.
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