What type of wall for the shower room?

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Could I use the <strong>FRP</strong> Wall Panels as a Floor? would this leak ?<br>And could these be molded by applying heat ?<strong><br></strong>
ccbreder said:
I posted some place else, I used Swimming pool paint.
<br><br>Can I use swimming pool paint for my floor??</p><p>Thank you !</p>
Are you guys suggesting these FRP panels for shower walls? <span style="color: #0000ff;"><a href="http://www.homedepot.com/p/4-ft-x-8...ard-MFTF12IXA480009600/100389836#.UfwJ7OPXivI" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><span style="color: #0000ff;">http://www.homedepot.com/p/4-ft-x-8...ard-MFTF12IXA480009600/100389836#.UfwJ7OPXivI</span></a></span>&nbsp;It sure seems like that "cracked ice" textured surface would be hard to keep clean. Does anyone know where I can buy inexpensive SMOOTH white FRP panels to use on shower walls?
Not big on bathing. That being said spot wash . Not lookin fer wimmen folk if ye git my meanin' The social norm is to bath and smell fresh A LOT OF COMMERCE A LOT OF BUY THIS DON'T BUY THAT. GO JUMP IN THE LAKE/STREAM/ RIVER/ OCEAN.
I think home depot has a smooth version of those shower panels... might be store specific though
FRP bends well if it is heated.&nbsp; No different than fiber conduit or trex style decking.&nbsp; I would not use the FRP as a floor for a few reasons, one the joint at the wall will leak and second the slip factor.&nbsp; Get a shower pan, the cheapest I have seen them in $20 new for a 30" x 30".&nbsp; <br><br>
The FRP panels can be power washed that is how tough they are.&nbsp; I was GF on the Gander Hill prison shower upgrade. we install some 2500 sheets of the stuff in phase one and 3000+ sheets in phase two.&nbsp;
When ever I remodel a kitchen, I line the sink cabinet with FRP as that cabinet gets al the junk cleaners and if a pipe leaks it won't seep into the junk wood that these cabinets are made with.&nbsp; I did in my old home, and you pull all the junk out and wipe it out.&nbsp; Clean again and the white makes the cabinet not as dark.
I've been helping on a scratch-built camper. That shower was built from plywood. The joints were sealed with putty and then everything was treated with several coats of epoxy. Your shower will need a drain, of course. And the floor will need to tilt toward the drain.
vinyl flooring is not waterproof. if water sits on it long enough it will soak through. on top of that it will trap the water inside of it and mold. we run into this all the time in the apartments I work for. highdesertranger
The original thread is years old, and the OP hasn't seemed to have posted since 2012. However, I was actually looking into this a few days ago and discovered they sell rather "tall" shower pans, which could be used with a plastic shower curtain, I should think.



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