what the forum has done/meant to me

Van Living Forum

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Apr 4, 2012
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In this thread I am requesting everybody to share how the forum has helped them.

tell us how the forum has helped you.

was/is the forum a critical source for information?

when you where a newbie,  were you reassured when you found the forum?  knowing you weren't alone?

did the forum help ease any anxiety you might have been having?

did anybody make life long friends from the forum and the RTR?

what would you do if this great resource wasn't here?  boy that's a loaded question like a political poll.  Just kidding but if the forum crashed and never came back what would that mean to you?

now this is very important.  I want as many of you to participate as possible.  don't make me drag you into this conversation and I will.  to be fair I will go first.

how has the forum helped me?
the solar information I got here was invaluable and saved me boat loads of money.

I have met so many good people here . either in person at the RTR or here on the forum. to many to count. I talk to several of them throughout the year and camp with them from time to time.

when I found the forum I knew I was home. I belong to several forum but this is my fav.

I will post more later.

Mike AKA highdesertranger
6 views and no replies. don't make me dig through the records and find out who you are. LOL come on people, don't let me down. highdesertranger
Is it alright to say I have 27 cases of hero worship? That certainly counts, at least to me. Learning from those what's been there and done that.
People to communicate with. Reading about various good camp sites is always interesting. I don't really need all that much advice or help with stuff for builds or how to live in a van. But I enjoy seeing what other people do with their builds. Of course I don't know everything so now and again I do see some new products that are interesting or alternative methods of work that are not typical of the most common ways of building stuff. But mostly it just keeps me somewhat connected to others doing similar projects while I keep working on my own projects. But no one I have seen in this forum is working on the style of build I am doing so I don't have any direct connection one on one with that.
I may have to respond to this in installments.

What comes to mind first, is that I'm a chatter box.  As I recall, one of the reasons Bob started this forum was because of all the chit-chat on another forum that detracted from his mission to provide solid, useful information to those in need of it.  (Bob:  Please forgive me if I am "misremembering", misinterpreting, etc.  I mean no harm.)

The truth is that I when I contracted van fever sometime around 2007, I was incredibly hungry for information about what others experienced in their journeys toward different horizons--both in practical terms and otherwise.  In my immediate circles, no one really saw the potential in (gag) #vanlife that I did, so connecting with a creative, diverse community with that in common meant the world to me.

I still love all the minutia that can drive others crazy, and am more than happy to pile on my own.  The format of this forum allows quite a bit of discretion in how you participate.  For me it provides a ready reference for topics that may not have been pertinent to my path initially, but seem so later.  Here, I can ask for technical advice or play a little.  I would miss that greatly.

Speaking of missed, many of those I've counted among my "van" friends (and teachers!) have died since we met.  Not a day goes by that I don't laugh a little about something one of them said, or even say out loud:  "Know where I learned that?  Van people.  Yep.  Such-and-such told me about that..."  I do have a bit of experience under my belt, and while still a "beginner," I like to think I can offer a tip or two to lend a hand or encourage a fellow traveller from time to time to continue a legacy.

There.  I'll wind down a bit now.  (Must have been that sun tea.  Geez.)
When Bob started the forum we were long time nomads so we were familiar with all of the in and outs of vandwelling but we didn't really have any community. All of our friends lived in houses and couldn't understand the draw of living on the road. That all changed with the forum and the RTRs. We met so many people who became good friends. Some of them we just see once a year at the RTR, some we camp with whenever our paths cross. Our roaming life is much richer because of these friendships and we will be forever grateful to Bob for starting the forum and RTR!.
How this forum has helped me...

I've learned that as long as I can get my hands on four moving wheels I can create a home with all the comforts. Thanks Bob and posters.
We started traveling many years also before the forum. We have always barely made ends meet but managed to do a lot with what we had. George and Tioga was our first internet web site we could relate to and later RV Sue although we had been members of escapees for years they grew away from their humble beginnings but we still use their services so still members. Bob Wells and the forum here sort of allowed us along with many others to realize we could live and travel much more with even less than we spent before. It is very comforting to realize the skills and information I have gained by participating in the forum allows me to live on much less should I need to and actually live a much more fulfilling life. I can’t say enough about the people and how much it means to know there are people like me out there. It seems help and answers to difficult questions are just a few clicks away. Thanks to Bob and all the people that have made this group possible. I hope I can return even a little to the community in years to come. One thing I really like is everyone and anyone is accepted for who they are and no negative or judgmental comments are allowed. This makes it easy to offer help to other people we may have refused to associate with in the past and both grow to a understanding which allows friendship between people with different values and a better life for all.
Gosh,HDR, you don't want much do you? How do I love you, let me count the ways. No one has enough time to read my full and sincere answer. I will never get to bed if I try to type it! So, a lick and a promise is what you'll get for now.  If it isn't enough, I'd love for you to come drag me out of my hammock for more! LOL

I didn't need this forum to teach me to camp, or travel or to find friendly community. But it sure helped me continue to do those things later into my life than I ever thought I would, and has given me a resource of technical expertise across broad spectrums. I can access it quickly. It allows me to offer a bit of encouragement or a humble piece of advice when I feel I might be helpful.

I would be so lonely without all the wonderful people here who meet so many of my needs. It empowers me. I am unhappy if I can not check in and read some of the forum before going to bed. It relaxes me, stimulates me, makes me laugh, answers my real world needs, humbles me, keeps me sane. It reassures me that there are really good people out there waiting for me either online, on the road, when I am ready to reach out. 

I own the specific van I do after having spent months reading here and watching videos. I love it. 

I know I can reach out helpful guidance in many aspects of my life and be met with respect here. Many times I have read someone's request for help and before I could think of a positive response, someone else has gracefully fielded the question or need with such kindness that I am stunned, and humbled. Gruff exteriors sometimes, but with golden hearts. Knowing I can be part of a tribe with elders like many of the posters here has made some pretty dark days tolerable, given me courage to keep on the path and wake up tomorrow with a hopeful heart to a new sunrise. More than once a questionable poster arrives and I begin to feel uneasy about their goals. Those same golden hearts step in and draw appropriate boundaries that keep me comfortable to return.  

I love the shared technical information in areas where I am clueless.  I confidently bought a "solar power charger" on sale at a terrific price that I can understand and that has served me very well.  I wish I had gotten three!

YouTube videos and blogs offer a lot of the same things, but this forum is uniquely interactive in a way they can never be.

I have never understood how moderators and the technical gurus here do what they do to make this forum what it is. How can there be enough hours in the day? I really appreciate all of you, and I love the forum, and would be very sad if it disappeared.
The forum gave me family and community

The family and community installed my solar, repaired my rig, shared their wisdom, campsites, meals and laughter
The gauntlet has been thrown :)

We used to travel extensively in a self made hippie van. In those days there was no internet and pay phones were everywhere. We generally stayed in RV parks as they were cheaper than a hotel/motel. Not any more! Campgrounds are cheaper but not RV parks. Never stayed in a campground as I didn't know they even existed much less free camping on public land.

Anywho, when I started looking to buy an RV and retire, I started looking at class A's since all we knew was staying at RV parks. Do like a lot of retirees, pull a toad to sightsee in. Woulda been ok, not great.

I stumbled on this site looking for a cheaper way to travel. DING, DING, DING! It WAS possible to travel cheaply! This changed my class A looking into class B looking and found what we still have. Since we did so much van traveling, I knew exactly what we needed in a B.. Since we always traveled in a van anyway, one with all the amenities would be great and we could get well off the beaten path. I have surprised myself at some of the places I could get to. Some have been on jeep trails. I devoured this website reading everything here. Took me over a year. Then I finally signed up to be a member just before the 2015 RTR. We went to the 2015-16-17 RTR's. The first two were great and made some great friends. 2017 was the year the RTR exploded and became a party fest. We stayed in camp the entire time with friends so not much new socializing.

Needless to say, this place changed dramatically for the better our retirement.
I didn’t know I could live in a vehicle. I never liked the big RVs anyway. But all I knew was a sad news piece on a woman and her daughter sleeping in the front seats of their car. I can’t sit for long periods. I learned how to live in my little SUV and I feel respected here like a human being with other like minded people who value experiences over just money (money is important but for me only for security like medical care and things like that. I’m unimpressed by stuff) There are a lot of characters and independent thinkers here and people who got thrown curveballs and made lives out of it. That gave me hope in the beginning when I was scared and alone. You can get excellent advice on anything in the world here. I can’t imagine what I’d do without this resource it’s a life changer.
I appreciate the information I find here. I am not on the road yet. Why? My kids, all in their 30s. One has health issues and another has three kids and was recently divorced. (The third one doesn't need my help; she is doing great.) My kids and grandkids all live nearby and, before covid-19, I got to see them fairly often.

Right now, I am soaking up information about energy (solar, batteries, AC vs DC), what trucks are reliable, how to find boondocking sites, which problems come up and how they are handled, alternative vehicles (bus, truck, cargo trailer, ambulance, etc), etc. Sticks & bricks is a huge hassle and maintenance/repairs can eat away at one's savings/income. Reading this forum provides solace, encouragement, advice, humor, etc.
Helped me build a bad ass off grid van. I try to contribute when I can to help others like others help me.

Before you say Im too new. Ive had other accounts in the past over the years but when I take 6 month + hiatus I forget my old log in information lol.
One reader says Thank You to HDR for this post.

More to follow.

I needed a 'teaching' position.

This campus had an opening.

Thanks for having me and keeping me busy with that.


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