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May 13, 2018
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:huh: Okay so my plan was to save up for conversion and an emergency fund, sell my car or trade it for a van and then sell my belongings for traveling funds until I find work. I have wanted to do this for as long as I can remember. All was going as planned until I hurt myself. I tore my rotator cuff. I did it like a month ago and thought it was a pulled muscle and just let it go, dealt with the pain and kept using it. Well I reached a point to where I can't even lift my arm or use it for much of anything even rolling over in bed is excruciating pain. Finally went to the doctor and found out that it is so bad I may need surgery. Doing physical therapy first though. Was having issues with my daughter, which is another post and not going back into that lol. Anyways I can not work for a while so I used my savings to pay my bills and will have to use the rest for this month which is coming quickly and not sure there will be enough to even cover it. Also my daughter paid half the bills with her disability, but that's gone too (just so you aren't confused see post in matters of the heart). Anyways what I am getting to is should I just go ahead and take the plunge? I keep going over and over in my head and I really don't know what to do. If I can't pay my bills I will be homeless, If I can't sell or trade my car I will end up in it and I am 5' 10" and have slept in my car before on trips and I was miserable. I would be even more miserable with my arm in a tight space trying to move around to get comfy. My cars air went out and it is super humid in Tennessee so I think about that too. My mind is racing. I honestly do not know what to do. Can I find a van or even be able to sell my car in time, will I be able to sell my stuff in time?!? My thinking is at least if I had a van, what I couldn't sell could be kept in the van until I could sell it. I need advice, PLEASE!  Or at least someone to bounce ideas off.
Hi Starr-
I'm sorry you're struggling right now. That sucks.
What type of car do you have?

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Does it run well? Would you trust it to get you 500 miles down the road? Or, put another way, are there any ongoing problems with it that you think could turn into major problems in the next several months?

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For right now, tonight you need to take a couple deep relaxing breath's. Everything is racing in your head, write down in two c omuns, van/car then pro/con uner each of those and start writting. Get it out of your brain so you can relax and get some quality sleep.

Itsounfs like either way you will be broke soon. Call county for help, food banks etc.i would get the least expensive van buy selling your car. No car payment means no repo!
Your priority is what?

Others will chime in here and offer better stuff, just relax, you came to the right place.
If the answer to those questions is yes I trust it (and for a Buick that's it bad mileage, I had a Park Ave that had over 260k on it before I sold it) then I would suggest that for now, keep what you have, and make it work for you.

See the following video as an example of removing the front passenger seat to allow for a usable bed space. Save the seat if you think you might need it later when you get your next vehicle, or get rid of it, it's your call.

If you search YouTube you can find tons of videos using this same getting-rid-of-the-passenger-seat idea on vehicles of all types. From tiny hatchbacks to jeeps to extended cab pickups. The idea is to use what you have now, until you grow into something different or more desirable.

If you do a little planning now, you can forsee a lot of the potential problems you're going to be facing. Food, shelter, clothing, water, hygiene, and toilet facilities aren't that much different from a car to a van. All of your basic needs can be met in the vehicle you have now. Work your way up to what you want, don't kill yourself trying to get it all at once.

You got this.


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AMGS3 said:
Does it run well? Would you trust it to get you 500 miles down the road? Or, put another way, are there any ongoing problems with it that you think could turn into major problems in the next several months?

Sent from my VS501 using Tapatalk

It does run good. I just put new tires on it about two months ago. I'm sure that it is due for a tune up and possibly new brake pads, but I get 20+ miles per gallon depending on hwy or city. The air went out though and it's not the freon and compressor is spinning. Other then that it runs great.
Jacksonricher said:
For right now, tonight you need to take a couple deep relaxing breath's. Everything is racing in your head, write down in two c omuns, van/car then pro/con uner each of those and start writting. Get it out of your brain so you can relax and get some quality sleep.

Itsounfs like either way you will be broke soon. Call county for help, food banks etc.i would get the least expensive van buy selling your car. No car payment means no repo!
Your priority is what?

Others will chime in here and offer better stuff, just relax, you came to the right place.

I will do that! Thank you
I believe that the reason I think it's not possible in my car is that I dread even getting in my car to go to the store. In Tennessee it's very humid and the inside of the car is well over 100 so my mind just keeps screaming NOOO lol. You are right though I will have to make it work one way or the other.
I’m no mechanic but perhaps you might be able to get an AC unit from a junkyard?

You’ve got to get that shoulder fixed. It’s no overnight recovery for that surgery either.
Could you check into getting some kind of public assistance until you are recovered? Check for a help office in your area.

You are right - way freaking too hot in Tennessee
i have felt your pain, had a torn rotator cuff as well.  i wanted the surgery, i like to fix things and move on, but docs said no. in the end they were right. took about 18 months to heal, but it did. have talked to others who have had surgery, some good results, some not.  the PT exercises really helped, so stick with them. of course your tear may be worse than mine was, but listen to the docs (get an orthopedic surgeon to weigh in, not just a gp)

consider that if you don't have the surgery you will need to be careful with that shoulder for quite some time. how does that impact the best living space for you, car or van? ease of getting in/out of bed? set-up, if any, when you are parked?

breathe, hang in there and it will work out.
Are you locked into Tennessee? Because cars have another kind of "air conditioning." It's called "wheels." They take you somewhere else, where it's cooler and not so humid. Really. A friend told me this a few years ago, and at first I was annoyed because it sounded so smart-ass-y, but I really thought about it and got in my vehicle and left North Carolina, where it was just so humid. Now I'm traveling around the West, and when the weather is good, I stay put, and when it gets too hot or too cold, I migrate.

Whether you decide to get a van or stick with the car, getting out of the sticky heat might help your brain to work better. But one thing to consider is that you will need a "permanent" address for your new-to-you vehicle's title/plates. I'm just now having to deal with changing vehicles on the road and it ain't easy. If there's any way you can get into your van, even just the shell, while you have an apartment, that will take some stress off.

Hang in there, it WILL be better!

The Dire Wolfess
I definitely want to follow the cool weather and get out of Tennessee asap! Yes I agree getting a vehicle while still here would be ideal for tags and such. I have no family so not sure what I would do about a permanent address. Possibly a friend's address.
I was also fulltiming in a vehicle with broken AC,  I got the AC fixed by the fall though. I learned every trick to cool off without AC in the mean time. And I think your body adjusts and you get more flexible and tougher the more you live this lifestyle. 

If you are scheduled with Docs who want to treat you and healthcare coverage where you are, I would recommend working it out for a bit where you are.  It can be hard to get on someone's waiting list for medical care while you are travelling. 

Try doing some boondocking in the car in your home area to check out if that would work to stay there or not. I used a cut piece of plywood and 2X4 pieces for legs to build a bunk in my pickup. The back seat itself was just too uncomfortable, but the bunk was great to sleep in. I made the bunk higher for more storage underneath. Some taller people sleep diagonally somehow, so the plywood platform would be kind of L shape? If that front seat doesn't lay down, you just might have to remove it. 

You could try trading in your car on a van, but then you will have payments. 

What I would do ~ crofter
A van or SUV with enough flat space in back to sleep would be probably the best. Like others say check into financial assistance through disability, food banks or wherever. The cheapest route would be to buy a tent and some good camping gear like a cot and sleeping bag. A few people do live out of tents and it will buy you some time while you look for a van.
O.K., here is what I would do, but I'm not you.

First thing I did when I lost my job in 2008 was apply for food stamps, and I mean the FIRST thing when my feet hit the floor of my house on my last day of work. Then I called every social service place or charitable organization in the area and found out how to register, and what kinds of services they had. You can get covered for food, shelter (sometimes), transportation, utilities and more if you find out where it is and apply.

I would sell anything I had worth selling. You'd be shocked what people will pay for. If you lose your internet, use internet at the library or free wifi somewhere. Starbucks doesn't even make you buy anything to use theirs now.

I would watch that video, take out the front seat and live in that car. You can't keep the a/c on at night in the car anyway, and from what I remember of TN, it's pretty cool at night.

I would park at Wal-Mart or wherever I could stealth carmp, and stay inside buildings as much as possible during the day. Maybe you have friends that would let you park in their driveway, or check to see if local churches would let you park in their parking lots.

I had a torn rotator cuff once and had surgery. I was lucky to have worker's comp, but it didn't pay the bills. I also broke my wrist and had to work online typing with one hand, or typing with my cast on to make money. It was painful, and I wasn't able to work long enough or make enough to keep my apartment, but it was something.

Being in a car without air is much better than sleeping on the streets. If I had a spare room, and you could get to FL, I'd take you in, but right now, I have nowhere for anyone to sleep.

Good luck!
You guys are amazing! So many good ideas. I even considered pawning the title to my car because they will give me 2500 to 3000 for it. I did it before and they keep sending me mail trying to tempt me and using that money to buy a van. Then just dropping the car off to them lol. Then I thought better and remembered I promised I would never do that again. Takes a year plus to pay it back. I just need to be patient and stop overthinking out of desperation. I am so grateful for all the comments and I am listening to all of your advice.