In a recent post bob said...
"My philosophy is you are a vandweller if you call yourself a vandweller because it is an attitude and not a choice of residence."
On another topic I was told by another forumdweller I would be a poor representitive of vandwellers because I didnt share the same values or attitudes that this person held...
ok... so what on gods (mostly) green earth is the vandweller additude? What are the commonly shared values of vandwellers? Is ther a personal code or ethos one must follow to be considered a "true" representitive of vandwellers? Or is this just some made up stuff to try and solidify a community of rabid individualists who really dont have much in common other than they dont live in houses or apartments?
"My philosophy is you are a vandweller if you call yourself a vandweller because it is an attitude and not a choice of residence."
On another topic I was told by another forumdweller I would be a poor representitive of vandwellers because I didnt share the same values or attitudes that this person held...
ok... so what on gods (mostly) green earth is the vandweller additude? What are the commonly shared values of vandwellers? Is ther a personal code or ethos one must follow to be considered a "true" representitive of vandwellers? Or is this just some made up stuff to try and solidify a community of rabid individualists who really dont have much in common other than they dont live in houses or apartments?