What is the most useful thing in your van?

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Well-known member
May 24, 2013
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Other than major things like a generator or something that the van came equipped with, what is the 1 most useful thing that you have with you?&nbsp;<br><br> Somewhat to my surprise it has been my table mate II&nbsp; http://www.amazon.com/Table-Mate-Ad...1752&amp;sr=8-6&amp;keywords=table+mate&nbsp; It will fold up and compact into the size of the table top portion, so I can store it in a narrow out of the way slot behind the drivers seat.&nbsp; It is height adjustable.&nbsp; I tend to leave it set up next to the couch/bed where I use it for everything and when I need to walk back to the bathroom/closet area I just swing the table top portion down and out of the way.&nbsp; I almost didn't bring it with me.&nbsp; Sure am glad that I did!
&nbsp;Me.. though my lying ex might say otherwise. ..Willy.
@Willy, I love it!<br><br>Me, I am a tent camper, with a soon to sell pop-up and going teardrop owner, I would say my truck.&nbsp; I think food, water and shelter as the most needed things and everything else is a luxury.&nbsp; My tools would be the biggest luxury I have.&nbsp; Barring nothing else.&nbsp; Everything has to pull double duty or it is gone for me.&nbsp; I have a 2'x4' folding table that is nice, but my cooler has four holders in it and makes a nice end table.&nbsp; If the folding table didn't serve as a fly tying bench, dining room table, work station, desk, etc. It would be donated tomorrow.&nbsp; A five gallon bucket is cheap and quite a luxury. <br><br>
That is really hard to say. <br><br>My bed frame Because it stays 16 inches off the floor for storage space and is quite strong. <br><br>Use it every day for 8+ hrs when camping in the van.<br><br>James AKA Lynx
I love that Table Mate (I have two of them, but ours had a different name and we got them from Walmart).&nbsp; <br><br>I also have thought we will be using those in our van and camping situations, its the perfect new T.V. tray that we all remember from years ago, only like you say that one is height adjustable, it packs up nice and small, and it can slide right up to you if the legs can fit under your chair/seat.<br><br>Not only that it can tilt for you, you can use it as a computer tray and tilt it for more comfort for your hands. <br><br>I bought them when I had my daycare and I set them really really low and let the kids use it as an easel for art work (I used clips to keep the paper in place, they used crayons).
Gasoline <img src="/images/boards/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle">
I know what I WILL bring with me no matter where/how I live... and that is my Vidalia Chop Wizard, gawd dang I LOVE THAT THING!!!! Just finished using it now to turn a huge onion into perfect little dices.&nbsp; Woulda taken me 3 hours to try to chop that much that by hand lol.
comfortable place to sit, now have swivel on passenger front seat. before that it was a collapsible bag chair that took up too much floor space, but was great seating.
Hmmmm. Pretty much impossible to list the one most important thing.&nbsp;If I had to, it's probably a comfy bed, otherwise the van&nbsp;would be&nbsp;nearly useless to me. <img class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/wink.gif"><br><br>After that, it's probably power. Then my electronics. Then my cooking stuff.
A shoe tree<br>I keep all my toiletries in it, along with art supplies, &amp; whatever else will fit.&nbsp; It hangs on the bathroom door &amp; doesn't take up much room at all, but saves me so much storage space!
the van itself!!<BR><BR><BR>we (my son &amp; I) started a list of all the wonderful and useful things a stepvan is good for...like:<BR><BR><EM><STRONG>#219.) Ambulance.</STRONG></EM><BR>I've done this myself taking my brother-in-law to the emergency room<BR><BR><EM><STRONG>#86.) Moving Van</STRONG></EM><BR>OK, so who hasn't used thier van for this???<BR><BR><EM><STRONG>#51.) Visual Aide</STRONG></EM><BR>Didja ever loose your stepvan in a crowded parking lot?? Nah, me either!!<BR><BR><EM><STRONG>#3.) Camper</STRONG></EM><BR>Kinda goes without saying, doesn't it??<BR><BR><STRONG><EM>#178.) Observation Deck.</EM></STRONG><BR>Wanna see what's goin' on over there??? ...Climb on up!!<BR><BR><BR>and <SPAN style="FONT-SIZE: medium"><STRONG><EM>#1.) More fun than 3 Volkswagons!!!</EM></STRONG></SPAN><BR><BR>"A small stepvan, I believe, is just about the handiest vehicle there is. We've had ours for nearly two years, and in that time it has probably paid for itself, been our transportation and home away from home, provided rides for thousands of hitch-hikers, and given us more fun than 3 Volkswagons."<BR><BR>An&nbsp;Awesome quote from the author Jodi Pallidini&nbsp;from her book "Roll Your Own"..........Truer words were never spoken!!! <BR><BR><BR>Please feel free to elaborate on this list yourselves.<BR><BR>Have a great week Y'all!! <IMG class="emoticon bbc_img" src="/images/boards/smilies/cool.gif"><BR><BR><BR>
Peace and Serenity!!! &nbsp; This whole concept has changed my life. &nbsp;I love the peace of having a Stealth Home thats mine. I decided to sell my home and looked at Sprinters,Busses,Garbage Trucks, you name it, I looked at it. The Step van was my decision due to square walls, R30 insulation all the way around with 6"7 celing, 4BT Cummings and Allison Tranny, and enough room to put a full shower,queen bed,1.4k solar,stealth A/C and small kitchen. I like that I make 20-25 mpg so I can afford to move around a bit. No matter what the Economy does I have a home and a highly secure van with 3 Circle locks and lots of renforcement!!! &nbsp;I have found the hardest thing for me was letting go of material objects. Lately I started sprouting green's and changing my diet. I am reading about hydroponics and will make something down the road that will work in the van. One more thing I like about the step van is I can be in it moving around with lights on and you wouldn't know i'm there, with a heavy duty suspension it doesn't move and the center door completely blocks light with rubber gaskets on both ends of door.&nbsp;
toss up between my bed &amp; my solar panel.

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