What is weather in your area?

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Gotta love Texas' 80 degree days! personally I'd settle somewhere north, as I like moderate temps. This is gonna be one heck of a hot summer!
I'm in the Poconos in PA. After three days of rain, I woke up to a 40 degree sunny day. It got to the mid fifty's or so and I was even able to open a few windows. Yipeeeeee.
Florida - sunny, high 70s during the day, cools off nice at night.
I know most van dwellers avoid Florida because it's expensive but we've found some very good cheap and free places to stay. I've been thinking about doing a post about how to spend a month or two down here with spending a lot on campgrounds if anyone is interested. ??
S.W. PA. Started out 29* made it up to 70*. Warmest day so far. Yippee!!
in new york, we had a high of 58 today, warmest it's been so far. this winter is not letting go.

tonyandkaren, i'd definitely be interested in that. i'm pretty sure that's where i'm headed in a few days. mostly north and central FL.. i've lived in south FL already for a few years before, want to see the rest of it for a while. how are the walmarts in the northern area?
In Ohio, mid sixties today. TonyandKaren, would love to visit Florida if it would be more affordable. Would love to see your post on the spots to visit.
vanguy said:
tonyandkaren, i'd definitely be interested in that. how are the walmarts in the northern area?

van guy and jancoo- with Walmarts you should be okay if you stay in the rural areas in the center of the state. Forget about the coasts and around Disney. We did stay at a Walmart east of Jacksonville with no problems.

I posted more information on the Overnight Parking forum - Cheap and Free in Florida

Rain, rain, wind, rain...highs in the 40's, lows in the 30's. Mudslides here and there.
Central FL. Creeping into the 80's with 60's at night. Cold fronts, welcome always here, are only lasting a day now.
Rain 10 minutes, then sunshine 4 hours then rain another 10 minutes, however it's not heavy rain, but it's more than a drizzle.
Started off in a sweatshirt and ended up in a tank top. Absolutely gorgeous! Tomorrow it's supposed to be close to 80 degrees which is a bit too warm for me.
Cooper Landing, Alaska is reporting in at......42 degrees and windy!! Snowed a bit last night but I'm hoping spring is coming soon.

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